Students' taunts reduce bus aide to tears

Surely she is not encouraged to get into a physical confrontation with teens. There must be a process in place for reporting their behavior and disciplining them. Otherwise you need a Sky Marshal on the bus, not an old lady.

You shouldn't need a Sky Marshall or an animal trainer on that bus because all those brats who participated should be banned from riding any school bus, at least for the next school year.
The school district is already taking action. She still won't be able to be effective in this job even if she does stay in it. I have seen what happens when a driver or aide loses it and the kids get to them. They never can drive in that district again, or at least that school. The packs of wolves would be on her so fast and they'd be smarter to NOT put their activities online.

I certainly hope that she takes the generous sums paid on her behalf and retires fully. I've seen what happens when someone in authority loses their edge, too. I wish this woman the best, but I agree, the best would be for her to buy a nice cottage in a temperate place and garden her heart out.
Up north in this neck of the deep woods, about once every 2-4 years a kid gets taken at the bus stop by a wild dog pack come february. I can see why you'd arm the kids. The differences of the eras and rural drivers versus urban.

Used to be the driver could put the kid off the bus at any time they get to be problematic AND manhandle them to any seat. Now? no touchie and you can't put the kid off. You can refuse to take them home at night because they're at school, but you also can't refuse to pick them up either. Of course, if they're not supposed to be there, they will just be turned over to the school authorities or police if need be.
No, it doesn't. But by being a lousy bus aide, she set herself up for an incident like that.

I've had to expel two kids from the bus for "insubordination", and threaten to do so to 2 others. You don't get to tell me 'whatever', or blow off my orders or get lippy with me. That earns a 'major' writeup which often gets a suspension, separation from their friends by assigned seating, and if other kids join in, the whole bus gets assigned seating and loses radio and food priviledges.

Then again... day one I announce to the kids "I am the mean bus driver. I will let you earn priviledges if you behave well. Just obeying the rules is not enough to earn these priviledges. I also believe in collective punishment if I cannot find the culprit responsible for breaking rules so don't hide them. You will be punished too then. BUT if you behave maturely you will find my bus to be a fun place. You can sit with your friends, eat and drink or even get the radio if there is one."

They usually figure out I meant it by week 2-4 of testing me on it. They also learn I will enforce the rules to the last trip.

All the drivers I saw who were successful with problem buses with out of control kids were the same way. I've been tipped and rewarded by parents for doing such a good job, and schools have specifically requested me to handle charters because I am strict with the kids. I took that as a great honor, because I've also had children who were problem children beg me to come back and be their driver next year. That is the best praise of all.

That aide was on that bus because one of three reasons. 1. State law. 2. Special Needs. 3. Bad kids. If it's anything but #1, she failed in her job, last day or no. Is it sad, but I'm sure she's gotten a lot of whispering about her in the driver's room about not doing her damn job and why she got rewarded for it when they all face that and worse every day.

Many people never figure out that it is far easier to lighten up the rules than the reverse. If you start out "easy", you often never are able to put the hammer down if it proves needed.
Often true. I usually start a little light at first to get a feel for the bus and give them the chance to prove themselves. But I do make the announcement I am still the mean bus driver. If they won't listen, they're quickly gone from the bus. You cannot have them flout your authority because your life, their lives and the lives of everyone around that 16000 lbs bus is in your hands. You have up to 50 sets of parents counting on you to do your job professionally and safely to protect their children from all dangers inside and outside the bus. If you fuck up, the company often won't back you. The school won't help you and the parents will slaughter you in court. That's a lot of pressure when you realize it, and she didn't have to worry about lots of that because she was only an aide. Of course she had other pressures like potentially dealing with disabled children and those with special needs. That's a whole new challenge there, but the difficulties she had were 100% on the bus issues and she's supposed to take some of the pressure off the driver (who did her NO favors either, and I didn't hear his/her voice once. Bad sign) so they can focus on the road.

