Strip Clubs

Yup and there are plenty of women out there who do just what your friends wife did.
My ex-wife could make $1,000 a night on a weekend at the titty bar. The pile of money, drugs, an occasional motel room key and other assorted odd items she'd get for tips would make a pile on the table that would choke a horse. She even came home one night with a Krugerrand, a one ounce African gold coin. I was a Staff Sargent in the AF and she danced, we were living large. Paid half down on a brand new home in Tampa.

Man a $1000 a night? I have to say I would have no problem with my wife stripping for that kind of cash if I had one, especially now in this shitty economy. When I was a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force my ex wife just sat on her fat ass and played on the computer all day.:mad:
Man... I'm really sorry about that bro... mine tried that too after she quit dancing and then couldn't hang on to a job. Big reason why she's now my ex. She was a smokin' hot red head when she was dancing getting all that exercise. When the dancing stopped and she parked on her ass, she started getting fat.

But sometimes she'd bring home even more than that when she was dancing. She brought home almost $1,200 in one night once. That was back in '85.
2 stories...

First my sister was a stripper in her younger days. Back in the 70's and 80's she took in anywhere from $300 to $600 a night. And her husband was the big 220 lb Puerto Rican Bouncer at the door.

But from 91 through most of 93 I received new students at Ft Gordon Ga every Monday. It took me 2 hours to process them into the company. When the paperwork was all done I would send the females in the new class out to the company street to meet their new Drill Sergeants. The young men I had a few words of advice for.

It went something like this:

"There are a lot of strip clubs down on Broad street. They won't check your ID to see if you are 21 in most cases. Unless you act like an idiot. But let me tell you about these clubs. If you decide to go into Augusta, after your initial 2 weeks with us, and if you go into any of these clubs, I can promise you that you will return to Ft Gordon that night with 2 things.

An empty wallet.

And a hard dick.

Hit the street your Drill sergeants are waiting for you."
I know exactly which ones you are talking about, although I'm sure they have changed ownership/names a few times. I go to Augusta a few times a year to visit relatives and always head downtown to check out the pawn shops and music stores, which are in the same area. Augusta is an interesting city. Couldn't ever see myself living there - way too Southern Baptist for me.
Then there's one in Vegas where my two buddies were kicked out. I grudgingly followed them to the taxi.

If you haven't been to the "world famous" Palomino Club in Vegas, then you haven't been to the best strip club there. It's the only one in Vegas that's full nude that serves liquor.

I lived in Las Vegas for four years, 1980-1984. I was stationed at Nellis AFB, and yes, young, single G.I.'s have been known to frequent a strip club or two.

NY is full nude with liquor too.
Aren't most of them?
new orleans...french sex show....i was the only one husband, his friend and his friend's wife are all totally wasted...and insist on going....while i try my best to tell him...there aint no live sex in these shows it is a total rip off ....but we pay and go in...since there are females in our group...they seat us stage side....i mean you can reach out and touch ...stage side....well a dude stripper comes on....i look around and everyone is fucking gone....just fucking there alone..and the dude starts coming towards me...after humping the wall in a hand stand....i freak totally...i am a very modest person and i dont even care for men with their fucking shirts off......but here we are....this tall dude gyrating in front of me....i begin to push my chair backwards...thru two or three rows of chairs....till i hit a table....its a group of men from alabama...who take pity on me and allow me to stay at their table...seeing that i am totally freaked by all of this...whew!

so now i am at a table of strange men....when suddenly out of nowhere is the hubby...going what the fuck at you doing....(remember he is drunk....and he is a mean drunk) directed towards me....just enough to offend the men from alabama..who inform him that i am totally uncomfortable and he should not have left me this point...hubby morphs into a total asshole....

now add the stripper music and all the noise you have....and then add my hubby telling the alabama dude that i was not his this point the alabama dude puts his arm around me..and goes....seems not to be your problem either....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i get up and stand in front of the hubby.....bouncer shows up.....tells hubby to gather party and get out....

