Stop Insulting God

That's the beauty of God NOT picking a religion - He/She/It can be anything that we need Her/Him/It to be for us as individuals.

Possibilities!! :beer:
A God who's a figment of my imagination is no use to me or anyone.

And both man and woman are created in God's image, both are expressions of who he is. Though usually refered to in masculine pronouns, God is in fact neither male nor female.

Or he's both.

Sure it is. It makes you feel special or better about yourself. And the ancient Greeks believed the gods made us in their image too. But no ugly or fat gods.

I'm sure Hephestus would be shocked at that
He or the poster may not of studied or even read the OT and NT, I wonder how many Muslims have not read the Bible, I have read most of the Quran and have to reread, but its obvious, a lot of their stuff is taken from the stories of the OT and they have Jesus and Mary, the stories have changed some, but still based on the same stories. One can't deny this. Many Jews and unorthodox Christians located to Mecca and Mecca was a major trading place so as the Quran is taken from "the people of the book" as the OT is taken from others.

you have never read either the old or new testaments or the Koran----Penelope. I have read all three. None of your comments make sense

Having them is not required. Anybody can read them without physically possessing them.

The Qur'an makes specific references to parts of both the old and new testament. That's impossible to honestly deny. But I agree that doesn't mean it involved any "copying."
That Muhammed (piss be upon him) borrowed heavily from Judaism and Christianity is an historical fact. Hell was a novel idea, more fully developed than the primitive Greek notions of afterlife torment in remuneration for an ill spent life. The pedophile prophet referenced Christian hell repeatedly, among other things.

Muhummad has no original ideas----- he had Arabian
depravity and he shoehorned the just the "story lines" of both the OT and the NT to fit into his depraved agenda
Just a 7th century Joseph Smith, except for the addition of war, killing, raping little girls, and commanding all his followers in every generation to do the same.

Mohammad saw Jesus Christ and went to his grave testifying that Jesus is the Son of God who rose from the grave?
Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

There is nothing wrong with believing to the point of arrogance that Sentience is special. It has value and it could be scarce.

A living thing that recognizes that it's a living thing can be educated.

Take the keys and fly, Monkeys. Just take the fucking keys.... So close.....
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.

Why is your belief any better than theirs? Christianity predates Islam by hundreds of years so technically yours is the "insulting" religion coming so long afterwards.

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

There is nothing wrong with believing to the point of arrogance that Sentience is special. It has value and it could be scarce.

A living thing that recognizes that it's a living thing can be educated.

Take the keys and fly, Monkeys. Just take the fucking keys.... So close.....
How about religious ppl who don't worry about man made global climate change or pollution because their holy book didn't mention it? They don't worry about it because they think the end will come when their lord decides. Meanwhile its actually in our control.
you have never read either the old or new testaments or the Koran----Penelope. I have read all three. None of your comments make sense

Having them is not required. Anybody can read them without physically possessing them.

The Qur'an makes specific references to parts of both the old and new testament. That's impossible to honestly deny. But I agree that doesn't mean it involved any "copying."
That Muhammed (piss be upon him) borrowed heavily from Judaism and Christianity is an historical fact. Hell was a novel idea, more fully developed than the primitive Greek notions of afterlife torment in remuneration for an ill spent life. The pedophile prophet referenced Christian hell repeatedly, among other things.

Muhummad has no original ideas----- he had Arabian
depravity and he shoehorned the just the "story lines" of both the OT and the NT to fit into his depraved agenda
Just a 7th century Joseph Smith, except for the addition of war, killing, raping little girls, and commanding all his followers in every generation to do the same.

Mohammad saw Jesus Christ and went to his grave testifying that Jesus is the Son of God who rose from the grave?
Muhammed (piss be upon him) invented a religion by borrowing heavily from a real religion, just like Joseph Smith. That's where the similarities end.
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.

Why is your belief any better than theirs? Christianity predates Islam by hundreds of years so technically yours is the "insulting" religion coming so long afterwards.

Do Mormons offend you? They should.
Having them is not required. Anybody can read them without physically possessing them.

