'Suck It Up Buttercup' Bill Introduced in Iowa for Anti Trump Protestors


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Go back to mommy's basement to play your video games.

In the days following the election, university campuses across the country erupted in rallies and marches. College counselors offered “healing spaces” and meditation sessions to help students cope with postelection trauma. Some professors even canceled classes or allowed students to opt out of tests.

One lawmaker in Iowa says he finds this “whole hysteria to be incredibly annoying.”

Bobby Kaufmann plans to introduce a bill that echoes the eye-rolling frustration expressed by many who think colleges are “coddling” their students, or so-called “snowflakes.”

He’s referring to the piece of legislation as the “suck it up, buttercup bill,” and he hopes to introduce it when the legislature resumes in January, the Des Moines Register reported.

The bill would take aim at state universities that offer election-related sit-ins and grief counseling beyond the resources normally available to students. Those colleges that use taxpayer dollars to fund these extra programs would be subject to a budget cut for double the amount they spend.

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"Those colleges that use taxpayer dollars to fund these extra programs would be subject to a budget cut for double the amount they spend."

Go back to mommy's basement to play your video games.

In the days following the election, university campuses across the country erupted in rallies and marches. College counselors offered “healing spaces” and meditation sessions to help students cope with postelection trauma. Some professors even canceled classes or allowed students to opt out of tests.

One lawmaker in Iowa says he finds this “whole hysteria to be incredibly annoying.”

Bobby Kaufmann plans to introduce a bill that echoes the eye-rolling frustration expressed by many who think colleges are “coddling” their students, or so-called “snowflakes.”

He’s referring to the piece of legislation as the “suck it up, buttercup bill,” and he hopes to introduce it when the legislature resumes in January, the Des Moines Register reported.

The bill would take aim at state universities that offer election-related sit-ins and grief counseling beyond the resources normally available to students. Those colleges that use taxpayer dollars to fund these extra programs would be subject to a budget cut for double the amount they spend.

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Grief counseling, for picking the wrong candidate?

It's just a fact, academia in America is churning out LIBERAL PUSSIES by the millions. Little SISSIE fuckers that are all of the, "everyone gets a trophy" indoctrination.

The cure: Every one of them needs a good bitch slapping and told to wake the fuck up, life ain't fair, you will be offended, you will lose, people will say things you don't like, people will say things you disagree with, things won't always turn out the way you want, the world doesn't give a fuck if you need your safe place or not, so grow a fucking spine and use it. No one is going to hold your pussy little dainty hand in life... GROW THE HELL UP and for God's sake, WIPE YOUR DRIPPING PUSSY and STFU..!!
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Excellent proposition. Everyone complaining tuition too high yet they are bringing in ponies because of an election .
Go back to mommy's basement to play your video games.

In the days following the election, university campuses across the country erupted in rallies and marches. College counselors offered “healing spaces” and meditation sessions to help students cope with postelection trauma. Some professors even canceled classes or allowed students to opt out of tests.

One lawmaker in Iowa says he finds this “whole hysteria to be incredibly annoying.”

Bobby Kaufmann plans to introduce a bill that echoes the eye-rolling frustration expressed by many who think colleges are “coddling” their students, or so-called “snowflakes.”

He’s referring to the piece of legislation as the “suck it up, buttercup bill,” and he hopes to introduce it when the legislature resumes in January, the Des Moines Register reported.

The bill would take aim at state universities that offer election-related sit-ins and grief counseling beyond the resources normally available to students. Those colleges that use taxpayer dollars to fund these extra programs would be subject to a budget cut for double the amount they spend.

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That is the most UNDIGNIFIED name of a Bill that I have ever heard, and I hope for it's name alone it is soundly defeated. And I highly doubt if the play-doh and SPCA loaner puppies sucked up any tax payer dollars. I agree it's an exaggerated reaction on the part of the colleges, but really? I am becoming more and more suspicious of what the Fox News and the conservatives really have in mind, the way they are hyping this issue more and more. Leave 'em alone!
Go back to mommy's basement to play your video games.

In the days following the election, university campuses across the country erupted in rallies and marches. College counselors offered “healing spaces” and meditation sessions to help students cope with postelection trauma. Some professors even canceled classes or allowed students to opt out of tests.

One lawmaker in Iowa says he finds this “whole hysteria to be incredibly annoying.”

Bobby Kaufmann plans to introduce a bill that echoes the eye-rolling frustration expressed by many who think colleges are “coddling” their students, or so-called “snowflakes.”

He’s referring to the piece of legislation as the “suck it up, buttercup bill,” and he hopes to introduce it when the legislature resumes in January, the Des Moines Register reported.

The bill would take aim at state universities that offer election-related sit-ins and grief counseling beyond the resources normally available to students. Those colleges that use taxpayer dollars to fund these extra programs would be subject to a budget cut for double the amount they spend.

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That is the most UNDIGNIFIED name of a Bill that I have ever heard, and I hope for it's name alone it is soundly defeated. And I highly doubt if the play-doh and SPCA loaner puppies sucked up any tax payer dollars. I agree it's an exaggerated reaction on the part of the colleges, but really? I am becoming more and more suspicious of what the Fox News and the conservatives really have in mind, the way they are hyping this issue more and more. Leave 'em alone!
Youre right. The bill should be titled SNOWFLAKE BUTTERCUPS GROW THE F UP
Leave 'em alone!

Sometimes you can overplay a meme. Loses all meaning after awhile. Haven't you guys got enough to hate on without including the youth who will soon be running this country?
What's the matter oldlady, you leftards can dish it out but can't take it?

Yep... too bad... I don't give a rats ass what you think about it. You fucktards have OVERPLAYED shit for far too long, and this is the PUSH BACK. Deal with it.
Leave 'em alone!

Sometimes you can overplay a meme. Loses all meaning after awhile. Haven't you guys got enough to hate on without including the youth who will soon be running this country?

If they need grief counseling because their candidate lost, I"m not sure I want them running the country
Higher Education Bad! Yes, we get it.
Oh, so play dough, puppies, safe places, etc, and churning out coddled pussies is "HIGHER EDUCATION?"

Yeah... we get that too. Must be why you're head is full of so much mush.
Leave 'em alone!

Sometimes you can overplay a meme. Loses all meaning after awhile. Haven't you guys got enough to hate on without including the youth who will soon be running this country?
What's the matter oldlady, you leftards can dish it out but can't take it?

Yep... too bad... I don't give what you think about it. You fucktards have OVERPLAYED shit for far too long, and this is the PUSH BACK. Deal with it.
You deserve to be pushed straight back into the gutter from whence you came. Let the college students who disagree with this silliness on their campuses be the ones to push back. You and everyone else who is not on campus? Keep your nose out of it.

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