Study proves unvaccinated children are healthier

This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.

People who can't see the research prove how pathetically stupid you are. Guess that mercury put tons of holes in your brain. Oh well one less idiot to breed more idiots. That's the good side of idiots who keep doing it.
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.

Oh is the poor baby a wittle to afraid of researched information awww poor baby denial is so much easier to do , turn the head and ignore it... it's ok take your vaccines like good little sheep .... :ahole-1:
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.

Oh is the poor baby a wittle to afraid of researched information awww poor baby denial is so much easier to do , turn the head and ignore it... it's ok take your vaccines like good little sheep .... :ahole-1:
Im afraid that people who are conspiracy minded dont even belong being considered as adult brains.
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.
Too much for your head to take in all at once?

NOTE: The CDC website shows there have been MEASLES outbreaks EVERY YEAR. ( Contrary to TV reporting). ( Outbreaks of Measles have occurred EVERY YEAR --- for Over 50 years despite vaccinations Due to Vaccine FAILURE and SHEDDING.) Links are provided below. EX.
Links to studies and such in posts More coming out on the danger of vaccines thru More coming out on the danger of vaccines

Measles outbreak in a fully immunized secondary-school population:
ALSO : " Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. See research in studies : 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.11.12 Adults have contracted polio from recently vaccinated infants. A father from Staten Island ended up in a wheel chair after contracting polio while changing his daughter's diaper. He received a 22.5 million dollar award in 2009. 20,21 " ETC..

Studies put to question the safety of current vaccination practices
View attachment 125144

Celeste McGovern joins Rob Dew and Owen Shroyer to discuss the first ever study comparing the health levels of vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Preterm birth and vaccination
In 2012, 450,000 babies (11%) were born preterm in the United States, resulting in 35% of all infant deaths in that year, more than any other single cause. Worldwide, an estimated 15 million infants were born preterm in 2010, of which about 13 million survived beyond the first month. In addition to the acute complications of prematurity, which include respiratory distress, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and retinopathy, 345,000 (2.7%) preterm infants were estimated to have moderate to severe neurodevelopmental impairment; a further 567,000 (4.4%) had mild neurodevelopmental impairment, and many more had specific learning or behavioral disorders [4]. Advances in medical care have led to increased rates of preterm birth and decreased preterm mortality rates. However, neurodevelopmental disabilities have increased, especially in infants born at ≤25 weeks’ gestation, with nearly half of surviving extremely preterm infants having significant disabilities [16]. Total annual costs of preterm birth in the United States exceed $26 billion per year, with an overall average cost of approximately $51,600 per preterm infant [17].

In a follow-up study of 11-year-old children born extremely preterm, the rate of ASD was 8% compared to zero percent

See the studies here:,-vacc……

View attachment 125143

Oh the believers who pray to their medical Gods aren't going to want to hear this one....LOL oh well sucks to be you.

Unvaccinated children and their families can start their own schools and businesses and stay together....the rest of us can watch how their diseases progress. Call it a scientific experiment.
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.
Too much for your head to take in all at once?

NOTE: The CDC website shows there have been MEASLES outbreaks EVERY YEAR. ( Contrary to TV reporting). ( Outbreaks of Measles have occurred EVERY YEAR --- for Over 50 years despite vaccinations Due to Vaccine FAILURE and SHEDDING.) Links are provided below. EX.
Links to studies and such in posts More coming out on the danger of vaccines thru More coming out on the danger of vaccines

Measles outbreak in a fully immunized secondary-school population:
ALSO : " Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. See research in studies : 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.11.12 Adults have contracted polio from recently vaccinated infants. A father from Staten Island ended up in a wheel chair after contracting polio while changing his daughter's diaper. He received a 22.5 million dollar award in 2009. 20,21 " ETC..

Someone like that is totally useless, useless to society, useless to humanity.

Brain damaged loons like that only know how to told what to do , how to do it, when to do it. They can't think for themselves they need parents, they need the medical police, the public schools, the police, the Government they all do their little thinking for them.

These types are in a perm. case of retard mode from all the vaccines they drink up. And all those vaccines their mommies took that's an added bonus.
Let Mind Wars and RodISHI have their way, and 50% of our children would not reach adult hood.

Since that won't happen, we can smile at Rod and MWs.

Studies put to question the safety of current vaccination practices
View attachment 125144

Celeste McGovern joins Rob Dew and Owen Shroyer to discuss the first ever study comparing the health levels of vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Preterm birth and vaccination
In 2012, 450,000 babies (11%) were born preterm in the United States, resulting in 35% of all infant deaths in that year, more than any other single cause. Worldwide, an estimated 15 million infants were born preterm in 2010, of which about 13 million survived beyond the first month. In addition to the acute complications of prematurity, which include respiratory distress, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and retinopathy, 345,000 (2.7%) preterm infants were estimated to have moderate to severe neurodevelopmental impairment; a further 567,000 (4.4%) had mild neurodevelopmental impairment, and many more had specific learning or behavioral disorders [4]. Advances in medical care have led to increased rates of preterm birth and decreased preterm mortality rates. However, neurodevelopmental disabilities have increased, especially in infants born at ≤25 weeks’ gestation, with nearly half of surviving extremely preterm infants having significant disabilities [16]. Total annual costs of preterm birth in the United States exceed $26 billion per year, with an overall average cost of approximately $51,600 per preterm infant [17].

In a follow-up study of 11-year-old children born extremely preterm, the rate of ASD was 8% compared to zero percent

See the studies here:,-vacc……

View attachment 125143

Oh the believers who pray to their medical Gods aren't going to want to hear this one....LOL oh well sucks to be you.

Unvaccinated children and their families can start their own schools and businesses and stay together....the rest of us can watch how their diseases progress. Call it a scientific experiment.

Parental rights should be terminated if the adults refuse intelligent vaxing for their children.
People who propose that they have the right over and above the parent should be banished.
I have no problem with parents making a choice not to vaccinate, but their kids should not be allowed in a public school...they can opt to home school or find a private school that will take them unvaccinated.
Let Mind Wars and RodISHI have their way, and 50% of our children would not reach adult hood.

Since that won't happen, we can smile at Rod and MWs.
Let fascist like you run the show and all we will have is retards left at the end of the day that cannot think for themselves. I guess that isn't going to happen since people all around are waking up and telling you and the others to GFT.
Parental rights should be terminated if the adults refuse intelligent vaxing for their children.
People who propose that they have the right over and above the parent should be banished.
I have no problem with parents making a choice not to vaccinate, but their kids should not be allowed in a public school...they can opt to home school or find a private school that will take them unvaccinated.
That is fine as long as they get the same financial credit for their schools as those schools where you wish to indoctrinate the students of those who don't mind being a part of a managed herd.
i wont even engage in this debate...walk thru a graveyard...look at the infant graves...look at the dates...look at the date polio vaccines were given...sorry i dont wanna return to those times....
i gave my son every vaccine ....on the exact dates recommended even the hvp vaccine which was quite controversial at the time...he was vaccinated against hepatitis..he is fine and always has been....if you anti vac want to not vaccinate your child that is on your..but know that infants have no real immunity and cant be you endanger others with your bs

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