STUDY: Childlessness leads to liberalism, support for homosexuality, abortion, and promiscuity, while parenthood creates conservatism and Traditional


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Why so-called 'liberals' non-stop 24/7 promote abortions, sodomy, childless way of life, alcohol, drugs, atheism and another 'democratic' values.
Because the more couples without children the more votes becomes DNC ( after stolen ones of course )

Which family gonna sooner vote for democrats.

That one of two sodomites?
Or one with three kids?

STUDY: Childlessness Leads to Liberalism, Support for Homosexuality, Abortion, and Promiscuity, while Parenthood Creates Conservatism and Traditional Values.​

Aseries of four studies by researchers from the United States, Chile, Australia, South Korea, Poland, Japan, Denmark, and Serbia has concluded that “[t]he motivation to care for children is consequently among the fundamental drivers of human behaviour, but its power to shape social attitudes and cognition is under-appreciated.”

The studies revealed “cross-cultural and experimental evidence suggesting that parental care motivation leads to increases in socially conservative attitudes, and that parenthood is associated with social conservatism around the globe.”

The report lends credibility to the colloquial use of such phrases as, “You’ll understand when you have children of your own,” and directly calls into question the link between conservatism and wisdom through age, versus conservatism as a result of parenthood.

Conversely, researchers noted that failure to have children necessarily leads to a greater acceptance of socially liberal or degenerate behaviors, such as support for abortion, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, or infidelity/adultery.

The multi-study paper, entitled “Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism”, was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B over the summer. Conclusions were drawn from a survey of 2,610 people in 10 countries and a separate study into archival data from over 400,000 individuals in 88 countries.


According to the research, not only does parenthood (or the motivation to care for children) directly correlate with the shaping of social attitudes, it also appears to be affected by the number of children one has:

Although number of children is not necessarily a reflection of parental care motivation, parents with more children have a greater investment in the interests of their children, and are likely to spend more time (and resources) on childcare. Thus, there may be an amplification of the motivational changes associated with parenthood, especially in the case of people with multiple young children. Indeed, number of children was positively related to sexual conservatism and accounted for more overall variance than the dichotomous parenthood variable.
The fourth study in particular, which sought to test the correlation between parenthood and socially conservative attitudes around the world, identified “that parenthood and number of children were robust correlates of three core components of social conservatism across the majority of countries around the globe.”

MUST READ: EXCLUSIVE: Election Firm 'Konnech' That Sent Poll Data to China Donated ALL Political Cash To Democrats... Including Joe Biden.
Researchers also conducted experiments with participants, finding that individuals who wrote about positive interactions with children were more socially conservative than their counterparts who were asked to think about non-child-related experiences.

“Given that socially conservative values ostensibly prioritize safety, stability and family values, we hypothesized that being a parent or being more invested in parental care might make socially conservative policies more appealing,” explained Nicholas Kerry, PhD and paper co-author.

“Parental status and parental care motivation were robustly associated with social conservatism in many diverse countries, from Lebanon to Japan.”

The study comes as various corporate and left-leaning groups such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) have sought to abolish the nuclear family in favor of a Marxist social structure.

BLM, for example, stealthily took down part of its “What We Believe” page that condemned America’s “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” while climate change activists have attempted to dissuade people from having children due to their supposed environmental impacts.

The paper itself notes the political implications of its findings, noting China’s ‘one child policy’, birth control, and abortion.

“Similarly, given that birthrates are declining in most of the world—but increasing sharply in some regions — the current findings could have profound implications for the political landscape of the future. Specifically, our findings would suggest that global increases in childlessness could potentially contribute to a process of liberalization on social issues. Consequently, integrating these findings into existing models of political attitudes may contribute to more accurate models of population-level shifts in ideology.”


I'm single, live alone, and I'm all the more happier for it, seeing whats out there all these years!!!

I don't want kids, never wanted them, don't need them, and don't see ANY reason stupid people should be allowed to breed anyway.

NOT having kids does NOT "turn" you into anything, except a HAPPY ADULT!!!

It's nobodys duty to have kids. It's a choice, as it should be. One or no child marriages are on the rise. It's NOT an issue.
Why so-called 'liberals' non-stop 24/7 promote abortions, sodomy, childless way of life, alcohol, drugs, atheism and another 'democratic' values.
Because the more couples without children the more votes becomes DNC ( after stolen ones of course )

Which family gonna sooner vote for democrats.

That one of two sodomites?
Or one with three kids?

