Students' taunts reduce bus aide to tears

there is a very good chance that if the video had not gone viral that the parents would have blamed the bus aid and driver.

I have seen that it happen more often that not that the parents defend their child's behavior and threaten a lawsuit.

Usually the school supports the employee, but not always.
it's why I support cameras on the bus.

Why d'you think there were no cameras? Lack of budget or invasion of privacy? What's your experience of this?

our school district has cameras.

One time the cameras caught two bus drivers having sex on a bus.

They were fired and had alot of explaining to do to their spouses :D
Cameras on buses are put there EXCLUSIVELY because there are problems on the bus, unless the district requires them on all buses. They are set so they can see the entire bus from the back except for the driver's seat. If there's a second camera, it faces out the door so people can be seen getting on.

Kids on camera buses behave MUCH better every time because they don't know who's watching and if they will get caught.

If kids ask whether my bus has cameras on it, I always tell them there is even if there isn't. The cameras and microphones are more often used to bust kids behaving badly than the driver.

As for the expense? It's cheaper than a law suit and more bus companies and districts are realizing this the same way they now install GPS tattlers on all buses in their fleets.
it's why I support cameras on the bus.

Why d'you think there were no cameras? Lack of budget or invasion of privacy? What's your experience of this?

our school district has cameras.

One time the cameras caught two bus drivers having sex on a bus.

They were fired and had alot of explaining to do to their spouses :D
I know of one driver who was fired because she was caught on camera talking non stop on her cell from pre-trip to her 4th stop where she then had to ask one of the students if everyone got on. She had also blown a railroad stop. Needless to say, she was fired.
Police officers and teachers are trained to handle incorrigible children and are generally viewed as authoritative figures. Elderly grandmothers who make $15K a year are not.

Ask any substitute teacher if they get the same respect as a regular one.

I have intervened with a few of my students who have insulted and harrassed some of our teacher aides. They don't get paid enough to have to put up with that.

Cut the bus lady some slack.
I'm cutting her slack she lost control of the situation she's not suitable for that job. She became of no use to the driver if something had happened.
That's why I don't cut her slack.
I feel for her but she does not need to do that job.
You need a prison guard to do that job.
I'm cutting her slack she lost control of the situation she's not suitable for that job. She became of no use to the driver if something had happened.
That's why I don't cut her slack.
I feel for her but she does not need to do that job.
You need a prison guard to do that job.
No. You need someone with no-nonsense parenting skills and the intestinal fortitude to implement tough love. If you're physically intimidating to look at because of size or appearance, that's good too, particularly with teens. I can make like a bear up front and seem to take the whoooole width of the bus and tower over them. That helps too. Oh, and I can out shout 70 of them, for I have on a few occasions. Sometimes it's the only way to get them to behave for their own safety.
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Cameras on buses are put there EXCLUSIVELY because there are problems on the bus, unless the district requires them on all buses. They are set so they can see the entire bus from the back except for the driver's seat. If there's a second camera, it faces out the door so people can be seen getting on.

Kids on camera buses behave MUCH better every time because they don't know who's watching and if they will get caught.

If kids ask whether my bus has cameras on it, I always tell them there is even if there isn't. The cameras and microphones are more often used to bust kids behaving badly than the driver.

As for the expense? It's cheaper than a law suit and more bus companies and districts are realizing this the same way they now install GPS tattlers on all buses in their fleets.

Actually thats not true man, I wish it was. The buses in our district have cameras and the kids STILL behave like zoo animals on the bus and fight.
Cameras on buses are put there EXCLUSIVELY because there are problems on the bus, unless the district requires them on all buses. They are set so they can see the entire bus from the back except for the driver's seat. If there's a second camera, it faces out the door so people can be seen getting on.

Kids on camera buses behave MUCH better every time because they don't know who's watching and if they will get caught.

If kids ask whether my bus has cameras on it, I always tell them there is even if there isn't. The cameras and microphones are more often used to bust kids behaving badly than the driver.

As for the expense? It's cheaper than a law suit and more bus companies and districts are realizing this the same way they now install GPS tattlers on all buses in their fleets.

Actually thats not true man, I wish it was. The buses in our district have cameras and the kids STILL behave like zoo animals on the bus and fight.
Imagine how bad they'd be if they didn't have the buses.

Sorry, this comes from personal experience with buses in both district and charter schools that had both camera and non-camera buses. I've driven them all. Kids were always a step or two wilder, dangerous and hostile on buses where they didn't think that they could be caught on camera. Even if the camera is fake, I tell them their principal can look at what they're doing at any time... they settle down.

That said, some of those buses, it did not matter if they knew the school had no interest in pursuing punishment on any bus related activity unless someone was physically harmed. THAT is a huge factor too. Gangbangers also didn't give a shit if someone saw them, nor did the muslim and international schools I drove for (Those were the worst kids of all!). I've had them even fight bus monitors (older students picked because they were responsible good kids to report on trouble). If they are raised to be shits, they will act like them regardless of cameras, but those who have even a modicum of manners, ethics or morality will back off a lot.
You didn't get a half million, did you? A little bitter?

If she was capable at doing her job, she would have handled the situation and nobody would have heard of it

As it is, she gets $650,000 for being inept

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