
Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It shows you that even though these crackpots are not out in the field busy murdering people, they still have the minds of homicidal maniacs. I wonder if the guy stuck on his Porta-potty has learned Arabic as a convert and can translate for the readers in case he disagrees with the translation as given. After all, he has nothing to do with himself all day long except troll all over the place so he must have taken some time to learn the language of so many of his fellow Muslims unless in between trolling he is diddling with himself. Remember what they used to say about that.



by MARY CHASTAIN27 Dec 201432

The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) captured Jordainian pilot Moaz al-Kasasba on Wednesday after his plane crashed in Syria. Militants asked supporters on social media how to kill the innocent pilot and received numerous responses.
These people use the hashtag #We AllWantToSlaughterMoaz and #SuggestaWaytoKilltheJordanianPig. As Voactiv points out, no one knows if the terrorist group or supporters started the hashtags.

This user, who tweets constant support for jihadists, said he does not care how the terrorists kill and send Moaz to hell, but they must eliminate “tyrants” like him.

لا يهمني طريقة قتل معاذ وارساله الى جهنم .. المهم ان يكون عبرة للمخنثين أمثاله والطغاة ..!! #كلنا_بدنا_نذبح_معاذ

— همي أمتي #خلافة (@bhrbhrx4) December 27, 2014

Two Islamic State supporters compared Jordanian pilots to donkeys.

أشكال الطيارين الأردنيين بعد سماع خبر القبض ع معاذ من قبل الدولة :) #رسالة_لإم_معاذ #كلنا_معاذ #كلنا_بدنا_نذبح_معاذ

— أبو لين…#خلافة (@aboolin_kh) December 27, 2014

@vivasalt سؤال للحمير فقط! منذ متى كان الحلف الصليبي يقاتل أعداء الله ؟ #كلنا_بدنا_نذبح_معاذ #كلنا_معاذ

— محمد عبدالله #خلافة (@seraj3qlk) December 27, 2014

A man told the Islamic State to skin Moaz alive and send him back to Jordan.

#اقترح_طريقة_لقتل_الطيار_الاردني_الخنزير السلخ حيا. ثم تسليمه للاردن

— أبوسالم الكندي (@alkendy27) December 26, 2014

A female Islamic State supporter told the militants to donate Moaz’s organs to injured terrorists. She also called him a traitor to his religion.

#اقترح_طريقة_لقتل_الطيار_الاردني_الخنزير طبيب ذو خبرة ينزع الكليتين والكبد والقلب والاعضاء الهامة منه وزرعها لمن يحتاجها للمرضى السوريين

— مصر إسلامية (@travellady2012) December 26, 2014

@DlQAR #الطيار_الأردني #اقترح_طريقة_لقتل_الطيار_الاردني_الخنزير ننتظر نحر الخائن لدينه وقاتل المسلمين في #الرقة

— مصر إسلامية (@travellady2012) December 25, 2014

Two accounts told the Islamic State to give Moaz to children to teach them how to slaughter enemies.

فكرة جيدة أن يسلم ﻷطفال المسلمين ليتعلموا ذبح المرتدين. #اقترح_طريقة_لقتل_الطيار_الاردني_الخنزير

— أبو زيد #الخلافة ☝ (@jkahjkhOUd) December 25, 2014

#اقترح_طريقة_لقتل_الطيار_الاردني_الخنزير إجعلوه فأر تجارب يتعلم فيه أشبال #الرقة طرق ذبح الكفار والمرتدين #كلنا_معاذ

— ابوعباس الانصاري # (@nannaf65907032) December 25, 2014

One person suggested the militants film a crocodile killing Moaz in a cage and publish the film on the web.

#اقترح_طريقة_لقتل_الطيار_الاردني_الخنزير أقترح جلب تمساح جائع ووضعه في قفص مع الطيار ومن ثم تصوير هذا الفلم ونشره على الشبكة العنكبوتية .

— صدى الشام الإسلامي (@sada_alsham) December 25, 2014

This supporter posted graphic pictures of a beheading to imply the Islamic State should do the same to Moaz.

