Student loans and the high cost of higher education

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
In the 1963-1964 academic year, the average annual published cost of in-state tuition and fees was $243 at public four-year institutions, and $1,011 at private four-year institutions, according to National Center for Education Statistics data. That excludes room and board.

If the published cost of college remained in line with inflation, annual tuition and fees would have been $2,076 at four-year public universities and $8,624 at private institutions for the 2020-2021 academic year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics' data in constant dollars, or income adjusted for inflation.

But in the 2020-2021 academic year, the average price tag for in-state tuition and fees at a four-year public institution was $9,375, and at private four-year institutions, it was a whopping $32,825. With student housing, that cost skyrockets — some schools are charging those who can afford it over $70,000 per year.
Extra-inflationary rise in prices.
What do you suppose would happen to the cost of college if money to pay for college was not easy to get?

Extra-inflationary rise in prices.
What do you suppose would happen to the cost of college if money to pay for college was not easy to get?
I keep hearing how education should be a constitutional right and be free for everyone, If it should be free, then teachers shouldnt be paid to teach because it is they who are saying it should be free. You can bet your bottom dollar that the teachers would change their tunes real quickly.
How about a lemon law for college loans. If, upon completion of a degree, the college can't get you a job that will allow you to pay your student loan back in 7 years, the college or university will then become responsible for the balance of that loan. Government's participation in education has turned it into a political, overpriced, rigged scam.
How about a lemon law for college loans. If, upon completion of a degree, the college can't get you a job that will allow you to pay your student loan back in 7 years, the college or university will then become responsible for the balance of that loan. Government's participation in education has turned it into a political, overpriced, rigged scam.

A college isn't an employment agency. Sure some have programs setup where employers tell them "send your graduates our direction" but that's it. A degree doesn't guarantee you anything in life. It's not a colleges responsibility to make sure you get a career after you graduate.

That's as dumb as suggesting that if you eat at a restaurant they should refund your money if you get hungry again in the next 4 hours. You paid for something you decided on, they provided it and once you walk out the door your on your own, the restaurant doesn't owe you anything.

And the government hasn't turned college into a scam. If you spend too much at a college thats your choice, you read the agreements, you saw the prices, you know what your degree is going to be. I could have gone to a campus college near me with a big name basketball team and spent 54,000 to get my RN. But I didn't, I went to a smaller college right near my house and got my RN in 2 years for 27,000. 20 years later I ended up as a building engineer making more than I did as a nurse and I might as well had not gotten my degree at all.

Colleges aren't a scam, it's just people are dumb enough to think they need to spend a lot of money on them. Colleges aren't in it for education, they are in it to make as much money as possible. Colleges are a business and they will do anything they can to make more money and as long as people keep pissing away 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars they will keep doing it.

College on the whole is a huge waste of money and time. Unless you want to be a doctor, a lawyer, an architect, a dentist, a psychiatrist, a cpa or something like that you don't need college. Working your way up, experience and ambition in a lot of cases can get you very far but too many people think if you go to college for even underwater lesbian folk art you'll come out and make lots of money.
The Democrats are 1000% the cause of why tuition sky rocketed the past 25 years.
The Democrats are 1000% the cause of skyrocketing student housing cost.

And now we are supposed to listen to them to solve the problem they 1000% created???
The cost of instruction is increasingly less than half the cost of tuition these days. They spend money on a plethora of bells and whistles under the guise that is what is needed to attract students. If states really wanted to do something about the cost of higher education, a good first step would be to turn all its community colleges into 4 year institutions and not build a single dorm on them. All the higher ed approval boards really need to also warm up to the idea of moving to 3 year bachelor degree programs instead of 4.
The winning position is to junk the current system all together. Making an 18 year old take out a $20,000 loan. Its rather crazy. She wouldn't be able to get a loan for a house or a car or anything else just by applying. The system is nuts.

So lets change the system. Instead of paying for it on the front end; you pay for it on the back end. Essentially it's a reverse-social security system. You get the benefits up front and pay for it through your work life.

The plan I envision is something like this:

Group A. A student graduating High School. The DOE will calculate the average single semester hour costs for the ten closest institutions of higher learning (colleges, universities, trade schools). This would be for the freshman year. If the student lives in rural areas she will likely have a greater figure as there are fewer institutions and some may be out of state. So each student will get a figure assigned to them for each semester hour. The student in Long Beach, CA will likely get a different figure than the student in Long Island, NY. Anyway, this student will get a 60 hour stipend from the DOE. That is about the same amount of time to get an Associate's Degree.

Group B. A citizen in mid career. The same calculation is done by the DOE but it takes into account any previous college time. Meaning that if you are going in as a sophomore; your number may be higher if the institutions are raising the tuition in the second, third, or fourth years. It would not apply to graduate studies. So folks could complete their degree which may lead to career transition, career advancement, etc... If they have no college transcript, the same stipulations of Group A apply.


