Strangled With Red Tape

Once again, PC has failed her OP.

There is no totalitarian government and little if any chance of it.
Once again, PC has failed her OP.

There is no totalitarian government and little if any chance of it.

I know you're a liar....hence, 'fakey,'....but you are a fool as well.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, as the American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism"
Now...let's see why the Progressive idea of an administrative state run by beneficent 'experts' is as bogus as most of the rest of what they believe....

7. understand the excesses of these insane, run-away agencies that harass American citizens and need to understand the method to their madness...or, actually, simply their madness.

In his 1993 book "Breaking the Vicious Circle," Stephen Breyer, a Clinton appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, recounted how cleanup efforts demanded by the EPA 'experts' of Ottati and Goss, by design, achieve very little:

" How much extra safety did this $9.3 million buy? The forty-thousand-page record of this ten-year effort indicated (and all the parties seemed to agree) that, without the extra expenditure, the waste dump was clean enough for children playing on the site to eat small amounts of dirt daily for 70 days each year without significant harm.

Burning the soil would have made it clean enough for the children to eat small amounts daily for 245 days per year without significant harm.

But there were no dirt-eating children playing in the area, for it was a swamp. Nor were dirt-eating children likely to appear there, for future building seemed unlikely."

Get that????

This totalist government put a company out of business based on a non-existent threat.

They simply made any such need up!!!

The above is a microcosm of the destruction of freedom and liberty by the metastasizing of the change in America from the Founders' view, to that of Progressives.

Well-meaning, but officious bureaucrats....the spawn of big Progressive government couldn't care less about the damage they do.

For Progressives/Liberals, citizens will follow the dictates of government......or else.
OP has yet to show American is a totalitarian state or about to become one.
OP has yet to show American is a totalitarian state or about to become one.

Imagine, if you actually had an education!

1. The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

a. Cultural totalitarianism is rule by the individual freed from all external authority or constraints, morality fully privatized with Judeo-Christian traditions under attack.

b. Moral and cultural relativism are predominant; no lifestyle is better than any other.

c. Paradoxically, relativist doctrine becomes absolutely unassailable: it brooks no challenges or deviations.

2. “Totalitarian democracy” preaches absolute truth and a messianic vision of a “pre-ordained, harmonious and perfect scheme of things, to which men are irresistibly driven, and at which they are bound to arrive”; its politics is but one aspect of an all-embracing philosophy. Both “liberal” and “totalitarian” democracy affirm the value of liberty; but for the first, liberty means individual spontaneity, for the second, reconciliation to an absolute, collective purpose—a kind of self-willed slavery.

in fact.
Both versions of “democracy” arose in the thinking of the 18th-century philosophes, but “liberal democracy” retreated before the bloody attempt to establish the City of God on earth and took refuge in the matter-of-factness of Anglo-American practice, while “totalitarian democracy” culminated eventually in Stalinism."
None of which shows that America is a totalitarian state or in fact about to become one.

PoliticalChic in fact wants a religious totalitarian state run according to her religious beliefs. She won't deny it.
None of which shows that America is a totalitarian state or in fact about to become one.

PoliticalChic in fact wants a religious totalitarian state run according to her religious beliefs. She won't deny it.

So.....what, exactly are my 'religious beliefs' that I'd like as guidance for the nation?

Feel free to quote any of my numerous post..... other words, don't resort to your usual lying.
Here is the truth: "None of which shows that America is a totalitarian state or in fact about to become one." She could not refute it. And she did not deny her desire for a Christian dictatorship. :lol:

Maybe we should called her Winthrop.
Here is the truth: "None of which shows that America is a totalitarian state or in fact about to become one." She could not refute it. And she did not deny her desire for a Christian dictatorship. :lol:

Maybe we should called her Winthrop.

How about you put your dinaro where you put your dinner, old timer...
You said "PoliticalChic in fact wants a religious totalitarian state run according to her religious beliefs."

So.....what, exactly are my 'religious beliefs' that I'd like as guidance for the nation?

