Super Planet Crash


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
An addictive little web game, check it out. The goal is to build a solar system, one following the rules of gravity, that stays stable for 500 years.

Super Planet Crash - Can you feel the gravity?


A nice boring system filled with evenly-spaced earth-sized planets works, but what fun is that? Your score goes up if you toss in some brown dwarfs or dwarf stars ... and then watch as your earth gets ejected from the solar system. Oops. It is all very interesting, as it shows how planets could get orphaned, or how getting a stable orbits in a binary star system is difficult.
It was easy for an 11 planet system to be stable. Now I'm trying one with a brown dwarf star as a companion. I have 9 planets and it is stable so far.
points over

LOL I put a couple of dwarf stars close to the center sun.
I've been trying to get a stable trinary system (primary, 2 dwarf stars and a little earth), but haven't been able to pull it off.

Binaries, they work if you put the dwarf star either very close to the primary, or at the outer edge.

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