i will never go to another one.....
lol i could care less...i have been back since and didnt go to the strip i no longer go anywhere with my husband when he is drinking....i got over that mal....when he started yelling at me one time...he was yelling

"think god damned it...i know you can do it if you try"
new orleans...french sex show....i was the only one husband, his friend and his friend's wife are all totally wasted...and insist on going....while i try my best to tell him...there aint no live sex in these shows it is a total rip off ....but we pay and go in...since there are females in our group...they seat us stage side....i mean you can reach out and touch ...stage side....well a dude stripper comes on....i look around and everyone is fucking gone....just fucking there alone..and the dude starts coming towards me...after humping the wall in a hand stand....i freak totally...i am a very modest person and i dont even care for men with their fucking shirts off......but here we are....this tall dude gyrating in front of me....i begin to push my chair backwards...thru two or three rows of chairs....till i hit a table....its a group of men from alabama...who take pity on me and allow me to stay at their table...seeing that i am totally freaked by all of this...whew!

so now i am at a table of strange men....when suddenly out of nowhere is the hubby...going what the fuck at you doing....(remember he is drunk....and he is a mean drunk) directed towards me....just enough to offend the men from alabama..who inform him that i am totally uncomfortable and he should not have left me this point...hubby morphs into a total asshole....

now add the stripper music and all the noise you have....and then add my hubby telling the alabama dude that i was not his this point the alabama dude puts his arm around me..and goes....seems not to be your problem either....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i get up and stand in front of the hubby.....bouncer shows up.....tells hubby to gather party and get out....

i will never go to another one.....

I used to work at this place in Madison, Wisconsin called "The Whiskey A-Go-Go," a total nude strip joint. Every Friday and Saturday night we'd have a national attraction come in and do their thing. Some babe with a snake, some woman that did tricks with cookies, you name it. But one weekend we had this Tom and Linda Schnieder and the LOVE ACT. Well they were supposed to FAKE the LOVE ACT part but, must have figured they'd put on a real show instead and were fucking on stage. Long story short, there happened to be an off duty cop in the audience and he called it in. Cops raided the place about 15 minutes after the show and closed it down. That was the second time I'd seen the place shut down, first time was for over occupancy. Place never reopened. Sat empty for about ten years and was finally torn down. One of the funnest places I ever worked though.
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Yes. Because men go to strip clubs for the sole purpose of lusting over women that they have absolutely no chance with.

At a bar or club there is at least a chance that you could get lucky.

I've picked up women at strip clubs. Also have had sex in the strip clubs.

How much do you pay for sex? $300 the other night and what did you get?

I have never "paid" for sex but my marriage was the most expensive sex. I just had a good time for the $300 but I never expect an sex for the money I spend.
My ex-wife could make $1,000 a night on a weekend at the titty bar. The pile of money, drugs, an occasional motel room key and other assorted odd items she'd get for tips would make a pile on the table that would choke a horse. She even came home one night with a Krugerrand, a one ounce African gold coin. I was a Staff Sargent in the AF and she danced, we were living large. Paid half down on a brand new home in Tampa.

Man a $1000 a night? I have to say I would have no problem with my wife stripping for that kind of cash if I had one, especially now in this shitty economy. When I was a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force my ex wife just sat on her fat ass and played on the computer all day.:mad:
Man... I'm really sorry about that bro... mine tried that too after she quit dancing and then couldn't hang on to a job. Big reason why she's now my ex. She was a smokin' hot red head when she was dancing getting all that exercise. When the dancing stopped and she parked on her ass, she started getting fat.

But sometimes she'd bring home even more than that when she was dancing. She brought home almost $1,200 in one night once. That was back in '85.