Feel free to quote any of my numerous post..... other words, don't resort to your usual lying.
Not only do Progressives/Liberals/Democrats attribute undeserved accomplishments, qualities, and characteristics to their favs,,...recall how Libs referred to Obama as 'savior,' 'messiah,' and 'Jesus'....and now pretend they didn't......

...but they do the same with bureaucrats, Leftist academics (just say 'studies show' and watch 'em bow), and agency pencil-pushers.

Like those 'experts' at the EPA....

6. After the cleanup, and collection, reimbursement by the company, the EPA decided further cleanup was needed and required the company to incinerate the dirt to remove "a small residual amount of diluted PCBs," and gasoline at a cost of $9.3 million.

a. Ottati and Goss hired labs, reported that the cleanup had been adequate, and the EPA took them to court. Five years of litigation, and the US District Court of New Hampshire ruled in O and G's favor!

b. Totalist government, having unlimited funds and lawyers, the EPA appealed to the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

Another five years of litigation...and on April 4, 1990, the First Circuit affirmed the district court's, ruling: so Ottati and Goss won....sort of.

Ottati and Goss won the case.....but the company was financially ruined as it turns out...for no good reason.

Read the basis for the EPA 'expert's' follow.

special pleading much?

Here is the Cause for complaint:

The 35-acre Ottati & Goss/Kingston Steel Drum site contains a 1-acre parcel in the southwestern portion that was leased and known as the Ottati & Goss (O&G) area and a 6-acre Great Lakes Container Corporation (GLCC) area consisting of a rectangular parcel bordered on the east by Route 125. From the late 1950s through 1967, Conway Barrel & Drum Company (CBD) owned the site and performed drum reconditioning operations on the parcel of land later owned by the Great Lakes Container Corporation. The reconditioning operations included caustic rinsing of drums and disposal of the rinse water in a dry well near South Brook. Kingston Steel Drum, the operator of the facility since 1967, continued the same operations as GLCC through 1973. South Brook and Country Pond became polluted, so CBD established leaching pits in an area removed from South Brook. The New Hampshire's Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission reported on-site runoff and seepage from the leaching pits draining into South Brook and eventually into Country Pond, where fish kills occurred. In addition, vegetation along South Brook died and swimmers experienced skin irritations. In 1973, International Mineral & Chemical Corporation (IMC) purchased the drum and reconditioning plant and operated it until 1976. In 1978, heavy sludges from the wash tank and from drains, as well as residues from incinerator operations, were brought to the O&G site for processing. After O&G operations ceased in 1979, the New Hampshire Bureau of Solid Waste Management ordered the owners and operators not to restart operations and to remove approximately 4,400 drums that were at various stages of deterioration and were spilling organic compounds onto the ground. Approximately 450 people live within a 1-mile radius of the site. Most of these residents rely on bedrock wells for their water supply. An estimated 4,500 people live within 3 miles of the site. A marshy area lies downgradient of the site. The Powwow River and Country Pond, which are located nearby, are used for swimming and fishing.

EPA added the site to the National Priorities List in 1983. Initial actions taken at the site included the removal of approximately 12,800 tons of soil, drums and metals; 101,700 tons of flammable sludge; and 6,000 gallons of flammable liquid. Long-term cleanup activities have included building demolition; removal of above-ground and underground storage tanks; the excavation and on-site treatment of approximately 72,000 tons of PCB and VOC-contaminated soils; and the excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 9,500 tons of wetland sediment. The cleanup of ground water to drinking water quality is being achieved through in-situ chemical oxidation. The removal of contaminated soils, building and sediments has reduced the potential for exposure to contamination. These completed actions and other site cleanup activities continue to reduce site contamination levels, making the site safer while the ground water cleanup occurs.-Source: Ottati and Goss Great Lakes Container Corp. Implementation of the Recovery Act US EPA
Not only do Progressives/Liberals/Democrats attribute undeserved accomplishments, qualities, and characteristics to their favs,,...recall how Libs referred to Obama as 'savior,' 'messiah,' and 'Jesus'....and now pretend they didn't......