Keep in mind the funding is available without any needs based calculation. Additionally, it is not based on a degree plan. If a nurse of mine wanted to take a certified translator course to help her career, the funding would be there for that. We have a big need for bilingual personnel. Many of my former employers wanted you to enroll full time and is scored by grades--meaning if you don't pass...they don't pay. These stipulations will not apply. Every citizen gets this put into their account with the Department of Education. So if you want to change careers and become a truck driver. You can. If you want to just take a class that has a guest lecturer you can (good luck getting in). If you want to take a class in Tai Chi or opening a small business...sure.

The thing is....this. The money comes from the DOE. You do not take out a loan from Chase or Wells Fargo. You won't have collections calls. Your loan won't be sold to another collector. The reason is because the IRS will deduct payment from your paychecks. This will be done over your work life. You can pay it off quicker if you like of course.

This is the thumbnail description of the plan.

While I support paying off student loans given the bullshit that we fund with absolutely no benefit...its painfully obvious that if we do this...we'll have to do it again because the system itself isn't being changed.
The Democrats are 1000% the cause of why tuition sky rocketed the past 25 years.
The Democrats are 1000% the cause of skyrocketing student housing cost.

And now we are supposed to listen to them to solve the problem they 1000% created???
You're 1000% full of shit.

No Republicans were in office during the last 25 years?
So lets change the system. Instead of paying for it on the front end; you pay for it on the back end. Essentially it's a reverse-social security system. You get the benefits up front and pay for it through your work life.
That system already exists. It's called taking out a loan and repaying it at a later date.
Extra-inflationary rise in prices.
What do you suppose would happen to the cost of college if money to pay for college was not easy to get?

They would try harder to find yet another way to make College just four more years of Public Education ...
At the taxpayer's expense ... And completely beholding to the Establishment.

A college isn't an employment agency. Sure some have programs setup where employers tell them "send your graduates our direction" but that's it. A degree doesn't guarantee you anything in life. It's not a colleges responsibility to make sure you get a career after you graduate.

That's as dumb as suggesting that if you eat at a restaurant they should refund your money if you get hungry again in the next 4 hours. You paid for something you decided on, they provided it and once you walk out the door your on your own, the restaurant doesn't owe you anything.

And the government hasn't turned college into a scam. If you spend too much at a college thats your choice, you read the agreements, you saw the prices, you know what your degree is going to be. I could have gone to a campus college near me with a big name basketball team and spent 54,000 to get my RN. But I didn't, I went to a smaller college right near my house and got my RN in 2 years for 27,000. 20 years later I ended up as a building engineer making more than I did as a nurse and I might as well had not gotten my degree at all.

Colleges aren't a scam, it's just people are dumb enough to think they need to spend a lot of money on them. Colleges aren't in it for education, they are in it to make as much money as possible. Colleges are a business and they will do anything they can to make more money and as long as people keep pissing away 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars they will keep doing it.

College on the whole is a huge waste of money and time. Unless you want to be a doctor, a lawyer, an architect, a dentist, a psychiatrist, a cpa or something like that you don't need college. Working your way up, experience and ambition in a lot of cases can get you very far but too many people think if you go to college for even underwater lesbian folk art you'll come out and make lots of money.
I agree with much of what you say but it still sounds like a scam or a hustle to me. And as an extra bonus, when you get out, you're all kinds of woke. Whoppee. PS, that restaurant analogy was really weak.
I agree with much of what you say but it still sounds like a scam or a hustle to me. And as an extra bonus, when you get out, you're all kinds of woke. Whoppee. PS, that restaurant analogy was really weak.

If someone tells you what everything costs upfront and you have to sign an agreement stating everything it isn't a scam. It's not even uncommon knowledge having student loans sucks, everyone knows it, even people who never went to college. Kids scam themselves by believing going to college will put them on easy street for the rest of their lives and when they get out they find out life isn't simple because you have a degree and that debt still looms.

And it's not a weak analogy. It's the same thing, paying for something but wanting a refund because you didn't get more than what the original transaction entailed.
Enlist in the U.S. Military and qualify for the G.I. Bill or get out and work for a year or a couple of years to pay for school or work your way through college. Don't expect mom and pop taxpayers who have already paid for their kids education to foot the bill and for God's sake quit whining about having to pay off a freaking loan that you asked for.
Extra-inflationary rise in prices.
What do you suppose would happen to the cost of college if money to pay for college was not easy to get?

What would happen in the cost of education all went into the actual education instead of golf cards, super nice football pitches, pointless other sales techniques?
The Democrats are 1000% the cause of why tuition sky rocketed the past 25 years.
The Democrats are 1000% the cause of skyrocketing student housing cost.

And now we are supposed to listen to them to solve the problem they 1000% created???
I think your needle is stuck.....on stupid.
College is for in general is for suckers.....
The only education you need is in the Bible....
I think your needle is stuck.....on stupid.
Yeah no.
It is called supply and demand.
The Democrats in their asinine "everyone should go to college" mantra... "and don't worry about paying for it... we can loan it to you!!".
In just a few years college admissions went through the roof... and the Democtrats "hey... don't worry about housing... we can do that too!!"... and just like that colleges everywhere got into the housing business as well.
This artificial demand created sky rocketing tuition. And sky rocketing student housing.
10 years later... now the same Democrats are screaming about high student loans.
You can't make this shit up. Stupid is as stupid does.

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