Man if my ex wife was bringing him $1200 every night on the weekends we would probably still be married!
new orleans...french sex show....i was the only one husband, his friend and his friend's wife are all totally wasted...and insist on going....while i try my best to tell him...there aint no live sex in these shows it is a total rip off ....but we pay and go in...since there are females in our group...they seat us stage side....i mean you can reach out and touch ...stage side....well a dude stripper comes on....i look around and everyone is fucking gone....just fucking there alone..and the dude starts coming towards me...after humping the wall in a hand stand....i freak totally...i am a very modest person and i dont even care for men with their fucking shirts off......but here we are....this tall dude gyrating in front of me....i begin to push my chair backwards...thru two or three rows of chairs....till i hit a table....its a group of men from alabama...who take pity on me and allow me to stay at their table...seeing that i am totally freaked by all of this...whew!

so now i am at a table of strange men....when suddenly out of nowhere is the hubby...going what the fuck at you doing....(remember he is drunk....and he is a mean drunk) directed towards me....just enough to offend the men from alabama..who inform him that i am totally uncomfortable and he should not have left me this point...hubby morphs into a total asshole....

now add the stripper music and all the noise you have....and then add my hubby telling the alabama dude that i was not his this point the alabama dude puts his arm around me..and goes....seems not to be your problem either....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i get up and stand in front of the hubby.....bouncer shows up.....tells hubby to gather party and get out....

i will never go to another one.....

Hmm not for nothin but if I left my girl alone at a sex show I couldn't really be too upset if another guy tried to pick her up, thats what people do in those places.
Mmmyeah...not interested in going to a strip club, I feel sorry for the girls who work there and the guys who go regularly make me want to puke.
The majority of strippers have been abused all their lives, have addiction issues, and a healthy lump of them are homosexual...male and female.
The majority of strippers have been abused all their lives, have addiction issues, and a healthy lump of them are homosexual...male and female.

Yep, it is a lot of women who have issues with men and the men that go to watch them, have issues with women. A bad combo.
My friend's wife put herself through school as a stripper. Paid her tuition, put away enough money for a downpayment on a house, and bought--for cash--a new Audi A4. The fact she is a beautiful natural redhead nearly 6' tall certainly didn't hurt. She's now a CPA..."Blaze" has more or less retired.

Yup and there are plenty of women out there who do just what your friends wife did.
My ex-wife could make $1,000 a night on a weekend at the titty bar. The pile of money, drugs, an occasional motel room key and other assorted odd items she'd get for tips would make a pile on the table that would choke a horse. She even came home one night with a Krugerrand, a one ounce African gold coin. I was a Staff Sargent in the AF and she danced, we were living large. Paid half down on a brand new home in Tampa.

Damn! :eek:

I don't think Liz would have a problem doing it (the contrary, I suspect she'd enjoy it), but I do not think it would work well, considering the first obnoxious customer (or bouncer) she had to deal with would end up in the hospital. She HAS mentioned it a few times...and my friend's wife actually offered to get her an audition. :)
Mmmyeah...not interested in going to a strip club, I feel sorry for the girls who work there and the guys who go regularly make me want to puke.

Direct quote from "Blaze": "I have no school loans, I just bought a house, I paid cash for a new Audi, I already have fifty grand in my Roth, I did it doing something I'd have done for free, and it meant I didn't have to go to the gym every day. For that, exploit me all you want!"
Mmmyeah...not interested in going to a strip club, I feel sorry for the girls who work there and the guys who go regularly make me want to puke.

Direct quote from "Blaze": "I have no school loans, I just bought a house, I paid cash for a new Audi, I already have fifty grand in my Roth, I did it doing something I'd have done for free, and it meant I didn't have to go to the gym every day. For that, exploit me all you want!"

Yeah, material possessions are more important than anything else.
Yeah, it's well known what wonderful treatment strippers get, how successful they are, and how they're never exploited or abused.

It's a sick fuck who takes his 18 y.o. and pay a strange woman to sit on his face, with an audience. And thinks that's a wonderful way to initiate a kid. What a douche.
Yeah, it's well known what wonderful treatment strippers get, how successful they are, and how they're never exploited or abused.

It's a sick fuck who takes his 18 y.o. and pay a strange woman to sit on his face, with an audience. And thinks that's a wonderful way to initiate a kid. What a douche.

I'm surprised to see you in here KG.

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