Sunday Sermon part4 more Hindu similarities of the Groom


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Shiva is sometimes referred to as Shiva Nataraj (Lord of the dance) and is often portrayed as a dancing figure.
He dances on a dwarf, who represents ignorance. Just as in Judaic and Christian traditions where Michael steps on the lord of darkness (ignorance & lies).
By treading the dwarf underfoot, he is attempting to overcome ignorance in the world. Just as Michael is the Shiloh who overcomes and over turns the work of this adversary Lucifer.
The circle of flames in which he dances represents the cycle of time with no beginning and no end.
The dancing figure of Shiva represents the eternal energy which flows through the world. This continuous dance causes the pattern of day and night, the changing of the seasons, and the cycle of birth and death. He holds in one of his hands a drum on which he beats out the rhythm (frequency)of the universe.
The third eye (in the middle of his forehead) saved the world from darkness. Just as it's Moshiach who lifts the veil, so we might see the truth (Isaiah and Dan 10:21)
The symbols associated with Shiva point to the fact that he has power over evil:
Clearly Shiva is the Archangel Michael.
In Hindu, "Shiva" is the witness, consciousness, vibration (Ma/heshv/ar).
Similar to my previous post that in Christianity: "Holy Spirit" (Pentecosts call Evening/Night Messenger like in Judaic traditions).
All three are symbolized by the Moon or Night reflection and 8 ray Evening Star (crossed out cross/Union Jack=symbol for birth and life).
Hence Daniels Vision of the NIGHT=Evening Star.
In a 7th century icon of the archangel Michael has a third eye on his forhead, similar to Hindu custom dot as a third eye.
The Hindu “Yantra” Portrays a Star of David in the center of a flower with eight pedals, the same number of points of Light in the Hebrew Messiah, and where the Arch(Messiah) and his seven angels(messengers)=8,
& were always symbolized by the same 8 pedal rossette.
BUDDHIST use this 8 point cross in their 'Wheel of Righteousness' and so does the CHURCH OF WORLD MESSIANITY (Izunome)for their symbol of faith.
In ancient Sumeria this symbol of the 8 ray star was the symbol for G-d, and the earliest Islamic symbols used this same eight ray star with the crescent moon to represent their faith under the Evening Star.

Mahesha or Maheshvar-the great Lord, “conqueror of death”, is symbolized by the crescent moon (NIGHT), which brings us to next Sundays Sermon on similarities in Muslim expectations of the Groom (Imam Mahdi).
Shiva is sometimes referred to as Shiva Nataraj (Lord of the dance) and is often portrayed as a dancing figure.
He dances on a dwarf, who represents ignorance. Just as in Judaic and Christian traditions where Michael steps on the lord of darkness (ignorance & lies).
By treading the dwarf underfoot, he is attempting to overcome ignorance in the world. Just as Michael is the Shiloh who overcomes and over turns the work of this adversary Lucifer.
The circle of flames in which he dances represents the cycle of time with no beginning and no end.
The dancing figure of Shiva represents the eternal energy which flows through the world. This continuous dance causes the pattern of day and night, the changing of the seasons, and the cycle of birth and death. He holds in one of his hands a drum on which he beats out the rhythm (frequency)of the universe.
The third eye (in the middle of his forehead) saved the world from darkness. Just as it's Moshiach who lifts the veil, so we might see the truth (Isaiah and Dan 10:21)
The symbols associated with Shiva point to the fact that he has power over evil:
Clearly Shiva is the Archangel Michael.
In Hindu, "Shiva" is the witness, consciousness, vibration (Ma/heshv/ar).
Similar to my previous post that in Christianity: "Holy Spirit" (Pentecosts call Evening/Night Messenger like in Judaic traditions).
All three are symbolized by the Moon or Night reflection and 8 ray Evening Star (crossed out cross/Union Jack=symbol for birth and life).
Hence Daniels Vision of the NIGHT=Evening Star.
In a 7th century icon of the archangel Michael has a third eye on his forhead, similar to Hindu custom dot as a third eye.
The Hindu “Yantra” Portrays a Star of David in the center of a flower with eight pedals, the same number of points of Light in the Hebrew Messiah, and where the Arch(Messiah) and his seven angels(messengers)=8,
& were always symbolized by the same 8 pedal rossette.
BUDDHIST use this 8 point cross in their 'Wheel of Righteousness' and so does the CHURCH OF WORLD MESSIANITY (Izunome)for their symbol of faith.
In ancient Sumeria this symbol of the 8 ray star was the symbol for G-d, and the earliest Islamic symbols used this same eight ray star with the crescent moon to represent their faith under the Evening Star.

