Stupid Committee Failing Because Dems Want Tax Increases & A Promise To Cut Spending

The Reps could probably get 4:1, cuts vs revenue. Failure seems to be on their head, if they can't bring themselves to believe what any competent economists knows, we can't do it by cuts alone.

They offered some tax-increases for the rich. Turns out it was a democrat bluff.

The Dems want tax-increases on everyone with only a promise to cut spending over 10 year, which will never happen. The Dems get their tax-increase and the cuts will never materialize.


Thats exactly what will happen. The taxes get raised and the tax cuts never happen.

They need to cut spending big time and Now. Not over 10 years.
Now everyone is going to squabble whether the cuts take effect or not. I say they decide it NOW. No turkey day for them until this is put to bed! Bout time they forgo a vacation and do some damn work! :evil:
Raising Taxes and Cutting Services means Americans Pay More and Get Less in return.

Why would anyone put up with that? :confused:
Right. They want to raise our taxes NOW with the promise of cuts SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE.

They think everyone is stupid obviously.
If the committe goes deadlock, and they actually follow through with automatic cuts?
The military industrial complex isn't going to be very happy.

Personally I doubt that the automatic cuts are actually going to happen.

I think they're find some excuse why they won't do that, even if the committe cannot come to an agreement.

Too many pork barrels would be broken if the auto-cuts go into effect.

Wonder what excuse they'll use when they fail to cut spending?

A war, perhaps?

No..they won't. Many republicans are ALREADY saying they will oppose the trigger.

So much for keeping your word.
If the committe goes deadlock, and they actually follow through with automatic cuts?
The military industrial complex isn't going to be very happy.

Personally I doubt that the automatic cuts are actually going to happen.

I think they're find some excuse why they won't do that, even if the committe cannot come to an agreement.

Too many pork barrels would be broken if the auto-cuts go into effect.

Wonder what excuse they'll use when they fail to cut spending?

A war, perhaps?

No..they won't. Many republicans are ALREADY saying they will oppose the trigger.

So much for keeping your word.

Yes many have. They are siding with democrats. Maybe you should cuss the tea party some more for making spending an issue.

Yesterday on "Meet The Depressed" I saw exactly why the Super Committee isn't going to work. I also saw MTD pull a fast one as well.

First the Republican, John Kyl was asked what the holdup was. While he was talking John Kerry sat next to him for 15 mins and didn't say a word.

ooooooooooooooooooooo.....absolutely criminal.​

Then after the commercial break Kyl was gone....


I guess Kyl was in no mood to debate.....and, RAN!!!!


.....and Kerry commenced with the finger-pointing. What was strange was that Kyl was gone so Kerry was free to give his response without interruption. In a court of law that would be called tainting the witness, or in other words Cheating.

Of course Kerry had the advantage because he was able to listen to Kyl's testimony before responding. He called everything Kyl said a lie.
....For good reason:​

SEN. KERRY: "We just cut $917 billion without one dime of new revenue. He knows it. We just did it. We cut $550 billion in the healthcare act from Medicare.

There's one thing standing between us and avoiding a sequester and doing $1.2 trillion, and that one thing is the Republican unwillingness to not push for the Bush tax cuts to be extended now. We've even talked to them about guaranteeing them a fast track for tax reform. We'll do tax reform before next December. We'll do tax reform for business. We could lower the corporate tax rate. We could wind up with a major initiative that will create jobs and do our country well, avoid the sequester, show that America works...

MR. GREGORY: Just so that--hearing that last portion, even though it wasn't on the screen, is very important. The president saying we will stay on it until we get the job done. Republicans I talked to, Democrats I talked to say the White House has been hands off when it came to the nitty-gritty time on this.

SEN. KERRY: They were asked to be hands off. The Republicans said, "Don't let Obama come into this because, if he does, it will make it political." We've been in constant touch. I've personally talked to the White House perhaps once a week to see, you know, if, if there was something else we could add, how could we do something. They've been intimately involved, but carefully, so that they didn't politicize it. And I think they did the right thing.

You know, the other day, David, I, I drove through--I went to Arlington Cemetery to visit the gravesite of a college classmate of ours. And I went with a bunch of my college buddies. And as I was driving in there and I went by that new flat area that's full of the graves of kids from Afghanistan and from Iraq, some of whose funerals I've gone to over there, I've watched it grow. And I asked myself as we were going through there, you know, are we living up to the sacrifice, to the level of commitment these guys made for us? Are we willing to put our political lives on the line for our country, do what we need to do because we know it's right? And then I hear about this pledge, a pledge to a lobbyist that gets in the way of our living up to that sacrifice and doing what's right for our country."


