Students praise college policy allowing students to selif identify as people of color


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Students Praise College Policy Allowing Students To Self-Identify As People Of Color
This year, Brown University applicants will have the opportunity to “self-identify” as people of color during the application process.

And the leftist retards can't see the mental illness they've raised. These are going to be some sorry ass losers in life when reality smacks them in the face.
It's not easy being green ...

[URL='']Students Praise College Policy Allowing Students To Self-Identify As People Of Color
This year, Brown University applicants will have the opportunity to “self-identify” as people of color during the application process.

And the leftist retards can't see the mental illness they've raised. These are going to be some sorry ass losers in life when reality smacks them in the face.

Praise College Policy Allowing Students To Self-Identify As People Of Color[/URL]
This year, Brown University applicants will have the opportunity to “self-identify” as people of color during the application process.

And the leftist retards can't see the mental illness they've raised. These are going to be some sorry ass losers in life when reality smacks them in the face.

It’s pretty clear why they are doing this. The more non-colored students who decide they want to be identified as colored students allows the university to declare the are a racially diversified university. The reality will be that it is mostly a bunch whites and Asians.
i want to be a white racist indian tomorrow, is that possible?
LMFAO, i'm sure that will be easy after all those whites are so fkn racist now heheehe. But, I still want to be Putins daughter tomorrow so don't forget bhahaahahah.
Can people self-identify as other humanoid species? Can a person glue prosthetics to their forehead and call themselves Klingon? Can they self-identify as an energy being whose physical body is an illusion? Or how about self-identifying as inanimate objects?
Students Praise College Policy Allowing Students To Self-Identify As People Of Color
This year, Brown University applicants will have the opportunity to “self-identify” as people of color during the application process.

And the leftist retards can't see the mental illness they've raised. These are going to be some sorry ass losers in life when reality smacks them in the face.
What color race do I need to be to get free tuition?
ok, i just woke up. I already feel like a single 27 romainian female who wants to sell my self to some single/desperate american male who will buy me for 49.99 plus UPS shipping to anywhere in the USA.
Not to burst your bubble but people can self identify on any form they fill out, no matter for whom it's for...Just check the box.....Duh.. This is somehow new?
The Black Student's Union will take on a whole new identity. I'm sure all will be welcomed with open arms.

Just ask Rachel Dolenzal.
In my opinion, what Brown University is doing is truly sad.

Some years back, the federal government candidly predicted that by the middle of this century, Caucasian people would no longer be the majority ethnicity.

I believe that this prediction will come true.

It's very trendy nowadays to demonize Caucasians (one presidential candidate in 2016 even tried to get votes by making "white privilege" an issue).

I have no doubt whatsoever that someday Americans of EVERY ethnicity will rue the day that Caucasians lost their majority status.
Blacks are dumb as apes and need racial preferences to get into college. Obviously, Brown isn't really going to let whites identify as black, as that would mean no more blacks being accepted.

Maybe Brown will use transcripts to identify applicants' race.

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