Study supporting carbon tax funded by renewable energy developer

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
CONFLICT?: Paul Burns, executive director of VPIRG, said he sees no problem touting a carbon tax study funded in part by Vermont’s most prominent renewable energy CEO.

A study supporting a proposed $500 million carbon tax in Vermont was funded by a renewable energy developer who stands to benefit from taxes targeting competing energy sources.

On Dec. 3, pro-carbon-tax representatives of Energy Independent Vermont debated leaders of the free market think tank the Ethan Allen Institute on taxing gasoline, propane, natural gas and other fossil fuels to combat global warming.

While the debate focused largely on the tax’s economic impact relative to its negligible impact on reducing CO2, backers repeatedly referred to a 2014 study that claims a carbon tax would boost Vermont’s economy and create jobs.


In 10 years, the tax potentially could add 88 cents to the price of every gallon of gasoline sold in Vermont. The report doesn’t foresee job losses as companies cut workers to make up for revenues eaten by higher energy prices.

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Almost all the electricity in Oregon is produced from renewables. They just cut our residential rates. In the meantime, areas with mostly fossil fuel generation, the rates increased. Hmmmmm..............

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