
Gold Member
Dec 26, 2012
President Obama said that the talks with Iran will lead to "a future in which we can verify that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and that it cannot build a nuclear weapon."

"Islamic law exists to serve the interests of the Muslim community and of Islam. [Therefore,] to save Muslim lives and for the sake of Islam's survival it is obligatory to lie, it is obligatory to drink wine* [if necessary]."
-- Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, July 31, 1981.

*Intoxicants are strictly prohibited in Islam.
There have been six UN Security Council resolutions under chapter VII of the UN Charter that called on Iran to supend its enrichment of uranium. In international law, Chapter VII resolutions are binding. The West tramples on United Nations statues if it allows Iran on a pathway to the bomb!
Geesh, how many decades will it take Iran to get the grade they need?? And delivery seems to be a problem for them also...
I hope Iran gets its nuclear power up and running and if I were them I'd get a nuke since Israel has them.
Russia is the ones help Iran develop a nuclear strategy and selling them the machinery to do the job....But the right in the US has a love affair with Pootin...Seems odd...That they would try to undermine Oblama while supporting the man that is undermining their efforts to ban the bomb in Iran...
Russia is the ones help Iran develop a nuclear strategy and selling them the machinery to do the job....But the right in the US has a love affair with Pootin...Seems odd...That they would try to undermine Oblama while supporting the man that is undermining their efforts to ban the bomb in Iran...

You forgot France and Switzerland
DPRK and Pakistan we trust with nuclear weapons but not Iran? Oookay.

Who says we trust any of them? How did that "Agreement" with n korea work out? And are the armies of those countries rolling across their respective regions the way iran's is?
DPRK and Pakistan we trust with nuclear weapons but not Iran? Oookay.
Does Pakistan supply weapons to designated terrorists groups ?

Do you ever think to google things before speaking?

"Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, only sponsors smallish terrorist groups supporting the Taliban or the fighters in Kashmir, neither of whom could serve their purpose by using a nuclear weapon."
Terrorists with nuclear weapons

"Numerous U.S. officials have also accused the ISI of supporting terrorist groups, even as the Pakistani government seeks increased aid from Washington with assurances of fighting militants. In a May 2009 interview with CBS' 60 Minutes, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said "to a certain extent, they play both sides." Gates and others suggest the ISI maintains links with groups like the Afghan Taliban as a "strategic hedge" to help Islamabad gain influence in Kabul once U.S. troops exit the region. These allegations surfaced yet again in July 2010 when made public (NYT) a trove of U.S. intelligence records on the war in Afghanistan. The documents described ISI's links to militant groups fighting U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan. In April 2011 during a visit to Pakistan, U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen pointed to ISI's links with one such group, the Haqqani network. The May 1, 2011, killing of America's most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani military town not far from Islamabad raised new questions over army and ISI support for the al-Qaeda leader and the legitimacy of their counterterrorism efforts. Pakistan's government has repeatedly denied allegations of supporting terrorism, citing as evidence its cooperation in the U.S.-led battle against extremists in which it has taken significant losses both politically and on the battlefield."
DPRK and Pakistan we trust with nuclear weapons but not Iran? Oookay.
Does Pakistan supply weapons to designated terrorists groups ?

Do you ever think to google things before speaking?

"Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, only sponsors smallish terrorist groups supporting the Taliban or the fighters in Kashmir, neither of whom could serve their purpose by using a nuclear weapon."
Terrorists with nuclear weapons

"Numerous U.S. officials have also accused the ISI of supporting terrorist groups, even as the Pakistani government seeks increased aid from Washington with assurances of fighting militants. In a May 2009 interview with CBS' 60 Minutes, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said "to a certain extent, they play both sides." Gates and others suggest the ISI maintains links with groups like the Afghan Taliban as a "strategic hedge" to help Islamabad gain influence in Kabul once U.S. troops exit the region. These allegations surfaced yet again in July 2010 when made public (NYT) a trove of U.S. intelligence records on the war in Afghanistan. The documents described ISI's links to militant groups fighting U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan. In April 2011 during a visit to Pakistan, U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen pointed to ISI's links with one such group, the Haqqani network. The May 1, 2011, killing of America's most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani military town not far from Islamabad raised new questions over army and ISI support for the al-Qaeda leader and the legitimacy of their counterterrorism efforts. Pakistan's government has repeatedly denied allegations of supporting terrorism, citing as evidence its cooperation in the U.S.-led battle against extremists in which it has taken significant losses both politically and on the battlefield."
Why would Pakistan support the Taliban ?
President Obama said that the talks with Iran will lead to "a future in which we can verify that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and that it cannot build a nuclear weapon."

"Islamic law exists to serve the interests of the Muslim community and of Islam. [Therefore,] to save Muslim lives and for the sake of Islam's survival it is obligatory to lie, it is obligatory to drink wine* [if necessary]."
-- Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, July 31, 1981.

*Intoxicants are strictly prohibited in Islam.







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President Obama said that the talks with Iran will lead to "a future in which we can verify that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and that it cannot build a nuclear weapon."

"Islamic law exists to serve the interests of the Muslim community and of Islam. [Therefore,] to save Muslim lives and for the sake of Islam's survival it is obligatory to lie, it is obligatory to drink wine* [if necessary]."
-- Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, July 31, 1981.

*Intoxicants are strictly prohibited in Islam.


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