Study proves unvaccinated children are healthier

This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

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LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................

You have any information about this from a trustworthy source?

What for so that no matter what source I give you, and you can deny it, won't waste my time there is enough already on here to answer your question.

Sorry I don't play GOPHER to those who get off on thinking someone will bend over run around like a dog chasing their tail all so you can kick it all down over and over................ Follow the links already here.

What for so that no matter what source I give you, and you can deny it,

If you have a reliable source, provide it.
If all your sources are anti-vaxxer nutter sites, that would be typical.

Now considering that the vast majority of children in my area were given the vaccine, but not all of them, it's weird that I can't recall a single case of measles in our local schools. With all the live virus shedding claimed by
your "source", there should have been dozens....hundreds....unless your source was crap?
i gave my son every vaccine ....on the exact dates recommended even the hvp vaccine which was quite controversial at the time...he was vaccinated against hepatitis..he is fine and always has been....if you anti vac want to not vaccinate your child that is on your..but know that infants have no real immunity and cant be you endanger others with your bs
The amount of vaccines given are not the same as they were back when our children were little. They are vaccinating newborn infants. "Administer monovalent HepB vaccine to all newborns within 24 hours of birth."
Dangerous and irresponsible. But..they are just entertainers.
It's pretty dense going, but you should read article #2, Lone. I'm not a scientist so I can't say a lot about the particulars, but the numbers are interesting and seem to back up MindWars' assertions.

Sorry. You seem like a nice person. But I'm repulsed by such gullibility. Anti-vaxxers are freaks to me. Irresponsible losers. Not open for debate among thinking people.
Dangerous and irresponsible. But..they are just entertainers.
It's pretty dense going, but you should read article #2, Lone. I'm not a scientist so I can't say a lot about the particulars, but the numbers are interesting and seem to back up MindWars' assertions.

Sorry. You seem like a nice person. But I'm repulsed by such gullibility. Anti-vaxxers are freaks to me. Irresponsible losers. Not open for debate among thinking people.
Some of us simply do not care for fascism. Freedom of choice is the hallmark of this country that made it great whether you like that or not. People are still free to a certain degree from medical tyranny but you pro-vaxxers seem to want to change that. I say piss on you and the beast you ride on, let the people go and they will find the truth and make their own decisions.
Parental rights should be terminated if the adults refuse intelligent vaxing for their children.
People who propose that they have the right over and above the parent should be banished.
I have no problem with parents making a choice not to vaccinate, but their kids should not be allowed in a public school...they can opt to home school or find a private school that will take them unvaccinated.

And....should they be allowed to play in the park? Attend a children's activity at the local library? Play t-ball with other kids?

A parent making the choice not to vaccinate needs to have their kids quarantined.
Protocols! When real scientific studies are conducted, scientists go to great lengths to eliminate confounding influences.
Do unvaccinated kids live the same lifestyle as vaccinated? Or are a lot of the parents wackos, who shun mainstream society, and 'protect' their children with home-schooling and prayers?
All these kids WERE homeschooled.
Dangerous and irresponsible. But..they are just entertainers.
It's pretty dense going, but you should read article #2, Lone. I'm not a scientist so I can't say a lot about the particulars, but the numbers are interesting and seem to back up MindWars' assertions.

Sorry. You seem like a nice person. But I'm repulsed by such gullibility. Anti-vaxxers are freaks to me. Irresponsible losers. Not open for debate among thinking people.
I have always agreed with you. I read the second study listed in the OP, though, and the compared rates of NDD among vaccinated and unvaccinated kids. Jake says they used the wrong control, and that is what screwed up the numbers. I don't know what he means, and once again in the past 48 hours I guess I'm showing my lack of education, but it's a genuine question.
I have ALWAYS been a supporter of vaccination and I still am. People who don't want to vaccinate their children are ignorant, imo, and it infuriates me that they can get away with it. All I am saying is IF there are actually negative effects from the vaccines being used, is it so awful to figure it out and fix it?
Many people are not old enough to remember when children wife being crippled by polio and dying of the measles. So its very easy for people to brush off vaccines as unnecessary.

Vaccines have eradicated many diseases use to routinely kill and cripple children.

If you want to chance your child getting those diseases then so be it. But keep your kids in the house and away from society so children who are still too young the vaccines don't catch anything from your kids.
Parental rights should be terminated if the adults refuse intelligent vaxing for their children.
People who propose that they have the right over and above the parent should be banished.
I have no problem with parents making a choice not to vaccinate, but their kids should not be allowed in a public school...they can opt to home school or find a private school that will take them unvaccinated.
That is fine as long as they get the same financial credit for their schools as those schools where you wish to indoctrinate the students of those who don't mind being a part of a managed herd.
Nope.....they make a conscious choice to not vaccinate, they get to stay home for homeschooling.
If we end vaccines, the stupids' children are just as like to half a chance of not making it to adulthood as the smarts' children.