Mahesha or Maheshvar-the great Lord, “conqueror of death”, is symbolized by the crescent moon (NIGHT), which brings us to next Sundays Sermon on similarities in Muslim expectations of the Groom (Imam Mahdi).
Very interesting so let me see to conquer death could be literal death or could be symbolic to bring back the walking dead...those who worship death instead of one could say conquer the teaching of evil and reverse it and bring those people back so they can live their lives as they should have enjoying this life and its rewards instead of waiting and being evil by expecting the reward in is interesting to note that if one looks in the dictionary and looks at the symbol of the cross it is associated with death ... The opposite is true if one looks in the dictionary at the symbol of the mogen david it is associated with life...of course 8 is associated with infinity and it has no beginning and no end so there is a possibilty of eternal life as per isaiah 26 if i remember correctly where some of the dead are brought back to live again in the same bodies they had before but that process would only be availiable in our time or in the not too distant future...certainly not in the archaic times of the supposed life of jesus in which they thought people who had epilepsy were possessed of such silly things as demons...
It's ironic that people miss the obvious, like you said in your horse blinder analogy.
Just seeing things like the giant Brazilian Statue of Jesus arms stretched in the sign of death or the Mithraic sickly man on the cross symbol both symbolize the messenger of death and should therefore bring an awakened concern that something isn't right, especially since the NT accounts the character was hanged on a tree and not crucified on a cross.
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree"
Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree"
1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22.

Under Rabbinic Law, criminals are to be stoned (John 8:3-11.) The 'Jesus' mythos was stoned (slew) and then hung on a tree -- which is what the Christanic mythologies say.
The angel of death wraped sround the cross symbol should be a dead giveaway.
Perhaps the story of Moses staff now makes more sense.
It was the Egyptian influenced false prophet Yeshu son of Mary who was hanged on a tree and Moses staff (hashevet) that swallowed the Egyptian serpent (always representing the false prophet). It was this false prophet that mimicked the serpent in Genesis when it promised nobody would die if they took up his cross(mark of death). His kingdom being in the portals of death.
If this wasn't problematic then they would not be mourning the victims in that South Carolina
King Hezekiah (Emanuel)Church, they'd be celebrating their admission to his kingdom.
Since they mourn we then know the answer, and even they truly understand death is not life, yet teach this Egyptian death worship anyway.
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It's ironic that people miss the obvious, like you said in your horse blinder analogy.
Just seeing things like the giant Brazilian Statue of Jesus arms stretched in the sign of death or the Mithraic sickly man on the cross symbol both symbolize the messenger of death and should therefore bring an awakened concern that something isn't right, especially since the NT accounts the character was hanged on a tree and not crucified on a cross.
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree"
Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree"
1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22.

Under Rabbinic Law, criminals are to be stoned (John 8:3-11.) The 'Jesus' mythos was stoned (slew) and then hung on a tree -- which is what the Christanic mythologies say.
The angel of death wraped sround the cross symbol should be a dead giveaway.
Perhaps the story of Moses staff now makes more sense.
It was the Egyptian influenced false prophet Yeshu son of Mary who was hanged on a tree and Moses staff (hashevet) that swallowed the Egyptian serpent (always representing the false prophet).
Yes all this is true michael and this may be very upsetting to some people and i apologise in advance but it would be rather difficult to see these things if one realizes that those blinders make you blind not only to those facts but to the fact that if jesus did exsist ...which he didnt.... But if he had been hung on either a cross or a tree....and i apologise in advance again.....then the birds of the field would have pecked out his eyes making him blind as well and hoc could he do the things attested to him with both his eyes missing....he would have been as blind as his followers as well...
You know what they say,
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. :)

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