If you can't stomach being the mean person and have the kids hate you or say mean things to you and need them to be your friend, never drive school bus. You're not cut out for it.

There's the root to the problem so many adults have with youngsters. They want to be their friends when they a really need to be their ruler. Kids need limits and they need an adult who will be an adult. They have each other for friendship.
Yep Screw the principle, all's well so long as you get some $$$ out of it. Such is the world our self-centeredness and antipathy continue to create.

How sad for you. Rather than seeing the generosity and outpouring of sympathy and offers of aid to a senior citizen who was brutalized by a pack of entitled delinquents, you bitch that the only reason she put up with that kind of shit was to benefit financially. I remind you, she did not video record the incident, nor did she post it to the net. But good, decent people feeling empathy for her plight came forth of their own free will to provide some help for her. Where's that famous gift of giving that libturds claim sole ownership of? Granted, people of all persuasions no doubt donated, but only libturd assholes are bitching about the poor woman being provided substantial and real assistance.


Before you go bandying around epithets, you might want to consider how two consecutive posts from me can be so diametrically opposed in sentiment, and then wonder whether perhaps you have completely misread the meaning of one of them.

Once you're re-read them and realized "Oh shit, it was sarcasm - he was actually agreeing with me", you might additionally wonder whether I'm still a Libtard, or whether I'm now a Repugnican.

Apologies proferred if I misread your posts.
Many people never figure out that it is far easier to lighten up the rules than the reverse. If you start out "easy", you often never are able to put the hammer down if it proves needed.
Often true. I usually start a little light at first to get a feel for the bus and give them the chance to prove themselves. But I do make the announcement I am still the mean bus driver. If they won't listen, they're quickly gone from the bus. You cannot have them flout your authority because your life, their lives and the lives of everyone around that 16000 lbs bus is in your hands. You have up to 50 sets of parents counting on you to do your job professionally and safely to protect their children from all dangers inside and outside the bus. If you fuck up, the company often won't back you. The school won't help you and the parents will slaughter you in court. That's a lot of pressure when you realize it, and she didn't have to worry about lots of that because she was only an aide. Of course she had other pressures like potentially dealing with disabled children and those with special needs. That's a whole new challenge there, but the difficulties she had were 100% on the bus issues and she's supposed to take some of the pressure off the driver (who did her NO favors either, and I didn't hear his/her voice once. Bad sign) so they can focus on the road.

If you can't stomach being the mean person and have the kids hate you or say mean things to you and need them to be your friend, never drive school bus. You're not cut out for it.

There's the root to the problem so many adults have with youngsters. They want to be their friends when they a really need to be their ruler. Kids need limits and they need an adult who will be an adult. They have each other for friendship.
That is why all my buses came around in time. I was sometimes the ONLY father figure they had in their life. That's really sad.
Wow, the righteous anger of the school bus driver. That's something you don't see around here everyday.
Students were caught on camera terrorizing and harassing a school bus aide, reducing the 68-year-old woman to tears as she bravely withstood their verbal assault.

The ten-minute video was taken on a bus carrying Greece Middle School students and shows the kids saying vile things to Karen Klein, a bus driver who retired to become a bus aide because her hearing was failing.

"What's your address so I can come piss all over your door?" said one student.

Another said to Klein, "How about I bring my [swear word] knife and cut you?"

The 68-year-old grandmother of eight tried to get them stop, telling the students, "Unless you have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."

To which one student responded, "How about you shut the [swear word] up?"

"Something about me being so fat and ugly your kids should probably commit suicide," recalled Klein. "I don't think they knew that my son had."

The school district has brought in police to investigate.

Students reduce bus aide to tears |

Appropriate punishment?

Hate to say but that woman has lost control of the kids and does not need that job. What is the job of a bus aid? Wouldn't it be her job to control the kids and assist the bus driver?
Her job is to make sure all the students are seated and not distracting the driver. If they were bullying other students, she should have intervened, but they were only bullying her. I imagine she's not even supposed to get out of her seat when the bus is moving.

