Democrats, is the economy Ok?

Inflation's decling actually to the Fed's targeted rate. Interest rates coming down. I had little doubt the dems would fuck up the economy, and my stimulus payments are currently in FDIC interest bearing accounts, but you know ... by an objective measure, we are better off now than 4 years ago

That's as close to 1932 as I wish to go, thanks very much.

Do I now want a president who has vowed to fire the head of the fed (he can't) and whose tax positions include reversing cuts to tax breaks on SALT, tax breaks for OT and tips, more spending ... when his own party is not for implementing the tax breaks? NO. I'd much rather have voted for Haley (before she went maga) or maybe even the guy from ND, but Trump is a vote for anarchy
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Inflation's decling actually to the Fed's targeted rate. Interest rates coming down. I had little doubt the dems would fuck up the economy, and my stimulus payments are currently in FDIC interest bearing accounts, but you know ... by an objective measure, we are better off now than 4 years ago

That's as close to 1932 as I wish to go, thanks very much.

Do I now want a president who has vowed to fire the head of the fed (he can't) and whose tax positions include reversing cuts to tax breaks on SALT, tax breaks for OT and tips, more spending ... when his own party is not for implementing the tax breaks? NO. I'd much rather have voted for Haley (before she went maga) or maybe even the guy from ND, but Trump is a vote for anarchy
His tariff pan will send inflation into orbit.
His tariff pan will send inflation into orbit.
I think it's really about the deficits. And the gop (not trump) knows it cannot roll back all the tax HIKEs, that it passed to get the tax cuts, keep the tax cuts and increase spending. AND THAT IS THE TRUMP plan.

OF course it's all pandering. And Harris is pandering. But the facts are (and they aren't disputable) that in the 3rd qtr of 2000, we veered from double diget gnp drops to double diget increases, and no one really knew what the hell was going on. Except the economy appeared to be gaining strength.

What we have now is a federal budget that is STILL inflationary, but the fed's interest rate policy is back to what it normally is, and it's not guessing. I trust the gop more with the econ than Trump, but maybe Team Harris needs to get ready to assault Trump (-: on this front.
  • Initial jobless claims for the week ending Sept. 21 totaled 218,000, a decrease of 4,000 from the previous period and slightly better than the 223,000 Dow Jones estimate. Continuing claims, which run a week behind, rose to 1.834 million, a touch below the FactSet forecast.
  • Orders for long-lasting “durable goods” orders for items such as aircraft, appliances and computers, were little changed for August, better than the estimate for a 3% decline.
  • Gross domestic product rose at a 3% annualized rate in the second quarter, according to the last of three readings from the Commerce Department. That was in line with market expectations.

Joe Biden is instructing the media to tell Americans that the economy is Ok. And there have been a slew of true believers in the DNC telling us just how fabulous the economy really is. However, then comes Kamala telling us she will set price controls into place. Why, if the economy is doing so well?

And why does Joe Biden not put price controls into place now? Is he saving this for Kamala to try and get elected? And what does price controls look like? Will it effect Big Oil, Big Grocery, Big Mortgage, Big insurance? Essentially, what does price control really look like?

Again, no one knows because a Kamala sighting as is rare as a Sasquatch sighting these days. All she does is talk in generalities and demonize others as to why her administration is looking so bad these days.

Who will stop the government from tax gauging? Who will stop Big Government?

Democrats are great at talking out of both sides of their mouths. Same thing goes for the border. They messed up the border with their policies and then they blamed Trump for it for nixing the "bipartisan" border bill (after three years of THEIR failed policies), even though they are now claiming that the border is now under control thanks to them, even though the "bipartisan" border bill failed. So, now they are claiming the border is secure without the border bill but Harris has promised that if she wins, she will re-introduce the "bipartisan" border bill, even as they say the border is now under control. Splain that to me.

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