Stossel's rage against power chair users.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


Stossel believe people don’t need a power chair at all when they can use a cheaper scooter. Stossel is just another piss ass fool who don’t know what a person have to go through to get either. First all one just don’t go into at Scooter store and tells the sale clerk “I want a power chair because Medicare will pay for it.” Your doctor have to write a prescriptions for either a scooter or power chair ( which ever is suitable for patient) and submit it to Medicare for approval and with a legitimate reason why patient needs it.
I have MS and was given a power chair before my diagnose and as my MS progressed, I needed a more suitable power chair as I needed one to last 24-7 and my doctor saw the need and Medicare would not approve a more suitable one. So I ended up having to stop anything I was doing and charge it two or three times a day which left me immobile. One reason I a was assigned a power chair is because I am not able to walk at all and live in an apartment and there is no way in hell I could maneuver a scooter in an apartment or on a city bus.
Most of all a power chair makes me totally independent with no other Government assistance. Without the power chair I would need 24-7 nursing care in a facility paid by the Government.
So Stossel, you piss ass fool don’t judge me whether I need a scooter or power chair until you have walked in my shoes.
Piss ass fools like Stossel hate Obama so much that they are willing to attack the disabled being helped by the government. They would attack babies if it made Obama look bad. I figure I have paid into the system and Medicare and my power chair is not a freebie.
It is free if Medicare does not approve it at the Scooter Store, Dumb ass fool.
[ame=]Glenn Beck, John Stossel and a Scooter - YouTube[/ame]
Government Healthcare Gone Wrong (Tonight at 10PM on FBN) - Stossel's Take Blog - Fox Business
It seems you have a legitimate need, but what people bitch about are people like this

that with some effort and responsibility on their part, could easily do without. Obesity is not a disability. It is a lifestyle choice of lazy people.
I need...

I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?
I need...

I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?

what are you doing without? let's hear about it....

i love rightwingnut toons....
I need...

I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?

I need a 2012 Harley Davidson Electraglide Ultra Classic Limited. If I promise to vote Democratic, could you throw in a side car?

I need...

I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?

what are you doing without? let's hear about it....

i love rightwingnut toons....

and we love you cow shitters right back and in equal measure.. turd for turd.
I need...

I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?

I need a 2012 Harley Davidson Electraglide Ultra Classic Limited. If I promise to vote Democratic, could you throw in a side car?


now that be a Power Scooter. :eusa_angel:
I need...

I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?

what are you doing without? let's hear about it....

i love rightwingnut toons....

Whatever my needs, I pay for them myself or go without. You?
I need...

I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?
what are you doing without? let's hear about it....
i love rightwingnut toons....
Who says you need to "do without"? Oh yeah, Michelle Obama does. Right before she and her hubby jet off to a "vay cay" in Hawaii.
i love leftwingnut toons....
I see that a lot in your posts. YOU need. Tell us, what the fuck makes you think that YOUR needs are automatically someone else's burden? There are plenty of things I need...I just don't ask someone else to pay for them. What makes you special?
what are you doing without? let's hear about it....
i love rightwingnut toons....
Who says you need to "do without"? Oh yeah, Michelle Obama does. Right before she and her hubby jet off to a "vay cay" in Hawaii.
i love leftwingnut toons....

Hawaii is a state, has been for some time

What is the difference between spending your Christmas break in Hawaii vs spending it in your private compound in Crawford or Kennebunkport?


Stossel believe people don’t need a power chair at all when they can use a cheaper scooter. Stossel is just another piss ass fool who don’t know what a person have to go through to get either. First all one just don’t go into at Scooter store and tells the sale clerk “I want a power chair because Medicare will pay for it.” Your doctor have to write a prescriptions for either a scooter or power chair ( which ever is suitable for patient) and submit it to Medicare for approval and with a legitimate reason why patient needs it.
I have MS and was given a power chair before my diagnose and as my MS progressed, I needed a more suitable power chair as I needed one to last 24-7 and my doctor saw the need and Medicare would not approve a more suitable one. So I ended up having to stop anything I was doing and charge it two or three times a day which left me immobile. One reason I a was assigned a power chair is because I am not able to walk at all and live in an apartment and there is no way in hell I could maneuver a scooter in an apartment or on a city bus.
Most of all a power chair makes me totally independent with no other Government assistance. Without the power chair I would need 24-7 nursing care in a facility paid by the Government.
So Stossel, you piss ass fool don’t judge me whether I need a scooter or power chair until you have walked in my shoes.
Piss ass fools like Stossel hate Obama so much that they are willing to attack the disabled being helped by the government. They would attack babies if it made Obama look bad. I figure I have paid into the system and Medicare and my power chair is not a freebie.
It is free if Medicare does not approve it at the Scooter Store, Dumb ass fool.
Glenn Beck, John Stossel and a Scooter - YouTube
Government Healthcare Gone Wrong (Tonight at 10PM on FBN) - Stossel's Take Blog - Fox Business

Quit your bitchin. You dont pay the taxes. Be grateful that you live in a nation that doesnt just let you die. Its legal plunder of the masses into a crony's pocket and nothing more.

We even pay for sex toys for people. Penile Pumps are Covered by Medicare for Male Impotence (Advanced Diabetes Supply)

Enough is enough. You are not equal. You are disabled. You cannot contribute like hard working people can. You do not deserve the fruits of our labor. Stop being so selfish and instead open a thread thanking all of us that work and pay taxes for your life.
It seems you have a legitimate need, but what people bitch about are people like this

that with some effort and responsibility on their part, could easily do without. Obesity is not a disability. It is a lifestyle choice of lazy people.

The best way to prevent that is for parents to use their brains and get rid of THIS!


God gave kids two legs and an abundance of energy. Pedaling themselves around builds muscle, stamina and coordination. And if a tricycle or Big Wheels doesn't have a motor sound, God gave kids a mouth and an imagination...brummmm!

Stop teaching atrophy!
It seems you have a legitimate need, but what people bitch about are people like this

that with some effort and responsibility on their part, could easily do without. Obesity is not a disability. It is a lifestyle choice of lazy people.

Fat people should be confined to bed where they belong. It serves them right and we don't want to see them in public anyway
what are you doing without? let's hear about it....
i love rightwingnut toons....
Who says you need to "do without"? Oh yeah, Michelle Obama does. Right before she and her hubby jet off to a "vay cay" in Hawaii.
i love leftwingnut toons....

Hawaii is a state, has been for some time

What is the difference between spending your Christmas break in Hawaii vs spending it in your private compound in Crawford or Kennebunkport?

Or Santa Barbara almost every other weekend.
I would much rather buy a few million power chairs than one days worth munitions used in overthrowing The despised/dead leader of a small North African nation.

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