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Stuck in the Mud


Sep 23, 2010
Fate took a hand in the form of Todd Akin’s poor communication skills:

"Bill Clinton to Have Leading Role at Party's Convention" -- July 30, 2012 New York Times story announcing that the Obama campaign has selected the former President to nominate Obama

Bill Clinton and Legitimate Rape
By Jeffrey Lord on 8.23.12 @ 6:09AM
Clinton rape scandal resurfaces in Akin controversy: The McCaskill-Clinton videos.

The American Spectator : Bill Clinton and Legitimate Rape

Hussein picked Clinton weeks before Akin’s faux pas, now he is stuck in the mud with Bubba —— he can’t dump him and he can’t pull him out of the muck and the mire. I see poetic justice in the fact that Hussein is guilty of everything except sex offenses yet he is trapped wallowing around in Clinton’s sordid sexual appetites; criminal in the cases of Juanita Broaddrick, and the fact that he lied under oath in the Paula Jones Case:

WASHINGTON — The federal judge who found President Clinton in contempt of court last April levied a penalty of $90,686 against him Thursday, making him the first chief executive ever assessed such a payment.

Repeating her condemnation of Clinton for lying under oath in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual harassment lawsuit, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright said that she was imposing the sanction to cover some of Jones' legal expenses and "to deter others who might consider emulating the president's misconduct."

Clinton Fined $90,686 for Lying in Paula Jones Case

Clinton Fined $90,686 for Lying in Paula Jones Case - Los Angeles Times

The only thing I can add is “Making hay out of Todd Akin’s stupid comment is a helluva way for Hussein to go after the female vote in this election.”

Clinton is not the only problem Democrats have:

The New Republic's Noam Scheiber gets a glimpse into Vice President Biden's political operation — and concludes that Biden himself believes he's both a favorite to win in 2016 and poised to inherit swaths of President Obama's political operation:


All of which makes it unsurprising that Biden considers himself, if not the 800-pound gorilla of the 2016 field, then certainly a big-boned primate. “Other than Hillary, he doesn’t consider any of the names lurking beneath the surface as competitors,” says the adviser. But even if we allow that Biden’s chances are far better in 2016 than they were in 2008, does that make them, you know, good?

Report: Biden laying the groundwork for 2016
By BYRON TAU | 8/27/12 6:33 AM EDT

Report: Biden laying the groundwork for 2016 - POLITICO.com

It’s pretty hard to believe Biden is serious about getting the nomination in 2016. It’s easy to believe he is dumb enough to try.

It gets better for conservatives. Clinton and Biden are leaders of a political party that once cornered the market on intelligent candidates dripping with political savvy —— or so the liberal media always told us. Now, it looks like the best Democrats have to offer is a rapist brute and a half-wit. To be fair to the half-wit he is smart enough to know his strongest competition comes from Mrs. Rapist Brute, the reigning queen of bimbo eruptions.
Here’s the best reason in the world for Missourians to elect Todd Akin:

Former Bush adviser Karl Rove isn't hiding the fact that he wants Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) to exit the Missouri Senate race.

"We should sink Todd Akin. If he’s found mysteriously murdered, don’t look for my whereabouts!" Rove, the influential Republican strategist, joked at a briefing of fundraisers for his outside spending group, Crossroads GPS, according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

Rove jokes: Don't look for me if Rep. Akin 'found mysteriously murdered'
By Daniel Strauss - 08/31/12 09:48 AM ET

Rove jokes: Don't look for me if Rep. Akin 'found mysteriously murdered' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Rove would have more credibility if Aiken were actually losing. He's lost some support but not all. What would be worse for republicans, to have Aiken lose, or win?
What would be worse for republicans, to have Aiken lose, or win?

To Katzndogz: Lose. No doubt about it.

Rove does not seem to care that if Aiken loses, or steps down, that moves taking control of the Senate one seat further away. Rove was the same way in 2010 when the RNC did little to help Sharron Angle, Joe Miller, and Carly Fiorina.

Angle should have wiped the floor with Harry Reid based on the healthcare bill alone. Joe Miller was defeated by a write-in candidate! With any kind of help Fiorina would have destroyed the Senate’s resident female wack job Barbara Boxer.

In addition, Rove stopped short of actively campaigning for an overt Marxist when he torpedoed Christine O’Donnell. As I read it, that’s four lost seats not to mention giving Hussein the Senate for an additional two years.

I get the feeling that Rove does not want Republicans to control the Senate if it means more conservatives standing up to the old guard. Reason: A Democrat majority will give Romney cover for NOT implementing conservative goals. Romney can’t sign legislation that does not come to his desk. And you can forget about repealing the Affordable Care Act if Democrats keep the Senate.
Rove would have more credibility if Aiken were actually losing. He's lost some support but not all.

To Katzndogz: Rove is catching hell while Akin’s support appears to be returning.

Should Rove apologize and ask for the same consideration Akin is getting, I hope everybody remembers that his offenses are many and serious, while Akin’s offense was singular and stupid. In any event, if Republican party gray beards drop Rove like a used condom, I don’t see FOX following suit.

“Just out of sheer decency standards, Fox News should drop him as a contributor,” he said. “Sean Hannity should stop pumping up this mean-spirited political operative as ‘the architect.’ Mitt Romney should denounce his remark and ask Rove to step aside in this campaign.”

TURNABOUT: Now calls for Rove to go!
Bush adviser 'jokes' about murder of Missouri Senate candidate Akin
Published: 9 hours ago

TURNABOUT: Now calls for Rove to go!
The POL made the fatal mistake of speaking his true mind instead of telling the people the lies the MASTERS told him to say.
Yep, the GOP adopted the Akin plank, and threw Akin under the bus.

So you havent read the platform...

I love how parents now can decide to kill their children once they are alive but a women cannot make birth decisions. Having seen a teenager die because of the parent's religion, it is sad that republicans only want government involved when it suits them.

'Supporting Federal Healthcare Research and Development'

"We support federal investment in healthcare delivery systems and solutions creating innovative means to provide greater, more cost-effective access to high quality healthcare. We also support federal investment in basic and applied biomedical research, especially the neuroscience research that may hold great potential for dealing with diseases and disorders such as Autism, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. If we are to make significant headway against breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, and other killers, research must consider the special needs of formerly neglected groups. We call for expanded support for the stem-cell research that now offers the greatest hope for many afflictions – with adult stem cells, umbilical cord blood, and cells reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells-without the destruction of embryonic human life. We urge a ban on human cloning and on the creation of or experimentation on human embryos. We support restoring the Drug Enforcement Administration ban on the use of controlled substances for physician-assisted suicide. We oppose the FDA approval of Mifeprex, formerly known as RU-486, and similar drugs that terminate innocent human life after conception."

Protecting Individual Conscience in Healthcare (Top)

No healthcare professional or organization should ever be required to perform, provide for, withhold, or refer for a medical service against their conscience. This is especially true of the religious organizations which deliver a major portion of America’s healthcare, a service rooted in the charity of faith communities. We do not believe, however, that healthcare providers should be allowed to withhold services because the healthcare provider believes the patient’s life is not worth living. We support the ability of all organizations to provide, purchase, or enroll in healthcare coverage consistent with their religious, moral or ethical convictions without discrimination or penalty. We likewise support the right of parents to consent to medical treatment for their children, including mental health treatment, drug treatment, and treatment involving pregnancy, contraceptives and abortion. We urge enactment of pending legislation that would require parental consent to transport girls across state lines for abortions."

Renewing American Values - GOP
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