Students That Bullied Upstate Bus Monitor Suspended For 1 Year

If this is their first offense, and there haven't been behavioral issues at school, then I think suspended for a year from the bus would have been more appropriate.

Yeah, that'd do it in my book. Make them walk to school.
I hope the parents can afford a private school, because a year's suspension seems draconian. They deserve a punishment, but the education, personal growth and socialization that happens at that age seems a terrible thing to interrupt for so long.
Looks like they weren't learning any of that crap in the gubmint schools, so where's the loss?
If this is their first offense, and there haven't been behavioral issues at school, then I think suspended for a year from the bus would have been more appropriate.

Yeah, that'd do it in my book. Make them walk to school.
Those brainiacs?

One of them would just get hit by a car doing something stupid, and the resultant lawsuit would break the school and reward the wrong people.

/mopping monitor with spewed Welch's with soap and water.
Those obnoxious Joo brats are gonna die in Contagion later on this year. And then they're going to Hell. LOL. That was awful: that video.
Students That Bullied Upstate Bus Monitor Karen Klein Suspended For 1 Year

Greece, N.Y. School District Will Also Require 50 Hours Of Community Service

June 29, 2012 8:44 PM

Bus Bullies Who Tormented Bus Aide Karen Klein Suspended From School For For A Year « CBS New York

Since the kids are suspended, will the parents have to pay for private school? Appears this is a perfect solution!

They don't have to Pay for Private School. Because the kids are Suspended the Legal Obligation of the Parents to have their kids in School is gone for a year as well.

If they can't afford private school, or move to another District, the kids will simply miss an entire year of School.

I hope the parents can afford a private school, because a year's suspension seems draconian. They deserve a punishment, but the education, personal growth and socialization that happens at that age seems a terrible thing to interrupt for so long.

They still go to school, a special school for problem kids.
Children should learn that there are consequences to their actions and that if they behave as scum they should expect to be treated as scum.
Students That Bullied Upstate Bus Monitor Karen Klein Suspended For 1 Year

Greece, N.Y. School District Will Also Require 50 Hours Of Community Service

June 29, 2012 8:44 PM

Bus Bullies Who Tormented Bus Aide Karen Klein Suspended From School For For A Year « CBS New York

Since the kids are suspended, will the parents have to pay for private school? Appears this is a perfect solution!

part of me agrees with what they did...

the other part of me wonders why we would reward kids for bad behavior by giving them time off from school

I think more or less flunking a grade would suck.

you assume they care.

i see something that is just going to be a downward spiral...
Destroying the spirit of your whole community...holding them up for national ridicule

Year seems about right
A year isn't enough. They should have been expelled permanently and forced into an alternative school for the rest of their school years.
How ridiculous. Suspension from the bus would have been a more fitting punishment.
I am Torn by this one. While I do think those kids were Terrible and should be Punished. I am always slow to want to Demonize the kids. To be that bad, it means their Parents are Failing them. So now these kids will miss an Entire year of school because their Parents did a piss poor job of Teaching them to Respect.

Shitty Situation all around.

I am right there with ya CM. If this didn't go viral, who the school have acted? No way! They would have probably said who to the bus monitor or just fired her, but since this went viral and there was global shock, the school went medivel on them.

Those are vicious kids who deserve the public condemnation and scorn. They deserved to be punished, but getting expelled? Seriously does that punishment fit the crime? Did I miss them physically assault her? Did I miss them threaten to kill or harm her? Did I miss a crime committed against her? I saw vicious kids that deserved punishment, but explosion is an extreme.

This was a school system that neglected the situation, like they do with student on student bullying, and then go mad when it went viral!

I guarantee, if it didn't go viral and the bus monitor complained, they would have either moved her to another bus, suspended her, fired her or forced her to retire!
I am Torn by this one. While I do think those kids were Terrible and should be Punished. I am always slow to want to Demonize the kids. To be that bad, it means their Parents are Failing them. So now these kids will miss an Entire year of school because their Parents did a piss poor job of Teaching them to Respect.

Shitty Situation all around.

I am right there with ya CM. If this didn't go viral, who the school have acted? No way! They would have probably said who to the bus monitor or just fired her, but since this went viral and there was global shock, the school went medivel on them.