Telling the children to STFU is frowned upon.

I am a teacher. I would have handled it differently. But that's not to say I would have handled it "better." The bullies might have stopped, but chances are they would have found another victim.

Shame on those who think they could do a better job. Try it sometime.
Doug Giles’ Cure for the Skinny Punks Who Viciously Bullied the Granny on the Bus

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The video of Karen Klein, a 68-year-old granny who was bullied beyond belief by a gaggle of 13-year-old pukes went viral last Wednesday. If you haven’t seen the video, here it is (viewer warning).

What these little 666s did to this passive, sweet lady—ultimately bringing her to tears—was truly disgusting. If these hellions would have sadistically berated a black or gay kid (or a black gay kid) Al Sharpton and Dan Savage would have pulled a groin muscle leaping to the occasion, and these little devils would have justly been hauled to juvey court facing a five-year lockdown and jail sex. But, alas, Karen is a white hetero, so … they’ll probably get a pass.

Post Continues on
Doug Giles

Doug Giles’ Cure for the Skinny Punks Who Viciously Bullied the Granny on the Bus – Patriot Update
If you read some of the articles since then, the father of the videotaper came forward, apologized and reiterated how absolutely ashamed he was of his child and that they would be punished. The school knows who the kids are and their punishments will be meted out at the beginning of the next school year, or carried over to their next school.

there is a very good chance that if the video had not gone viral that the parents would have blamed the bus aid and driver.

I have seen that it happen more often that not that the parents defend their child's behavior and threaten a lawsuit.

Usually the school supports the employee, but not always.
Her job is to make sure all the students are seated and not distracting the driver. If they were bullying other students, she should have intervened, but they were only bullying her. I imagine she's not even supposed to get out of her seat when the bus is moving.

Telling the children to STFU is frowned upon.

I am a teacher. I would have handled it differently. But that's not to say I would have handled it "better." The bullies might have stopped, but chances are they would have found another victim.

Shame on those who think they could do a better job. Try it sometime.

yep, they think it's easy.

You can't ckoke the shit out of them. That would get you on the 6 o'clock news.

I was told we can't even defend ourselves if we are attacked. Just take a beating.
Her job is to make sure all the students are seated and not distracting the driver. If they were bullying other students, she should have intervened, but they were only bullying her. I imagine she's not even supposed to get out of her seat when the bus is moving.

Telling the children to STFU is frowned upon.

I am a teacher. I would have handled it differently. But that's not to say I would have handled it "better." The bullies might have stopped, but chances are they would have found another victim.

Shame on those who think they could do a better job. Try it sometime.

I have dealt with crowds of kids as a police officer working part time as security for places like McDonalds anytime a fight would break out and the crowds would gather to control the situation I would tell them to leave the area or their parents would be notified by me. Worked like a charm every time. Well except for one time I finally had too arrest one.
Police officers and teachers are trained to handle incorrigible children and are generally viewed as authoritative figures. Elderly grandmothers who make $15K a year are not.

Ask any substitute teacher if they get the same respect as a regular one.

I have intervened with a few of my students who have insulted and harrassed some of our teacher aides. They don't get paid enough to have to put up with that.

Cut the bus lady some slack.
Police officers and teachers are trained to handle incorrigible children and are generally viewed as authoritative figures. Elderly grandmothers who make $15K a year are not.

Ask any substitute teacher if they get the same respect as a regular one.

I have intervened with a few of my students who have insulted and harrassed some of our teacher aides. They don't get paid enough to have to put up with that.

Cut the bus lady some slack.
I'm cutting her slack she lost control of the situation she's not suitable for that job. She became of no use to the driver if something had happened.
Police officers and teachers are trained to handle incorrigible children and are generally viewed as authoritative figures. Elderly grandmothers who make $15K a year are not.

Ask any substitute teacher if they get the same respect as a regular one.

