studies on jet engine con trail exhaust?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Most days you can't see the jet exhaust but some days it covers the entire sky with a white haze and other days it looks like a gigantic tic-tac-toe game in the sky. Experts tell us it's all water vapor but artificially generated water vapor in the sky is unnatural and the gigantic fossil fuel burning engines consume a hell of a lot of relatively dirty fuel over our heads. My guess is that it ain't all water vapor we see. The elites depend on air travel so they don't want to kill the golden goose so I doubt if jet engine exhaust will be the subject of much controversy.
Most days you can't see the jet exhaust but some days it covers the entire sky with a white haze and other days it looks like a gigantic tic-tac-toe game in the sky. Experts tell us it's all water vapor but artificially generated water vapor in the sky is unnatural and the gigantic fossil fuel burning engines consume a hell of a lot of relatively dirty fuel over our heads. My guess is that it ain't all water vapor we see. The elites depend on air travel so they don't want to kill the golden goose so I doubt if jet engine exhaust will be the subject of much controversy.

When you can see contrails, its water vapor. Most jet exhaust is water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and some other minor residuals (NOx, Rocks and SOx), with a minute fraction of unburnt fuel. When you see contrails, the weather conditions cause the water vapor to be visible.

The only other explaination is that a jet engine creates different compounds at different times when it is running, and that is just silly.
From 2007:

The latest engines are much more environmentally friendly than earlier ones. The GEnx emits 15 percent less carbon dioxide (CO2) than previous-generation engines for the same thrust, said Melvyn Heard, marketing manager for the GEnx program.

It also produces half as much nitrogen oxides (NOx) as its forebears. NOx pollution is a particular concern in communities near airports: High concentrations build up as jet engines idle for prolonged periods and then go to takeoff thrust.

Clean, Quiet, Powerful: Engines for the New Jets |

I imagine improvements have been made in the last 5 years alone.
The Gov't has already admitted they put Barium Salts and Aluminum in jet fuel for Geo-Engineering purposes.

Here's a good documentary that covers it:

[ame=]What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube[/ame]
The Gov't has already admitted they put Barium Salts and Aluminum in jet fuel for Geo-Engineering purposes.

Here's a good documentary that covers it:

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube

Aluminum was added for wind studies.

The whole concept of chemtrails does not compute for me. First, what is the freaking point? 2nd, why make the crap visible in the first place, and 3rd, to reach a concentration of any effect except local, you would need millions of flights a day over a small area.
The Gov't has already admitted they put Barium Salts and Aluminum in jet fuel for Geo-Engineering purposes.

Here's a good documentary that covers it:

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube

Aluminum was added for wind studies.

The whole concept of chemtrails does not compute for me. First, what is the freaking point? 2nd, why make the crap visible in the first place, and 3rd, to reach a concentration of any effect except local, you would need millions of flights a day over a small area.
The Aluminum makes the soil unusable except for certain seeds that have been Genetically Modified to grow in that environment.

Guess who holds the Patent for those seeds? Monsanto.
The purpose of bring up contrails is to point out the fact that we can see the stuff and sometimes it actually covers the sky with a thin white haze that includes harmful chemicals and water vapor. Enviro freaks continue to be hysterical about the stuff cars put out but apparently they are like deer and never look up at the pollution in the sky. Gasoline is more refined than Av. gas. Why not promote battery powered little box shaped jet planes? (Just kidding).
The Gov't has already admitted they put Barium Salts and Aluminum in jet fuel for Geo-Engineering purposes.

Here's a good documentary that covers it:

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube

Aluminum was added for wind studies.

The whole concept of chemtrails does not compute for me. First, what is the freaking point? 2nd, why make the crap visible in the first place, and 3rd, to reach a concentration of any effect except local, you would need millions of flights a day over a small area.
The Aluminum makes the soil unusable except for certain seeds that have been Genetically Modified to grow in that environment.

Guess who holds the Patent for those seeds? Monsanto.

At what concentration? and how does spreading it at 40,000 ft assure a correct concentration only applied to certain farmland? Why not crop dusters at night?

There is aluminium present in all soil in minute quantities, what is the magic concentration to assure Monsanto world dominance, and again, how much has to be released at 40,000 ft to assure proper coverage over the targeted farmland?
The purpose of bring up contrails is to point out the fact that we can see the stuff and sometimes it actually covers the sky with a thin white haze that includes harmful chemicals and water vapor. Enviro freaks continue to be hysterical about the stuff cars put out but apparently they are like deer and never look up at the pollution in the sky. Gasoline is more refined than Av. gas. Why not promote battery powered little box shaped jet planes? (Just kidding).

Evidently it just not about that.

Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The average 747 burns about 15,000 gallons of fuel in a five hour flight and there are about 5,000 planes in the sky over the US at all times. I don't know how efficiently the big engines burn fuel but at the very least that's a lot of pollution spreading out and raining down every day.
The average 747 burns about 15,000 gallons of fuel in a five hour flight and there are about 5,000 planes in the sky over the US at all times. I don't know how efficiently the big engines burn fuel but at the very least that's a lot of pollution spreading out and raining down every day.


Assume the US as a rectangular box, 3000 miles, by 1000 miles, by 7 miles high (crusing altitude)

Now assume 100% unburned fuel for all those airplanes. (worst case).

Assuming uniform spread throught the United states of theoretical box it gives us a concentration of...

2.21x10^6 mg/l or 0.0000021 mg/l.
Just like ground pollution, fly over country catches some fallout but most of it probably falls in concentrated areas near the major airport hubs. Don't get me wrong I offer no solutions. My purpose is to discuss the effect of 5,000 planes burning a gallon of relatively dirty fossil fuel over our heads every second 24/7- 360. Rather than blaming my V-8 F-150 for alleged global warming let's spread the guilt around.
The purpose of bring up contrails is to point out the fact that we can see the stuff and sometimes it actually covers the sky with a thin white haze that includes harmful chemicals and water vapor. Enviro freaks continue to be hysterical about the stuff cars put out but apparently they are like deer and never look up at the pollution in the sky. Gasoline is more refined than Av. gas. Why not promote battery powered little box shaped jet planes? (Just kidding).

Amazingly enough prop engines do the same thing and the Allied Air Forces spent a considerable amount of time researching them so they could send the bomber streams over at times when they were less likely to form, thus giving away the bombers presence.


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Interesting how a specific environmental concern becomes part of the "vast right wing conspiracy" when the left doesn't want to deal with it. By the way I really like Stephen King novels but it is shocking how he has become a hate filled tool of the democrat party. The anti-republican rhetoric was so tiring in the novel "The Dome" that I almost put it down.
Most days you can't see the jet exhaust but some days it covers the entire sky with a white haze and other days it looks like a gigantic tic-tac-toe game in the sky. Experts tell us it's all water vapor but artificially generated water vapor in the sky is unnatural and the gigantic fossil fuel burning engines consume a hell of a lot of relatively dirty fuel over our heads. My guess is that it ain't all water vapor we see. The elites depend on air travel so they don't want to kill the golden goose so I doubt if jet engine exhaust will be the subject of much controversy.

When you see contrails, you know it's going to rain soon...

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