يلي كاعدين يبضوا مراجل في #كلنا_معاذ اتفضلوا فادوا بنفسكم وانذبحوا بدالوا ! مالكم زلم عم تحكوا ؟ #كلنا_بدنا_نذبح_معاذ

— محمد عبدالله #خلافة (@seraj3qlk) December 26, 2014

Continue reading at:

Supporters Tell ISIS How to Kill Captured Pilot?
Arabs killing Arabs? Wake me up when there's some sort of problem I'm suppose to fix.
Skin pilot alive???

Those Islamic fanatic savages speak and act in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Ages!

Revolting monsters thats all they are!
Skin pilot alive???

Those Islamic fanatic savages speak and act in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Ages!

Revolting monsters thats all they are!

You're buyin' this? :eusa_hand:
Skin pilot alive???

Those Islamic fanatic savages speak and act in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Ages!

Revolting monsters thats all they are!

You're buyin' this? :eusa_hand:

what do you mean buying this!

they behead people like there is no tomorrow!

from there to skin is just a natural step.

of course I believe they are able to skin people alive!
Skin pilot alive???

Those Islamic fanatic savages speak and act in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Ages!

Revolting monsters thats all they are!

You're buyin' this? :eusa_hand:

what do you mean buying this!

they behead people like there is no tomorrow!

from there to skin is just a natural step.

of course I believe they are able to skin people alive!

What do I mean?
Check into one of these monster stories sometime -- by which I mean, try to find some corroboration from some credible source. See how many turn into a vicious circle that quotes no source except each other. In other words somebody makes up a story, gets echoed by a few blogs, and it becomes fake reality. Happens over and over and over with this demonization bullshit. It's manufactured to sell papers. Today it's "ISIS". Yesterday it was "Muslims in general". The week before that it was "Jews". Before that, "negroes". "Catholics". "Italians". "Irish". "Chinese". "Immigrants in general". "Indians". "Protestants". On and on and on and on and on. The stories regurgitate over and over; only the name of the demon changes. SEE the pattern.

In other words if it sounds too outrageous to be true, it probably is.

As I said, when somebody hears this from an actual credible source that engages in news as opposed to bullshit, I'll take it seriously. Until then, not buyin' it.
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So for you to skin somebody alive is worse that to behead a person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What's the difference? Both are exactly the same.

One is not worse than the other.

Total savages!
So for you to skin somebody alive is worse that to behead a person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What's the difference? Both are exactly the same.

One is not worse than the other.

Beheading takes place in a second.

Skinning alive (which muslims don't do) is extreme torture and can take a very long time for the person to die. ...... :cool:
So for you to skin somebody alive is worse that to behead a person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What's the difference? Both are exactly the same.

One is not worse than the other.

Beheading takes place in a second.

Skinning alive (which muslims don't do) is extreme torture and can take a very long time for the person to die. ...... :cool:

Sickening both!

Dark Ages, inhuman, savage beasts.
So for you to skin somebody alive is worse that to behead a person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What's the difference? Both are exactly the same.

One is not worse than the other.

Beheading takes place in a second.

Skinning alive (which muslims don't do) is extreme torture and can take a very long time for the person to die. ...... :cool:

Sure sounds like you enjoyed that one. Is that what that old pedophile Mo taught his people to enjoy?
So for you to skin somebody alive is worse that to behead a person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What's the difference? Both are exactly the same.

One is not worse than the other.

Beheading takes place in a second.

Skinning alive (which muslims don't do) is extreme torture and can take a very long time for the person to die. ...... :cool:

In both cases the person is dead. There is no difference. Takes a disturbed mind to attempt to justify one over the other.:eek:
So for you to skin somebody alive is worse that to behead a person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What's the difference? Both are exactly the same.

One is not worse than the other.

Beheading takes place in a second.

Skinning alive (which muslims don't do) is extreme torture and can take a very long time for the person to die. ...... :cool:

In both cases the person is dead. There is no difference. Takes a disturbed mind to attempt to justify one over the other.:eek:

well, in that case, all one can say is:

Sunni Man!
I wish we used beheading instead of lethal injection as the form of execution for death penalty criminals here in the US.

It would be far more humane. ..... :cool:
I wish we used beheading instead of lethal injection as the form of execution for death penalty criminals here in the US.

It would be far more humane. ..... :cool:

After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane.
Are you sure, anyone, whether those demands are not just being aped from the cries of the anti-cop protesters in Noo Yawk?

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