STUDY: Childlessness Leads to Liberalism, Support for Homosexuality, Abortion, and Promiscuity, while Parenthood Creates Conservatism and Traditional Values.​

Aseries of four studies by researchers from the United States, Chile, Australia, South Korea, Poland, Japan, Denmark, and Serbia has concluded that “[t]he motivation to care for children is consequently among the fundamental drivers of human behaviour, but its power to shape social attitudes and cognition is under-appreciated.”

The studies revealed “cross-cultural and experimental evidence suggesting that parental care motivation leads to increases in socially conservative attitudes, and that parenthood is associated with social conservatism around the globe.”

The report lends credibility to the colloquial use of such phrases as, “You’ll understand when you have children of your own,” and directly calls into question the link between conservatism and wisdom through age, versus conservatism as a result of parenthood.

Conversely, researchers noted that failure to have children necessarily leads to a greater acceptance of socially liberal or degenerate behaviors, such as support for abortion, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, or infidelity/adultery.

The multi-study paper, entitled “Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism”, was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B over the summer. Conclusions were drawn from a survey of 2,610 people in 10 countries and a separate study into archival data from over 400,000 individuals in 88 countries.


According to the research, not only does parenthood (or the motivation to care for children) directly correlate with the shaping of social attitudes, it also appears to be affected by the number of children one has:

The fourth study in particular, which sought to test the correlation between parenthood and socially conservative attitudes around the world, identified “that parenthood and number of children were robust correlates of three core components of social conservatism across the majority of countries around the globe.”

MUST READ: EXCLUSIVE: Election Firm 'Konnech' That Sent Poll Data to China Donated ALL Political Cash To Democrats... Including Joe Biden.
Researchers also conducted experiments with participants, finding that individuals who wrote about positive interactions with children were more socially conservative than their counterparts who were asked to think about non-child-related experiences.

“Given that socially conservative values ostensibly prioritize safety, stability and family values, we hypothesized that being a parent or being more invested in parental care might make socially conservative policies more appealing,” explained Nicholas Kerry, PhD and paper co-author.

“Parental status and parental care motivation were robustly associated with social conservatism in many diverse countries, from Lebanon to Japan.”

The study comes as various corporate and left-leaning groups such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) have sought to abolish the nuclear family in favor of a Marxist social structure.

BLM, for example, stealthily took down part of its “What We Believe” page that condemned America’s “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” while climate change activists have attempted to dissuade people from having children due to their supposed environmental impacts.

The paper itself notes the political implications of its findings, noting China’s ‘one child policy’, birth control, and abortion.

“Similarly, given that birthrates are declining in most of the world—but increasing sharply in some regions — the current findings could have profound implications for the political landscape of the future. Specifically, our findings would suggest that global increases in childlessness could potentially contribute to a process of liberalization on social issues. Consequently, integrating these findings into existing models of political attitudes may contribute to more accurate models of population-level shifts in ideology.”

Seems to me, that right wingers complaint is there are too many brown and black people having babies in the USA that will "replace them", in the least from being the white majority....???

Wouldn't that mean that it is the Right wingers who are reproducing less, than the left wingers?
Explain why
Do you understand the concept of perpetuation of the species? Do you understand how a nation continues to exist? Do you understand that human beings work in factories, serve in the military, and carry on the culture and values of the country?

Start with those and we'll go from there.
I would like for the discussion to be about the study and implications instead of the usual name calling, slurs, and negative characterizations.

It is true, I don't know a lot of childless people who are conservative but there are some. I do know a lot of people who were far more progressive before they had kids, and then they have become far more conservative. And I know some very progressive people with kids but there aren't many of them and almost all are single and very non traditional mothers.

So it stands to reason that traditional families are far more likely to be right of center and support those values and concepts that are right of center far more than those who are childless and/or single parents.

That is because traditional families are more likely to be religious, prefer traditional curriculum and effective education for their kids meaning pro school choice and anti social engineering stuff like CRT or curriculum sexualized content or rewriting history to project the progressive point of view only. They are more likely to see progressive points of view or initiatives as harmful and resist 'wokeism' and militant PC. And no, that doesn't mean they are pro racism or sexism or homophobia or fascism or anti immigrant or any of the other labels progressives tend to put on them.
When you have more reason to "conserve" you are more likely to be conservative. When you CAN live like a self-centered, arrested development man/woman child who never grew up or took up the responsibilities of grown ups, you are much more likely to think and live that way.
Perhaps they've made a decision together. If they are too busy working to raise kids then it's a sound decision. Do you want people who don't want kids to have them?
I wonder if having your ass beat and gettin robbed at gunpoint by an Illegal or having an illegal rape your Mom or Wife or Daughter or Granddaughter or having an illegal Murder your only Biological Grandchild makes you more Inclined to support a closed Southern border

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