...but they do the same with bureaucrats, Leftist academics (just say 'studies show' and watch 'em bow), and agency pencil-pushers.

Like those 'experts' at the EPA....

6. After the cleanup, and collection, reimbursement by the company, the EPA decided further cleanup was needed and required the company to incinerate the dirt to remove "a small residual amount of diluted PCBs," and gasoline at a cost of $9.3 million.

a. Ottati and Goss hired labs, reported that the cleanup had been adequate, and the EPA took them to court. Five years of litigation, and the US District Court of New Hampshire ruled in O and G's favor!

b. Totalist government, having unlimited funds and lawyers, the EPA appealed to the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

Another five years of litigation...and on April 4, 1990, the First Circuit affirmed the district court's, ruling: so Ottati and Goss won....sort of.

Ottati and Goss won the case.....but the company was financially ruined as it turns out...for no good reason.

Read the basis for the EPA 'expert's' follow.

special pleading much?

Here is the Cause for complaint:

The 35-acre Ottati & Goss/Kingston Steel Drum site contains a 1-acre parcel in the southwestern portion that was leased and known as the Ottati & Goss (O&G) area and a 6-acre Great Lakes Container Corporation (GLCC) area consisting of a rectangular parcel bordered on the east by Route 125. From the late 1950s through 1967, Conway Barrel & Drum Company (CBD) owned the site and performed drum reconditioning operations on the parcel of land later owned by the Great Lakes Container Corporation. The reconditioning operations included caustic rinsing of drums and disposal of the rinse water in a dry well near South Brook. Kingston Steel Drum, the operator of the facility since 1967, continued the same operations as GLCC through 1973. South Brook and Country Pond became polluted, so CBD established leaching pits in an area removed from South Brook. The New Hampshire's Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission reported on-site runoff and seepage from the leaching pits draining into South Brook and eventually into Country Pond, where fish kills occurred. In addition, vegetation along South Brook died and swimmers experienced skin irritations. In 1973, International Mineral & Chemical Corporation (IMC) purchased the drum and reconditioning plant and operated it until 1976. In 1978, heavy sludges from the wash tank and from drains, as well as residues from incinerator operations, were brought to the O&G site for processing. After O&G operations ceased in 1979, the New Hampshire Bureau of Solid Waste Management ordered the owners and operators not to restart operations and to remove approximately 4,400 drums that were at various stages of deterioration and were spilling organic compounds onto the ground. Approximately 450 people live within a 1-mile radius of the site. Most of these residents rely on bedrock wells for their water supply. An estimated 4,500 people live within 3 miles of the site. A marshy area lies downgradient of the site. The Powwow River and Country Pond, which are located nearby, are used for swimming and fishing.

EPA added the site to the National Priorities List in 1983. Initial actions taken at the site included the removal of approximately 12,800 tons of soil, drums and metals; 101,700 tons of flammable sludge; and 6,000 gallons of flammable liquid. Long-term cleanup activities have included building demolition; removal of above-ground and underground storage tanks; the excavation and on-site treatment of approximately 72,000 tons of PCB and VOC-contaminated soils; and the excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 9,500 tons of wetland sediment. The cleanup of ground water to drinking water quality is being achieved through in-situ chemical oxidation. The removal of contaminated soils, building and sediments has reduced the potential for exposure to contamination. These completed actions and other site cleanup activities continue to reduce site contamination levels, making the site safer while the ground water cleanup occurs.-Source: Ottati and Goss Great Lakes Container Corp. Implementation of the Recovery Act US EPA

You moron.....I just posted the reason the court found against the EPA.

Here it is again:

In his 1993 book "Breaking the Vicious Circle," Stephen Breyer, a Clinton appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, recounted how cleanup efforts demanded by the EPA 'experts' of Ottati and Goss, by design, achieve very little:

" How much extra safety did this $9.3 million buy? The forty-thousand-page record of thisten-year effort indicated (and all the parties seemed to agree) that, without the extra expenditure, the waste dump was clean enough for children playing on the site to eat small amounts of dirt daily for 70 days each year without significant harm.