.....the bane o' Teabaggers; nation-WIDE!!!!

Ha! "Meet the Depressed!" That's a good one! What a creative and independent mind you must have, Mudwhistle!
Obama and the Dems believe they can go to the voters on the tax the rich issue, simple as that. The repubs will counter by saying we offered an increase in revenue that would've reformed the tax code but the Dems turned it down. If the repubs allow the debate to revolve around taxes instead of spending and jobs then it's a win for the Dems. It's really all they got.
Several hundred billion what? Does Grover Norquist know?!?! :eek:

When Norquist gets a seat at the super committee table, let us know...OK?

He has a seat. In the form of a pledge signed by Republicans.

It's a pledge that trumps the constitution.
So by that measure George Sorros, UAW, SEIU, ACORN, The Workers Family Union, OWS, The New Black Panther Party, The Congressional Black Caucus, The ACLU, The Fabian Socialism Movement, The Tides Foundation, Center For American Progress, Media Matters, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, General Electric, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, and every person collecting Section 8 entitlements has a seat at the table..

FYI, nothing Grover Fuckin Norquist does trumps the Consitution. Only what Obama is doing does that.
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The only solution seems to be to clean out the Democrats in the Senate and the White House. Get rid of Obama and gain a supermajority in the Senate.

No spending cuts will be forthcoming until then.

It so sad that we can't trust anyone in the Democrat party anymore. Only a fool would.

Am I the only one who laughed when the so-called Supermajority myth was expected to go anywhere? :cuckoo:
The Reps could probably get 4:1, cuts vs revenue. Failure seems to be on their head, if they can't bring themselves to believe what any competent economists knows, we can't do it by cuts alone.

Let's see...Republicans are willing to raise taxes to match actual spending cuts.

Democrats want to raise taxes and promise they'll work on spending cuts.

Who the hell is holding up the show? Democrats, that's who!

The liberal Alpha-bitch, Nancy Pelosi has just introduced another vote buying bill designed to give even more "free money" to the American leeches.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
I'm so tired of hearing, "What have the repubicans done." Since when can one branch of government pass bills???? You idiots.. How many bills has the House put forward under GOP leadership? is the line of defense from the Zombie Squad??? The same idiots who held all three branches and never bothered to pass a budget.. Just spend, spend, spend.. Americans see through this BULLSHIT propaganda stunt.

The Republicans had their chance to prove to us how fiscally conscious they were during the debt ceiling debate. They could have held firm and not voted to increase it and that would have proven their commitment to what they promised. Instead they made that lame ass deal which resulted in a whopping $39 billion reduction in growth, not actual spending cuts, in exchange for this useless Super Committee to come up with bigger cuts and if that failed, which it has, allow automatic across the board cuts to kick in. Well, guess what. John McLame and Lindsey Graham are now working on repealing the automatic cuts! Federal spending has increased 5% over last year!

I'm not sure why you assume Americans see through this "bullshit propaganda stunt" because you sure as shit didn't see through it last year.

Honest to God, how many times are you people going to allow yourselves to be duped?
I'm so tired of hearing, "What have the repubicans done." Since when can one branch of government pass bills???? You idiots.. How many bills has the House put forward under GOP leadership? is the line of defense from the Zombie Squad??? The same idiots who held all three branches and never bothered to pass a budget.. Just spend, spend, spend.. Americans see through this BULLSHIT propaganda stunt.

The Republicans had their chance to prove to us how fiscally conscious they were during the debt ceiling debate. They could have held firm and not voted to increase it and that would have proven their commitment to what they promised. Instead they made that lame ass deal which resulted in a whopping $39 billion reduction in growth, not actual spending cuts, in exchange for this useless Super Committee to come up with bigger cuts and if that failed, which it has, allow automatic across the board cuts to kick in. Well, guess what. John McLame and Lindsey Graham are now working on repealing the automatic cuts! Federal spending has increased 5% over last year!

I'm not sure why you assume Americans see through this "bullshit propaganda stunt" because you sure as shit didn't see through it last year.

Honest to God, how many times are you people going to allow yourselves to be duped?

John McLame and Lindsey Gramnesty are just putting a GOP face on the repeal of the automatic default spending cuts. I remember they were the same assholes that tried to pass amnesty. As long as they're willing to do the dirty work it allows the Democraps to remain blameless.

Fuck both of them.

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