The Qur'an makes specific references to parts of both the old and new testament. That's impossible to honestly deny. But I agree that doesn't mean it involved any "copying."
That Muhammed (piss be upon him) borrowed heavily from Judaism and Christianity is an historical fact. Hell was a novel idea, more fully developed than the primitive Greek notions of afterlife torment in remuneration for an ill spent life. The pedophile prophet referenced Christian hell repeatedly, among other things.

Muhummad has no original ideas----- he had Arabian
depravity and he shoehorned the just the "story lines" of both the OT and the NT to fit into his depraved agenda
Just a 7th century Joseph Smith, except for the addition of war, killing, raping little girls, and commanding all his followers in every generation to do the same.

Mohammad saw Jesus Christ and went to his grave testifying that Jesus is the Son of God who rose from the grave?
Muhammed (piss be upon him) invented a religion by borrowing heavily from a real religion, just like Joseph Smith. That's where the similarities end.
Christianity stole stories from the Greek gods Babylon Egyptian. What makes you believe your religion is real when the 999 before were all made up?
That Muhammed (piss be upon him) borrowed heavily from Judaism and Christianity is an historical fact. Hell was a novel idea, more fully developed than the primitive Greek notions of afterlife torment in remuneration for an ill spent life. The pedophile prophet referenced Christian hell repeatedly, among other things.

Muhummad has no original ideas----- he had Arabian
depravity and he shoehorned the just the "story lines" of both the OT and the NT to fit into his depraved agenda
Just a 7th century Joseph Smith, except for the addition of war, killing, raping little girls, and commanding all his followers in every generation to do the same.

Mohammad saw Jesus Christ and went to his grave testifying that Jesus is the Son of God who rose from the grave?
Muhammed (piss be upon him) invented a religion by borrowing heavily from a real religion, just like Joseph Smith. That's where the similarities end.
Christianity stole stories from the Greek gods Babylon Egyptian. What makes you believe your religion is real when the 999 before were all made up?
Did you forget what the thread topic was? You atheists need to stop pushing your agenda in every religious thread. I hope the mods are paying attention to this and start banning you assholes.
Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

There is nothing wrong with believing to the point of arrogance that Sentience is special. It has value and it could be scarce.

A living thing that recognizes that it's a living thing can be educated.

Take the keys and fly, Monkeys. Just take the fucking keys.... So close.....
Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

There is nothing wrong with believing to the point of arrogance that Sentience is special. It has value and it could be scarce.

A living thing that recognizes that it's a living thing can be educated.

Take the keys and fly, Monkeys. Just take the fucking keys.... So close.....
How about religious ppl who don't worry about man made global climate change or pollution because their holy book didn't mention it? They don't worry about it because they think the end will come when their lord decides. Meanwhile its actually in our control.

Provably untrue, but that's not the subject of the OP. Address the OP.
Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

There is nothing wrong with believing to the point of arrogance that Sentience is special. It has value and it could be scarce.

A living thing that recognizes that it's a living thing can be educated.

Take the keys and fly, Monkeys. Just take the fucking keys.... So close.....
How about religious ppl who don't worry about man made global climate change or pollution because their holy book didn't mention it? They don't worry about it because they think the end will come when their lord decides. Meanwhile its actually in our control.

That would be the embodiment of the irony in the theory that imaginary friends are neither harmful or helpful.

Monkeys is funny... Brilliantly independent yet totally relying on each other for survival.

I'll insult god as much as I please. If he wants to do something about it....Well, he can come on down.
I have this mental image of gawd as an angry mom: hands on hips, tapping foot on the floor, "don't make me come down there...."
That's the beauty of God NOT picking a religion - He/She/It can be anything that we need Her/Him/It to be for us as individuals.

Possibilities!! :beer:

In other words you've dreamt up a God who lies to those who seek knowledge, wisdom, and truth.

I'd rather believe Him as He is.

It is written:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1

The Word is God. Who is the Word?

It is written:
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.John testified about Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.
- John 1:14,15

Jesus Christ is the Word - Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ came in the form of a MAN not a WOMAN. Stop being meshugenah.

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