Zone1 Is the term anti semite still an effective insult ? Mod alert

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The term "anti-semitism" has become like the word "racist".
Because they are used soo often to describe anything someone doesn't like.
They've lost any power they once had to vilify a person or situation..
Wrong. The only people misusing the term racist are the racists. The words have not lost their power. The thing about the word racist is that people like you say racist stuff and think you're not racist. The main person misusing the word anti semite here is a Jew who is also a white supremacist.
Wrong. The only people misusing the term racist are the racists. The words have not lost their power. The thing about the word racist is that people like you say racist stuff and think you're not racist. The main person misusing the word anti semite here is a Jew who is also a white supremacist.
Words change their meaning over time. When I was young a racist was someone who hated all Negroes simply because they had dark skin. Now a racist is someone who mentions unflattering facts about the Negro race. The word "racist" has been used to suppress the dialogue on race we need to be having.
It used to be a huge slur that put the target on a par with Hitler.

But now it seems to aimed at anybody who has a problem with Israeli policy.

It is even more shockingly used against Jewish people who oppose their govt policy.

Is it used so much as a tool to silence dissent ? Nobody wants to be saddled with that label.

Or has hatred of jews grown so much of late ?

There has always been a home for anti semites on here. EMH is one. Roosevelt is another one. They are surfing this wave. Israel has received a massive assault and reacted to it. They have lost a lot of support by their reaction to it.

The World just wants a peaceful settlement in Palestine. One where people of good faith can live in peace.

Extremists on here have called me an anti semite. It soesnt bother me. I think it says more about them than it does about me. That should worry the extremists. I doubt that ut will.

ARe these young students anti semites ? Or are they reacting to the carnage they see every night ?
These kids are your next leaders.

NB Could the mods keep an eye on this. Ive put it here for a reason.
lol, now this is funny right here…

I light of all of the DEMOCRATS protesting against Israel, NOW you want to talk about all of the harms of the words “anti semetism”? What about..oh..I dunno..the last 3 years when democrats were hurdling those words against republicans?

The answer is no, what the DEMOCRATS are doing here is anti semitism.
Anti-Semitism absolutely has no meaning now.

Zionists went into hysterics throwing the word around like water ever since last October 7th.

Damn shame

Of that it’s the DEMOCRATS who are the subject of that word…it no longe has meaning…..that is, course, until the next time comes when the left can use it against repubs…then it will have meaning again..
It used to be a huge slur that put the target on a par with Hitler.

But now it seems to aimed at anybody who has a problem with Israeli policy.

It is even more shockingly used against Jewish people who oppose their govt policy.

Is it used so much as a tool to silence dissent ? Nobody wants to be saddled with that label.

Or has hatred of jews grown so much of late ?

There has always been a home for anti semites on here. EMH is one. Roosevelt is another one. They are surfing this wave. Israel has received a massive assault and reacted to it. They have lost a lot of support by their reaction to it.

The World just wants a peaceful settlement in Palestine. One where people of good faith can live in peace.

Extremists on here have called me an anti semite. It soesnt bother me. I think it says more about them than it does about me. That should worry the extremists. I doubt that ut will.

ARe these young students anti semites ? Or are they reacting to the carnage they see every night ?
These kids are your next leaders.

NB Could the mods keep an eye on this. Ive put it here for a reason.
On 10/8 I said that anyone opposing Netanyahu's actions would be called "antisemitic."

It's not the 20-1 ratio of Palestinian to Israeli deaths, you're an antisemite.
It's not the indiscriminate bombing and murder of innocent women and children you're an antisemite.
It's not the apartheid, you're an antisemite...


The MAGATS, the ACTUAL ANTISEMITES are using the word to defend their brother in hate and crime, Netanyahu.

THAT is funny!
Of that it’s the DEMOCRATS who are the subject of that word…it no longe has meaning…..that is, course, until the next time comes when the left can use it against repubs…then it will have meaning again..
They are calling JEWISH protestors antisemitic.