Those are vicious kids who deserve the public condemnation and scorn. They deserved to be punished, but getting expelled? Seriously does that punishment fit the crime? Did I miss them physically assault her? Did I miss them threaten to kill or harm her? Did I miss a crime committed against her? I saw vicious kids that deserved punishment, but explosion is an extreme.

This was a school system that neglected the situation, like they do with student on student bullying, and then go mad when it went viral!

I guarantee, if it didn't go viral and the bus monitor complained, they would have either moved her to another bus, suspended her, fired her or forced her to retire!

I always love it when "new age" amateur parenting experts and backseat adolescent behavioral experts use the "pass the buck" card, and then whip out the "freedom of speech" card for good measure.

But it's playing the "it's the old lady's fault and she should have been fired" card, or the "if this video didn't go viral, the kids would have got away with it" card that proves what a bunch of substandard parents, or substandard future parents, some of you in here really are.

So what's next, the "kids will be kids" card? Maybe the "kids have rights too" card? Perhaps the "throw the parents in jail and place the kids in government foster care" card?

In my day, before political correctness and McDonald's Happy Meal government intervention, these kids would have been sent to the principal's office, got wacked with a piece of 2x6 shaped like a big paddle, sent home, their parent's called in for a "conference", and the kids would have been suspended from school for a LONG time.

Back in my day, there were no "special" schools for students who acted like assholes. They were taken care of "on-site", and the vast majority of these troublemakers had the common sense to realize that there was no other ALTERNATIVE for them..........they either behaved themselves, or they got their asses tanned by a 2x6 and then they were publicly humiliated in their classroom (their desk was moved next to the teacher, or their desk was moved into a corner, their recesses were suspended, they stayed after school to "serve time", etc.).

But, in today's world, kids are king. The teachers are always wrong. The administrators are "out of touch". The parents are idiots. The bus drivers are too old and "sensitive" and should be fired or forced into retirement.

The most important people in this whole mix are the PSYCHIATRISTS (and even family doctors) who prescribe the Ritalin, the Adderall, the Concerta, the Depakote, and a host of other narcotics to keep these kids "under control".

What a fucking MESS this country is in. And I thought the 1960s were bad.
I am Torn by this one. While I do think those kids were Terrible and should be Punished. I am always slow to want to Demonize the kids. To be that bad, it means their Parents are Failing them. So now these kids will miss an Entire year of school because their Parents did a piss poor job of Teaching them to Respect.

Shitty Situation all around.

I am right there with ya CM. If this didn't go viral, who the school have acted? No way! They would have probably said who to the bus monitor or just fired her, but since this went viral and there was global shock, the school went medivel on them.

Those are vicious kids who deserve the public condemnation and scorn. They deserved to be punished, but getting expelled? Seriously does that punishment fit the crime? Did I miss them physically assault her? Did I miss them threaten to kill or harm her? Did I miss a crime committed against her? I saw vicious kids that deserved punishment, but explosion is an extreme.

This was a school system that neglected the situation, like they do with student on student bullying, and then go mad when it went viral!

I guarantee, if it didn't go viral and the bus monitor complained, they would have either moved her to another bus, suspended her, fired her or forced her to retire!

Expulsion does fit the crime. It serves an example to others what happens. A suspension will go into their records and not much will happen. An expulsion will follow them for the rest of their lives. Get into a good college with an expulsion on your record! Try.

What these kids did wasn't an accident, it didn't happen because they didn't pay attention. This was deliberately done because it was FUN to do. It has to not be fun anymore.
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In my day
In your day, no one would have known about it, including the woman herself, as there would be no uploading it to youtube.

But I'm sure she'd be appreciative if you add to the growing pile of moolah she's getting for apparently not doing her job.
In my day
In your day, no one would have known about it, including the woman herself, as there would be no uploading it to youtube.

But I'm sure she'd be appreciative if you add to the growing pile of moolah she's getting for apparently not doing her job.

Oh, It's her fault those punks acted like disgraceful monsters towards her... Got it.:cuckoo:
In my day
In your day, no one would have known about it, including the woman herself, as there would be no uploading it to youtube.

But I'm sure she'd be appreciative if you add to the growing pile of moolah she's getting for apparently not doing her job.

Oh, It's her fault those punks acted like disgraceful monsters towards her... Got it.:cuckoo:
I didn't say that, but in a way it looks like she took a job that was over her head.
Not a bad idea. Most middle schoolers are a bit like animals. :lol:

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