Burning the soil would have made it clean enough for the children to eat small amounts daily for 245 days per year without significant harm.

But there were no dirt-eating children playing in the area, for it was a swamp. Nor were dirt-eating children likely to appear there, for future building seemed unlikely."

Imbeciles like you simply bend over when big government tells you to.

Seems brains and backbone are simply optional for folks like you, huh?
Winthrop has not denied that she wants a Christian national state.

That is all the proof that is needed.

How about you put your dinaro where you put your dinner, old timer...
You said "PoliticalChic in fact wants a religious totalitarian state run according to her religious beliefs."

So.....what, exactly are my 'religious beliefs' that I'd like as guidance for the nation?

Feel free to quote any of my numerous post..... other words, don't resort to your usual lying.

You couldn't back it up!!

"That is all the proof that is needed."

Fakey......defeated once again!
Winthrop won't deny that she wants a Christian national state.

That is all the proof that is needed.

Her immoral and unAmerican stubbornness grows with every new thread she posts.
Winthrop won't deny that she wants a Christian national state.

That is all the proof that is needed.

Her immoral and unAmerican stubbornness grows with every new thread she posts.

I made ya' eat your words, huh, fakey?

It was fun.
Winthrop won't deny that she wants a Christian national state.

That is all the proof that is needed.

Her immoral and unAmerican stubbornness grows with every new thread she posts.
I made ya' eat your words, huh, fakey? It was fun.
You can keep running, but you have already been caught, so you are running in a circle.:lol:

Answer the question, Winthrop. You support a Christian national state with the Bible instead of the Constitution as the law.
The problem is the vast majority of us companies would like zero regulations. To some Americans who I would not ever lend a hand to even if they were desperate, some pollution of water is ok. Like Exxon, who should have been shut down for a long time. aND BP, who willingly knew that their well was bad news but got away with it anyhow and now they claim the gulf is clean... pure bs. They should have been fined ALOT more in my mind but hey its all for tbuck which many ill begotten not fellow Americans they side with BP. They got away with murder...a capital offense.
The fact is the OP is wrong: America is not totalitarian and will not be.

PoliticalChic's goal is Christian Dominion.

Definitions description of Christian Reconstructionism etc.

Dominionism & Dominion Theology are is partly based on Genesis 1:26 of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament): "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground'."(NIV)

Most Christians interpret this verse as meaning that God gave mankind dominion over the animal kingdom. Dominion theologians believe that that this verse commands Christians to bring all governments, societies, and cultures worldwide, under the rule of the Word of the Judeo-Christian God as they interpret it to be.
As a Christian (lifelong) I can say there is no attack on my religion. Second, while we have dominion over the animals and such we have no right to pollute and make people sick for the sake of the ill begotten, sleezeball, disgusting dollar. If you can't play by the rules, please take your jobs over to china where they hate life and the people. We frankly don't want your jobs or your business here. Over there you don't have to pay your workers at all and are able to spew as much toxins in the air as you want. I encourage more businesses to move over there if they don't like it here. I will cheer for it.
Not only do Progressives/Liberals/Democrats attribute undeserved accomplishments, qualities, and characteristics to their favs,,...recall how Libs referred to Obama as 'savior,' 'messiah,' and 'Jesus'....and now pretend they didn't......

...but they do the same with bureaucrats, Leftist academics (just say 'studies show' and watch 'em bow), and agency pencil-pushers.

Like those 'experts' at the EPA....

6. After the cleanup, and collection, reimbursement by the company, the EPA decided further cleanup was needed and required the company to incinerate the dirt to remove "a small residual amount of diluted PCBs," and gasoline at a cost of $9.3 million.

a. Ottati and Goss hired labs, reported that the cleanup had been adequate, and the EPA took them to court. Five years of litigation, and the US District Court of New Hampshire ruled in O and G's favor!

b. Totalist government, having unlimited funds and lawyers, the EPA appealed to the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

Another five years of litigation...and on April 4, 1990, the First Circuit affirmed the district court's, ruling: so Ottati and Goss won....sort of.

