Styxhexenhammer shadow-banned on YouTube... him some love...

Anyone else scaling back their YouTube consumption?

Yesterday I started a Bitchute account.

Ive been watching more bitchute and planning to put all my videos there and deleting them from utube,,

the problem with bitchute I hear is you cant make money on it so its a limited source for those trying to make a living with it,,
Styxhexenhammer shadow-banned on YouTube...

Hippie Stink get shadow banned? Who'da thunk? :)
So, it is basically confirmed. Most right wingers (Trump supporters in particular) go plumbing the depths of the Internet for any asshole with a YouTube cast and an opinion that plays to their narrative.
This isn't consumable media for the masses. Just the true believers. And anyone who "consumes" that much YouTube..needs a life....that goes for people who watch Fat Wesley Crusher as well.
If shitchute had anything worth watching I would watch it...
I guess youre to fucking stupid to know most of the videos there are mostly the same ones on youtube,,

but feel free to troll another thread with useless bullshit,, its kinda your thing,,
They have a severe lack of an educational series called Kings and Generals along with an entire lackluster science option....But, now I can see why you like it....
If shitchute had anything worth watching I would watch it...
I guess youre to fucking stupid to know most of the videos there are mostly the same ones on youtube,,

but feel free to troll another thread with useless bullshit,, its kinda your thing,,
They have a severe lack of an educational series called Kings and Generals along with an entire lackluster science option....But, now I can see why you like it....
give them time,,
If shitchute had anything worth watching I would watch it...
I guess youre to fucking stupid to know most of the videos there are mostly the same ones on youtube,,

but feel free to troll another thread with useless bullshit,, its kinda your thing,,
They have a severe lack of an educational series called Kings and Generals along with an entire lackluster science option....But, now I can see why you like it....
give them time,,
That is a commodity I do not have to give.
If shitchute had anything worth watching I would watch it...
I guess youre to fucking stupid to know most of the videos there are mostly the same ones on youtube,,

but feel free to troll another thread with useless bullshit,, its kinda your thing,,
They have a severe lack of an educational series called Kings and Generals along with an entire lackluster science option....But, now I can see why you like it....
give them time,,
That is a commodity I do not have to give.
so youre just trolling again,, figures,,
This is a great thread for determining who here is a loser. “YouTube consumption”? Is that like “meth consumption” or is it more addictive to watch wingnut conspiracy theories delivered by incels from their mom’s basement?
The only losers here are pro-censorship. By all means, choose not to watch three guy...but the moment you defend censorship of ideas you don't agree've lost the moral.high ground.
Hippie Stink get shadow banned? Who'da thunk? :)
So, it is basically confirmed. Most right wingers (Trump supporters in particular) go plumbing the depths of the Internet for any asshole with a YouTube cast and an opinion that plays to their narrative.
This isn't consumable media for the masses. Just the true believers. And anyone who "consumes" that much YouTube..needs a life....that goes for people who watch Fat Wesley Crusher as well.

Are you defending censorship?
This is a great thread for determining who here is a loser. “YouTube consumption”? Is that like “meth consumption” or is it more addictive to watch wingnut conspiracy theories delivered by incels from their mom’s basement?
If shitchute had anything worth watching I would watch it...
That man-child needs a haircut.



Let me know what you disagree with...

Hippie Stink get shadow banned? Who'da thunk? :)
So, it is basically confirmed. Most right wingers (Trump supporters in particular) go plumbing the depths of the Internet for any asshole with a YouTube cast and an opinion that plays to their narrative.
This isn't consumable media for the masses. Just the true believers. And anyone who "consumes" that much YouTube..needs a life....that goes for people who watch Fat Wesley Crusher as well.

Are you defending censorship?

The guy puts out nothing but misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.
Again, free speech has its limits. As a private company, YouTube can censor his ass if they feel he's stepped over the line.
This is a great thread for determining who here is a loser. “YouTube consumption”? Is that like “meth consumption” or is it more addictive to watch wingnut conspiracy theories delivered by incels from their mom’s basement?
The only losers here are pro-censorship. By all means, choose not to watch three guy...but the moment you defend censorship of ideas you don't agree've lost the moral.high ground.
It’s a corporation making this decision. Therefore it must be correct.
Hippie Stink get shadow banned? Who'da thunk? :)
So, it is basically confirmed. Most right wingers (Trump supporters in particular) go plumbing the depths of the Internet for any asshole with a YouTube cast and an opinion that plays to their narrative.
This isn't consumable media for the masses. Just the true believers. And anyone who "consumes" that much YouTube..needs a life....that goes for people who watch Fat Wesley Crusher as well.

Are you defending censorship?

The guy puts out nothing but misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.
Again, free speech has its limits. As a private company, YouTube can censor his ass if they feel he's stepped over the line.
I don't agree...but for the sake of argument let's say it is.

Russian collusion was misinformation, disinformation and a conspiracy theory. Would it have been acceptable to you for these companies to shadow ban anyone who made videos about it?

Or better yet...let's say Donald Trump raises the money from his constituents to buy youtube. And he chose to shadow ban leftwingers.

Would you just accept it?
Hippie Stink get shadow banned? Who'da thunk? :)
So, it is basically confirmed. Most right wingers (Trump supporters in particular) go plumbing the depths of the Internet for any asshole with a YouTube cast and an opinion that plays to their narrative.
This isn't consumable media for the masses. Just the true believers. And anyone who "consumes" that much YouTube..needs a life....that goes for people who watch Fat Wesley Crusher as well.

Are you defending censorship?

The guy puts out nothing but misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.
Again, free speech has its limits. As a private company, YouTube can censor his ass if they feel he's stepped over the line.
I don't agree...but for the sake of argument let's say it is.

Russian collusion was misinformation, disinformation and a conspiracy theory. Would it have been acceptable to you for these companies to shadow ban anyone who made videos about it?

Or better yet...let's say Donald Trump raises the money from his constituents to buy youtube. And he chose to shadow ban leftwingers.

Would you just accept it?

By "ban left wingers" do you mean like Mother Jones, Daily KOs, NPR, etc...?

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