You tell me what that is other than hysterics.
Palestinian people do not exist period!
Way back on March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said:

That's pretty clear, isn't it? It's even more specific than Golda Meir's statement. It reaffirms what I have written on this subject. And it is hardly the only such statement of its kind. Arafat himself made a very definitive and unequivocal statement along these lines as late as 1993. It demonstrates conclusively that the Palestinian nationhood argument is the real strategic deception – one geared to set up the destruction of Israel.
What was...was

whatever the history the Palestinian people have a unique social identity that requires their basic freedoms be recognized and respected.

Israel didn't exist for 2000
No Russia from 1917 to 1990
Prior to 1789 there was no US...

Should they all be wiped from the maps and their peoples diaspora-ed to the winds?
Their lands taken and divided among the remaining nations?
No idea .. are they? A rather silly question given the violent outbreaks we continue to see from the anti-Israel / pro-Hamas groups at universities scattered across the United States.


This, folks, is what a propaganda overdose looks like.



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On 10/8 I said that anyone opposing Netanyahu's actions would be called "antisemitic."

It's not the 20-1 ratio of Palestinian to Israeli deaths, you're an antisemite.
It's not the indiscriminate bombing and murder of innocent women and children you're an antisemite.
It's not the apartheid, you're an antisemite...


The MAGATS, the ACTUAL ANTISEMITES are using the word to defend their brother in hate and crime, Netanyahu.

THAT is funny!
View attachment 943712

This is the sort of thing I am talking about. This chap doesnt appear to be a holocaust denier. He doesnt seem to be over supportive. There has to be room for that in US politics.
Linguistically it never was.
Semite refers to an ethnic of Caucasian of the greater Arabia~Middle East region which includes Arabs and others, not just indigenous Jews.
Linguistically it is.

Welcome to the 21st century.

What was...was

whatever the history the Palestinian people have a unique social identity that requires their basic freedoms be recognized and respected.

Israel didn't exist for 2000
No Russia from 1917 to 1990
Prior to 1789 there was no US...

Should they all be wiped from the maps and their peoples diaspora-ed to the winds?
Their lands taken and divided among the remaining nations?
They have no right to the lands they try to occupy, if they live there, I have no problem, just try to do it peacefully. No they should not be wiped out they should find leaders who want to have peace, not proxy leaders from Iran who want war, all the time and to wipe out Israel!

This is the sort of thing I am talking about. This chap doesnt appear to be a holocaust denier. He doesnt seem to be over supportive. There has to be room for that in US politics.
These days the Israeli supporters can't hide behind the Government like they did in the past when it was a little more moderate, now it's a fascist racist Regime dominated by the most extreme elements like Ben Givir now those supporters don't have any excuse.
They have no right to the lands they try to occupy, if they live there, I have no problem, just try to do it peacefully. No they should not be wiped out they should find leaders who want to have peace, not proxy leaders from Iran who want war, all the time and to wipe out Israel!
So then all the White people should be deported from the Americas and the lands turned over to the Natives and the African/Asians bought here for forced labor?

Do go on with your plan.
So then all the White people should be deported from the Americas and the lands turned over to the Natives and the African/Asians bought here for forced labor?

Do go on with your plan.
I am ok with that I have native American in my blood! Ask the Africans who sold them and the asians who sold them!
I am ok with that I have native American in my blood! Ask the Africans who sold them and the asians who sold them!
Only purebloods.
We'll do a blood test like the used to in Alabama.
Doesn't matter who sold or bought except to racists trying to defend the crimes of their White progenitors/

Ask the Jews how they got to Israel?
Shouldn't they all go back to Egypt where they came from.


You know, racist, you came from Africa too.

Linguistically it is.

Welcome to the 21st century.

In recent decades it's use has narrowed by many to mean anti-Jewish.

If one wants to use words correctly and per genetic and ethnic application, then Semite has broad definition.
However Leftist have a tendency to misuse and misapply words. They often are not precise in their use of language. Just like they often aren't precise in their history or use of math or science.
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