Ottati and Goss won the case.....but the company was financially ruined as it turns out...for no good reason.

Read the basis for the EPA 'expert's' follow.

special pleading much?

Here is the Cause for complaint:

The 35-acre Ottati & Goss/Kingston Steel Drum site contains a 1-acre parcel in the southwestern portion that was leased and known as the Ottati & Goss (O&G) area and a 6-acre Great Lakes Container Corporation (GLCC) area consisting of a rectangular parcel bordered on the east by Route 125. From the late 1950s through 1967, Conway Barrel & Drum Company (CBD) owned the site and performed drum reconditioning operations on the parcel of land later owned by the Great Lakes Container Corporation. The reconditioning operations included caustic rinsing of drums and disposal of the rinse water in a dry well near South Brook. Kingston Steel Drum, the operator of the facility since 1967, continued the same operations as GLCC through 1973. South Brook and Country Pond became polluted, so CBD established leaching pits in an area removed from South Brook. The New Hampshire's Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission reported on-site runoff and seepage from the leaching pits draining into South Brook and eventually into Country Pond, where fish kills occurred. In addition, vegetation along South Brook died and swimmers experienced skin irritations. In 1973, International Mineral & Chemical Corporation (IMC) purchased the drum and reconditioning plant and operated it until 1976. In 1978, heavy sludges from the wash tank and from drains, as well as residues from incinerator operations, were brought to the O&G site for processing. After O&G operations ceased in 1979, the New Hampshire Bureau of Solid Waste Management ordered the owners and operators not to restart operations and to remove approximately 4,400 drums that were at various stages of deterioration and were spilling organic compounds onto the ground. Approximately 450 people live within a 1-mile radius of the site. Most of these residents rely on bedrock wells for their water supply. An estimated 4,500 people live within 3 miles of the site. A marshy area lies downgradient of the site. The Powwow River and Country Pond, which are located nearby, are used for swimming and fishing.

EPA added the site to the National Priorities List in 1983. Initial actions taken at the site included the removal of approximately 12,800 tons of soil, drums and metals; 101,700 tons of flammable sludge; and 6,000 gallons of flammable liquid. Long-term cleanup activities have included building demolition; removal of above-ground and underground storage tanks; the excavation and on-site treatment of approximately 72,000 tons of PCB and VOC-contaminated soils; and the excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 9,500 tons of wetland sediment. The cleanup of ground water to drinking water quality is being achieved through in-situ chemical oxidation. The removal of contaminated soils, building and sediments has reduced the potential for exposure to contamination. These completed actions and other site cleanup activities continue to reduce site contamination levels, making the site safer while the ground water cleanup occurs.-Source: Ottati and Goss Great Lakes Container Corp. Implementation of the Recovery Act US EPA

You moron.....I just posted the reason the court found against the EPA.

Here it is again:

In his 1993 book "Breaking the Vicious Circle," Stephen Breyer, a Clinton appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, recounted how cleanup efforts demanded by the EPA 'experts' of Ottati and Goss, by design, achieve very little:

" How much extra safety did this $9.3 million buy? The forty-thousand-page record of thisten-year effort indicated (and all the parties seemed to agree) that, without the extra expenditure, the waste dump was clean enough for children playing on the site to eat small amounts of dirt daily for 70 days each year without significant harm.

Burning the soil would have made it clean enough for the children to eat small amounts daily for 245 days per year without significant harm.

But there were no dirt-eating children playing in the area, for it was a swamp. Nor were dirt-eating children likely to appear there, for future building seemed unlikely."

Imbeciles like you simply bend over when big government tells you to.

Seems brains and backbone are simply optional for folks like you, huh?
Not as often as free chics on the right after they find out the last one prefers to rent strippers if he is going to get lousy customer service for free.

Here is the chief complaint, that the Right has no problem whatsoever, glossing over:

The New Hampshire's Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission reported on-site runoff and seepage from the leaching pits draining into South Brook and eventually into Country Pond, where fish kills occurred. In addition, vegetation along South Brook died and swimmers experienced skin irritations.

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