The three legged stool of trump's plan for the American economy.

Wow Mrs. Jones.....I think the Chatty Cathy string on your neck has been pulled one too many times.....the record is stuck.

Trump wants more tariffs. His earlier trade wars cost Americans $230 billion to date

WashingtonCNN —
When former President Donald Trump was in the White House, he proudly referred to himself as a “Tariff Man” – and he has no intention of retiring that self-proclaimed title if reelected.

Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of imposing a 10% tariff on every good coming into the US, as well as a tariff upward of 60% on all Chinese imports if he regains the presidency. On Saturday, during a campaign rally, he promised a “100% tariff” on cars made outside the US and warned of a “bloodbath” for the American auto industry if he doesn’t get reelected.

Starting in 2018, Trump put new tariffs of up to 25% on washing machines, solar panels, steel and aluminum, as well as many Chinese-made goods including baseball hats, luggage, bicycles, TVs and sneakers – and President Joe Biden has left most of these tariffs in place.
There could be many different reasons for imposing tariffs. Biden’s top trade official recently called them “a tool for remedying unfair trade.” But tariffs don’t bring in revenue from foreign countries, as Trump often claims. It’s American importers – not China or any other foreign country or company – that pays the tariffs.

The Stable Genius went to business school but apparently didn't learn a thing.

Trump wants more tariffs. His earlier trade wars cost Americans $230 billion to date

WashingtonCNN —
When former President Donald Trump was in the White House, he proudly referred to himself as a “Tariff Man” – and he has no intention of retiring that self-proclaimed title if reelected.

Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of imposing a 10% tariff on every good coming into the US, as well as a tariff upward of 60% on all Chinese imports if he regains the presidency. On Saturday, during a campaign rally, he promised a “100% tariff” on cars made outside the US and warned of a “bloodbath” for the American auto industry if he doesn’t get reelected.

Starting in 2018, Trump put new tariffs of up to 25% on washing machines, solar panels, steel and aluminum, as well as many Chinese-made goods including baseball hats, luggage, bicycles, TVs and sneakers – and President Joe Biden has left most of these tariffs in place.
Promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term
There could be many different reasons for imposing tariffs. Biden’s top trade official recently called them “a tool for remedying unfair trade.” But tariffs don’t bring in revenue from foreign countries, as Trump often claims. It’s American importers – not China or any other foreign country or company – that pays the tariffs.

The Stable Genius went to business school but apparently didn't learn a thing.

The idea behind a tariff is not to save Americans money. It's to SAVE AMERICAN JOBS. Fucking idiot.
1. Tariffs. After all this time he still claims, in the fluid language of a professional liar, foreign countries exporting goods to the US pay for tariffs. They don't. They are a tax on Americans pure and simple. Listening to him repeat the lie about who pays for tariffs has a surreal quality since what he says is so blatantly false.

2. Tax cuts. He claims he wants to re-create the economy he created during his last term. The problem being he inherited a growing economy, juiced it with tax cuts designed to benefit corporate America and the rich, and it worked for a time. Massive deficit spending usually does. But the long term affect was to increase the nation's debt, no grow the economy in a sustainable way.

3. Immigration. As is the case with so much of what he says, his plan to expel illegal immigrants already in the country will not be the panacea for the nation's troubles he claims it will be. The cost, combined with the economic damage in the way of lowered GDP, will be substantial.

Most of the modeling by economists I've seen suggest his plans will hurt the US.

More importantly for The Following, it scratches the vindictive, self destructive itch they have to get the "vermin" out of the country.

Vs. Harris -

1) Spend
2) Spend more
3) Start new giveaways (aka spend)
1. Tariffs. After all this time he still claims, in the fluid language of a professional liar, foreign countries exporting goods to the US pay for tariffs. They don't. They are a tax on Americans pure and simple. Listening to him repeat the lie about who pays for tariffs has a surreal quality since what he says is so blatantly false.

2. Tax cuts. He claims he wants to re-create the economy he created during his last term. The problem being he inherited a growing economy, juiced it with tax cuts designed to benefit corporate America and the rich, and it worked for a time. Massive deficit spending usually does. But the long term affect was to increase the nation's debt, no grow the economy in a sustainable way.

3. Immigration. As is the case with so much of what he says, his plan to expel illegal immigrants already in the country will not be the panacea for the nation's troubles he claims it will be. The cost, combined with the economic damage in the way of lowered GDP, will be substantial.

Most of the modeling by economists I've seen suggest his plans will hurt the US.

More importantly for The Following, it scratches the vindictive, self destructive itch they have to get the "vermin" out of the country.
Anything is better than the commie bullshit the Democrats are bringing to the table.

There is zero doubt the Trump economy was MUCH better than what we have today.

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

All that diversity and inclusiveness is working for you?
You only have to know that Trump's plans are 'very, very beautiful'.

I just hope that he isn't stopped from escalating the war against Russia. Or whatever he intends on doing?

He knows that millions of Ukrainians are being killed.
Was there a war between Russia and Ukraine when Trump was President?

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