Timeline Of Biden's Energy Policy Failure Leading To Gas Prices Doubling

I read that's exactly what we are doing in the Associated Press, I don't know these things and neither do you, we all have to rely on reliable sources, not politicians either. I do have to ask though, how come 8% of it was built? I heard Obama halted the pipeline too, so when was the small portion built?
So. They are getting their cut of profits for bailing out Russia. They and BRICs are buying Russian oil and reselling it. While we SANCTION OURSELVES they are laughing all the way to the bank.
The BRIC's are stealing all the profits from Russia. That oil has to get to market because Russia can't stop the hot oil flowing in their pipelines & wells or they will all freeze, heave in the permafrost & break in Siberia causing permeant loss of production.
And if it's the cause of high gas how come it didn't happen under Obama when he halted the pipeline?
Because those pipelines were INTERNAL, and trucking took over... The Keystone XL is an INTERNATIONAL pipeline capable of about 900,000 barrels a day. By stopping it we killed our own national security and the ability to support our allies. Very different animals they are...
thanks for your timeline…elections have consequences…we warned americans that xiden and the demafasict war on energy was going to have horrible results snd we were right
Let’s not forget this little ditty that just happened this week…

Intentional? I think so.
Because those pipelines were INTERNAL, and trucking took over... The Keystone XL is an INTERNATIONAL pipeline capable of about 900,000 barrels a day. By stopping it we killed our own national security and the ability to support our allies. Very different animals they are...
Do you believe the pipeline would've made a difference in the overall economy to a big degree? And no Obama halted the same pipeline in 2010 and it got 8% of it built I'm assuming before obama. It's because of Covid, we have supply and demand issues and prices had to go up.
I read that inflation and high gas prices are all due to the pipeline that Biden shut down. Because face it folks when gas goes up everything goes up b/c you have to ship your stuff across america which makes you get gas. That pipeline was gonna be built in just a few months but Biden shut it down. Do you all agree with me or are you falling for the media?
The pipeline was just one piece of the puzzle.
I'm sure climate change would cause it to damage the economy more than help, like another hurricane sandy
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Contrary to oil and gas industry claims, exhaustive new analysis released today by Accountable.US shows there is no evidence that a purported lack of access to new leases on federal public lands increases the price of gasoline and natural gas paid by consumers. Furthermore, oil and gas production has not been impacted by the volume of new permits or the offering of new leases.

As the report demonstrates, the retail price of gasoline and natural gas delivered to consumers are largely driven by crude oil and natural gas spot prices, which are primarily influenced by global markets and events – not the drilling that occurs on federal public lands in the United States.

Key Takeaways:

• Both the retail price of gasoline and the price of natural gas that is delivered to consumers are largely driven by crude oil and natural gas spot prices, which are primarily influenced by global markets and events – not the drilling that occurs on federal public lands in the United States.
• Production of crude oil and natural gas on public lands has not been found to have any impact on consumer energy prices. These prices are highly dependent on what is happening in international markets, outside of the US (where the vast majority of crude oil and natural gas production occurs on non-federal lands).
• Additionally, the oil and gas industry notoriously stockpiles federal drilling permits and hoards millions of acres of public lands without developing them, meaning new permits and offering new leasing has not been found to increase production. The large majority of production on public lands also occurs on leases that were issued decades ago, not new leases.
• Retail gasoline prices and home heating costs have always gone up and down, seemingly unaffected by the energy policies enacted during any presidential term – regardless of how those policies affect the amount of oil and gas produced on public lands or the number of federal leases and permits issued.
• The reality is consumers are often left to suffer for longer than necessary with high prices as oil and gas companies are quick to raise prices but slow to lower them to continue raking in profits at the expense of American consumers.

I just read t he pipeline would only contribute 1% of t he world's oil
That's only a political tool. There were already multiple pipelines built for that oil taking it to Chicago, Gary, Patoka & Woodriver refineries.

Only idiots want all oil refining concentrated in Houston so a massive hurricane, terrorist, cyber attacks, bombs or succession can shut it down holding everyone hostage.

Obama was wise to keep oil flowing to other refineries around the country. The Koch brothers own most of that Canadian tar sand oil. They hate Obama for preventing them from controlling US. This is why the Koch brothers spent half a billion creating fake political news media, buying republican party & attacking Obama.
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Because those pipelines were INTERNAL, and trucking took over... The Keystone XL is an INTERNATIONAL pipeline capable of about 900,000 barrels a day. By stopping it we killed our own national security and the ability to support our allies. Very different animals they are...
You're an idiot. That oil needs to be refined in the Midwest USA, not piped to Houston concentrating all our refining capacity & distribution into one location threatening our national security.
Actually MSN, quoting Fox Business….Are you saying that didn’t happen? Why? Because MSNBC didn’t report it? Give me a break dude.
Well I know Fox spins it's information. Not saying the others don't do it too but not as bad usually Most of the fake news is on the right. Although I do agree they covered up Biden's laptop story and I'm pissed at left wing news at the moment too.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Contrary to oil and gas industry claims, exhaustive new analysis released today by Accountable.US shows there is no evidence that a purported lack of access to new leases on federal public lands increases the price of gasoline and natural gas paid by consumers. Furthermore, oil and gas production has not been impacted by the volume of new permits or the offering of new leases.

As the report demonstrates, the retail price of gasoline and natural gas delivered to consumers are largely driven by crude oil and natural gas spot prices, which are primarily influenced by global markets and events – not the drilling that occurs on federal public lands in the United States.

Key Takeaways:

• Both the retail price of gasoline and the price of natural gas that is delivered to consumers are largely driven by crude oil and natural gas spot prices, which are primarily influenced by global markets and events – not the drilling that occurs on federal public lands in the United States.
• Production of crude oil and natural gas on public lands has not been found to have any impact on consumer energy prices. These prices are highly dependent on what is happening in international markets, outside of the US (where the vast majority of crude oil and natural gas production occurs on non-federal lands).
• Additionally, the oil and gas industry notoriously stockpiles federal drilling permits and hoards millions of acres of public lands without developing them, meaning new permits and offering new leasing has not been found to increase production. The large majority of production on public lands also occurs on leases that were issued decades ago, not new leases.
• Retail gasoline prices and home heating costs have always gone up and down, seemingly unaffected by the energy policies enacted during any presidential term – regardless of how those policies affect the amount of oil and gas produced on public lands or the number of federal leases and permits issued.
• The reality is consumers are often left to suffer for longer than necessary with high prices as oil and gas companies are quick to raise prices but slow to lower them to continue raking in profits at the expense of American consumers.

Thanks for all the great info, these right wingers are allergic to facts.
US oil drilling has tripled since Biden took over & production is up over 2.3/mbpd to 12/mbpd & rising.
But the oil companies are also stopping pumping in established wells. My family has oil leases that are NOT paying out right now because they've shut down the wells.
But the oil companies are also stopping pumping in established wells. My family has oil leases that are NOT paying out right now because they've shut down the wells.
Bodessa you seem like loads of fun. Are you sniffing glue?
But the oil companies are also stopping pumping in established wells. My family has oil leases that are NOT paying out right now because they've shut down the wells.
These high oil prices should have them all pumping full blast. Yet almost no pump-jacks were nodding when I drove through NE Colorado. They were all pumping all along I-70 across Kansas.
Because those pipelines were INTERNAL, and trucking took over... The Keystone XL is an INTERNATIONAL pipeline capable of about 900,000 barrels a day. By stopping it we killed our own national security and the ability to support our allies. Very different animals they are...
youve got it completely ass-backwards

keystone only delievers canadian oil for export

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