Anti-vaxer = ignorant person, imo.
So why did 19 of the vaccinated kids (4.7%) have ADHD while 3 (1%) did not?
Why did 23 of the vaccinated kids (5.7%) have learning disabilities while 3 (1%) did not?
Why did 19 of the vaccinated kids (4.7%) have autism spectrum disorder while 3 (1%) did not?

I just want to know.
Many people are not old enough to remember when children wife being crippled by polio and dying of the measles. So its very easy for people to brush off vaccines as unnecessary.

Vaccines have eradicated many diseases use to routinely kill and cripple children.

If you want to chance your child getting those diseases then so be it. But keep your kids in the house and away from society so children who are still too young the vaccines don't catch anything from your kids.
If you are all covered by having your vaccines you shouldn't worry about the few that are not vaccinated with every vaccine out there. Typically now four doses of polio vaccine (IPV) are routinely recommended for U.S. children at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6-18 months, and 4-6 years. When mine were little they didn't get their Polio shots until they were at least 18 months old. Today a lot of people send their children to Daycare facilities when they are still babies so those children are subjected to whatever is being passed around at that Daycare.

Modern plumbing, cleanliness and enclose sewage facilities account for the biggest deterrent against Polio. It is spread through fecal matter contamination with a few cases via oral transmission by way of an infected person's saliva. In the 50's there were still lots of places with open sewage contained in them, small waterways and ditches were also a prime source for the disease as people dumped their plumbed sewage into those. Many other diseases or transmitted through poo. When cities or feed lots start spreading shit on fields or they are dumping into or near waterways diseases are spread that away too.
So why did 19 of the vaccinated kids (4.7%) have ADHD while 3 (1%) did not?
Why did 23 of the vaccinated kids (5.7%) have learning disabilities while 3 (1%) did not?
Why did 19 of the vaccinated kids (4.7%) have autism spectrum disorder while 3 (1%) did not?

I just want to know.
Its the overload of too many vaccines with stuffs in them that cause problems along with food that has been desiccated with Glyphosate and other chemical factors that humans especially children are faced with in our modern society. Studies and all the links are already posted> Acute Encephalopathy Followed by Permanent Brain Injury or Death Associated With Further Attenuated Measles Vaccines: A Review of Claims Submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ( 1997). Here is the complete Dr. Deisher's study concerning aborted fetal cells and the links found there:

Synergistic Exposure to Multiple Toxins have a greater effect than Single toxin Exposure.
This thread has tons of studies to the ins and outs of what is happening. 9. Why Some People are more at Risk of Vaccine Adverse Reactions than Others:
I've always vaccinated my kids, just because of the life altering diseases they protected against. But my youngest two also received vaccinations for chickenpox and I couldn't really figure that one out. That one is relatively new. How many have had chickenpox & survived with no ill effects? I had them twice in my life. So I do question the need for some of the vaccinations because it takes away from the body's immune system to work properly. Same goes for the antibiotic craze. If you never get sick, your immune system gets lazy cause it's never called into action.......until you're hit with something major and you IS is totally unprepared & overwhelmed.

I've known a few that have had negative health issues from immunizations, but there is usually additional issues that played into having been sick when they received the immunizations.
Critical Thinkers know this already,its why we DON'T vaccinate. Big Pharma LOVES people who vaccinate because they just created a customer for life! Vaccines merely harm and weaken the natural immune systems ability to fight off diseases and sickness.
So why did 19 of the vaccinated kids (4.7%) have ADHD while 3 (1%) did not?
Why did 23 of the vaccinated kids (5.7%) have learning disabilities while 3 (1%) did not?
Why did 19 of the vaccinated kids (4.7%) have autism spectrum disorder while 3 (1%) did not?

I just want to know.
Because the unvax'd kids were not properly polled by their parents.

Check the protocols.
Parental rights should be terminated if the adults refuse intelligent vaxing for their children.
People who propose that they have the right over and above the parent should be banished.
I have no problem with parents making a choice not to vaccinate, but their kids should not be allowed in a public school...they can opt to home school or find a private school that will take them unvaccinated.

And....should they be allowed to play in the park? Attend a children's activity at the local library? Play t-ball with other kids?

A parent making the choice not to vaccinate needs to have their kids quarantined.
I would agree...and if any young child becomes sick because of the exposure to unvaccinated kids, their parents should foot the medical bills.

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