I have intervened with a few of my students who have insulted and harrassed some of our teacher aides. They don't get paid enough to have to put up with that.

Cut the bus lady some slack.
I'm cutting her slack she lost control of the situation she's not suitable for that job. She became of no use to the driver if something had happened.

And apparently the driver was of no use to her as the driver did NOTHING.
Doug Giles’ Cure for the Skinny Punks Who Viciously Bullied the Granny on the Bus

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The video of Karen Klein, a 68-year-old granny who was bullied beyond belief by a gaggle of 13-year-old pukes went viral last Wednesday. If you haven’t seen the video, here it is (viewer warning).

What these little 666s did to this passive, sweet lady—ultimately bringing her to tears—was truly disgusting. If these hellions would have sadistically berated a black or gay kid (or a black gay kid) Al Sharpton and Dan Savage would have pulled a groin muscle leaping to the occasion, and these little devils would have justly been hauled to juvey court facing a five-year lockdown and jail sex. But, alas, Karen is a white hetero, so … they’ll probably get a pass.

Post Continues on
Doug Giles

Doug Giles’ Cure for the Skinny Punks Who Viciously Bullied the Granny on the Bus – Patriot Update
If you read some of the articles since then, the father of the videotaper came forward, apologized and reiterated how absolutely ashamed he was of his child and that they would be punished. The school knows who the kids are and their punishments will be meted out at the beginning of the next school year, or carried over to their next school.

there is a very good chance that if the video had not gone viral that the parents would have blamed the bus aid and driver.

I have seen that it happen more often that not that the parents defend their child's behavior and threaten a lawsuit.

Usually the school supports the employee, but not always.
it's why I support cameras on the bus.
Police officers and teachers are trained to handle incorrigible children and are generally viewed as authoritative figures. Elderly grandmothers who make $15K a year are not.

Ask any substitute teacher if they get the same respect as a regular one.

I have intervened with a few of my students who have insulted and harrassed some of our teacher aides. They don't get paid enough to have to put up with that.

Cut the bus lady some slack.
I'm cutting her slack she lost control of the situation she's not suitable for that job. She became of no use to the driver if something had happened.
That's why I don't cut her slack.
Police officers and teachers are trained to handle incorrigible children and are generally viewed as authoritative figures. Elderly grandmothers who make $15K a year are not.

Ask any substitute teacher if they get the same respect as a regular one.

I have intervened with a few of my students who have insulted and harrassed some of our teacher aides. They don't get paid enough to have to put up with that.

Cut the bus lady some slack.
I'm cutting her slack she lost control of the situation she's not suitable for that job. She became of no use to the driver if something had happened.

And apparently the driver was of no use to her as the driver did NOTHING.
Absolutely true. That driver should have been involved instead of letting the aide fend for herself. They're probably just as bad on bus discipline as the aide was.
Police officers and teachers are trained to handle incorrigible children and are generally viewed as authoritative figures. Elderly grandmothers who make $15K a year are not.

Ask any substitute teacher if they get the same respect as a regular one.

I have intervened with a few of my students who have insulted and harrassed some of our teacher aides. They don't get paid enough to have to put up with that.

Cut the bus lady some slack.
Actually we get student management training in safety meetings. A lot of bullshit new age touchy feely crap that if we followed 100% we'd never be able to drive the bus because it'd be so out of control.
If you read some of the articles since then, the father of the videotaper came forward, apologized and reiterated how absolutely ashamed he was of his child and that they would be punished. The school knows who the kids are and their punishments will be meted out at the beginning of the next school year, or carried over to their next school.

there is a very good chance that if the video had not gone viral that the parents would have blamed the bus aid and driver.

I have seen that it happen more often that not that the parents defend their child's behavior and threaten a lawsuit.

Usually the school supports the employee, but not always.
it's why I support cameras on the bus.

Why d'you think there were no cameras? Lack of budget or invasion of privacy? What's your experience of this?

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