Storm in California leaves over 330,000 without power, more rough weather ahead I love it.

You have a point there, but the libs laughed when Florida, Texas and other conservative jurisdictions had crazy weather, that they were being condemned by Almighty God or something.

Although in this situation, California actually does need the rain and this drizzle has really put the kibosh on all of their wild fires they were whining about out there.
You would think they would be grateful for the rain just to wash the shit/urine from the sidewalks.

I mean it's like it's something new to them that when they are lucky enough to get some rain there is the attendant mudslides and such that go along with it.....Nothing new under the CA sun at all.

That said, I wish Bugs would get busy. ;)

LOL. You might not want to get too high and mighty about California. Because the last time they had a little ice down in Texas, 3/4 of the state lost power for over a week and red staters lost their minds. :)
it was more than just a little ice. It was extended historical record cold. If the same thing had happen in California then the whole state would have been a disaster.

Just think, California's biggest power plant is the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant that produces 20 Gigawatts of electricity. To charge up the 5% of vehicles in the state that are EVs it takes 19 Gigawatts. For every 5% more EVs (which is mandated by the state) it will take another Diablo Canyon level power producer.

Those ridiculously inefficient, very costly and unreliable solar arrays as also mandated by the state are not going to produce jackshit. Certainly not close to 20 Gigawatts just to add another 5% EVs.
Never forget that California is a huge and DIVERSE state. It seems to me that the parts of California that are getting blasted now are not the parts that one would want to get blasted - SilValley, San Fran, etc. - but the parts where ordinary Americans live.
You have a point there, but the libs laughed when Florida, Texas and other conservative jurisdictions had crazy weather, that they were being condemned by Almighty God or something.

Although in this situation, California actually does need the rain and this drizzle has really put the kibosh on all of their wild fires they were whining about out there.

My sentiment goes both ways, always has.
They are Commie Californians. Queers, Transsexuals, welfare Negros, Illegals, Hollywood Libtards and bat shit crazy Moon Bats. They elected shitheads like Nancy Pelosi to represent them as an example. They deserve ridicule.

There is a difference between ridicule and wishing destruction and death upon others.
You have a point there, but the libs laughed when Florida, Texas and other conservative jurisdictions had crazy weather, that they were being condemned by Almighty God or something.

No, that was Pat Robertson doing that.
Where have you been? Political parties do this all the time.

And look where that has gotten us...

Furthermore, it doesn't make it right, and it shouldn't make it acceptable. It just makes it ugly, pathetic, and sad.
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You would think they would be grateful for the rain just to wash the shit/urine from the sidewalks.

I mean it's like it's something new to them that when they are lucky enough to get some rain there is the attendant mudslides and such that go along with it.....Nothing new under the CA sun at all.

That said, I wish Bugs would get busy. ;)

And you're a Viginia hick. What do you know outside your shithole?
But the idiots deserve it!

Nobody deserves it. Do the people you agree with in Florida, Texas, South Carolina, and other vulnerable states deserve the destruction incurred during a hurricane? Tornadoes? Other natural disasters? You're talking about human beings and, whether you agree with them or not, fellow citizens.
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Torrential downpours and damaging winds left hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses without power in California early on Sunday as the area braced for the next onslaught of severe weather.

Great news, maybe California will crack off and float away, greenie bastards. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
My best friend lives in Sacramento. New Years Eve the power was out, it was raining with 60-70 mph wind. The tree in his backyard uprooted and fell on his roof. It went all the way through into his sons bedroom, who by the way, has special needs.
Since there were over 100 trees down that night it took till last Thursday to get an available crane to lift it off the house so the hole could be covered. His family has no electricity at this moment, along with many others which I'm sure are worse off.
You may think California is some bad, bad place, but it has many good people that could give a rats ass what you say or think.
Nobody deserves it. Do the people you agree with in Florida, Texas, South Carolina, and other vulnerable states deserve the destruction incurred during a hurricane? Tornadoes? Other natural disasters? You're talking about human beings, and whether you agree with them or not, fellow citizens.

Actually I do.

I am mutli generational Floridian. I know the risk of living in Florida. Every once in awhile a hurricane will blow through. Sometimes a rainy season massive thunderstorm will do some damage. I purposely don't live in a flood zone. I am prepared on a personal level to deal with anything short of catastrophic. I have a supply of water, food, a generator, fuel and propane to last at least a month. I've experienced six hurricanes in the last 20 years and got by fine.

I don't feel sorry for these obnoxious Yankee assholes from "upnorth" that move here and live to a flood zone and don't adequately prepare for a hurricane and then expect somebody else to take care of them.

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