Within the last 75 years here in America.

We have hanged criminals, electrocuted them, gassed them, and injected them with poison.

So what makes beheading them somehow more barbaric? ...... :cool:
Skin pilot alive???

Those Islamic fanatic savages speak and act in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Ages!

Revolting monsters thats all they are!

You're buyin' this? :eusa_hand:

what do you mean buying this!

they behead people like there is no tomorrow!

from there to skin is just a natural step.

of course I believe they are able to skin people alive!

If they told him it was the CIA he'd buy it.
Within the last 75 years here in America.

We have hanged criminals, electrocuted them, gassed them, and injected them with poison.

So what makes beheading them somehow more barbaric? ...... :cool:

Good Lord, you really are that far gone, now aren't you.
I wish we used beheading instead of lethal injection as the form of execution for death penalty criminals here in the US.

It would be far more humane. ..... :cool:

After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane.

Is it not factually correct?

Matter o' fact...
>> The origins of the French guillotine date back to late-1789, when Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin proposed that the French government adopt a gentler method of execution. Although he was personally opposed to capital punishment, Guillotin argued that decapitation by a lightning-quick machine would be more humane and egalitarian than sword and axe beheadings, which were often botched. He later helped oversee the development of the first prototype, an imposing machine designed by French doctor Antoine Louis and built by a German harpsichord maker named Tobias Schmidt. The device claimed its first official victim in April 1792, and quickly became known as the “guillotine”—much to the horror of its supposed inventor. Guillotin tried to distance himself from the machine during the guillotine hysteria of the 1790s, and his family later unsuccessfully petitioned the French government to change its name in the early 19th century. << --- Eight Things You May Not Know about the Guillotine

---- Last used less than 40 years ago btw....​
Last edited:
Within the last 75 years here in America.

We have hanged criminals, electrocuted them, gassed them, and injected them with poison.

So what makes beheading them somehow more barbaric? ...... :cool:

Gee beheading jounalist with a knife...... or.... executing someone convicted in a court of law for the crime of Murder.

Yeah, looks about the same to you doesnt it?

The latter in the example, executed to remove them from society for the obvious reasons, the first one, murdered by captors who love to kill and inflict suffering. Why do you try to fool yourself like this? you must be because you dont fool anyone else
I wish we used beheading instead of lethal injection as the form of execution for death penalty criminals here in the US.

It would be far more humane. ..... :cool:

After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane.

Is it not factually correct?
Don't know about that. What I do know is that the Muslims and their killing ways are savages. That is not humane in any reality.
I wish we used beheading instead of lethal injection as the form of execution for death penalty criminals here in the US.

It would be far more humane. ..... :cool:

After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane.

Is it not factually correct?
Don't know about that. What I do know is that the Muslims and their killing ways are savages. That is not humane in any reality.

That wasn't the point though.
So for you to skin somebody alive is worse that to behead a person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What's the difference? Both are exactly the same.

One is not worse than the other.

Beheading takes place in a second.

Skinning alive (which muslims don't do) is extreme torture and can take a very long time for the person to die. ...... :cool:

I wasnt aware the gillotene was back in the middle east , im pretty sure they still using knives
I wish we used beheading instead of lethal injection as the form of execution for death penalty criminals here in the US.

It would be far more humane. ..... :cool:

After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane.

Is it not factually correct?
Don't know about that. What I do know is that the Muslims and their killing ways are savages. That is not humane in any reality.

That wasn't the point though.
Of course it is nothing but savages.
I wish we used beheading instead of lethal injection as the form of execution for death penalty criminals here in the US.

It would be far more humane. ..... :cool:

After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane.

Is it not factually correct?
Don't know about that. What I do know is that the Muslims and their killing ways are savages. That is not humane in any reality.

That wasn't the point though.
Of course it is nothing but savages.

No, you've moved your own goalpost.
You start here: "After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane."

That's got nothing to do with who's doing it (or why), now does it?
Skin pilot alive???

Those Islamic fanatic savages speak and act in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Ages!

Revolting monsters thats all they are!

You're buyin' this? :eusa_hand:

what do you mean buying this!

they behead people like there is no tomorrow!

from there to skin is just a natural step.

of course I believe they are able to skin people alive!

What do I mean?
Check into one of these monster stories sometime -- by which I mean, try to find some corroboration from some credible source. See how many turn into a vicious circle that quotes no source except each other. In other words somebody makes up a story, gets echoed by a few blogs, and it becomes fake reality. Happens over and over and over with this demonization bullshit. It's manufactured to sell papers. Today it's "ISIS". Yesterday it was "Muslims in general". The week before that it was "Jews". Before that, "negroes". "Catholics". "Italians". "Irish". "Chinese". "Immigrants in general". "Indians". "Protestants". On and on and on and on and on. The stories regurgitate over and over; only the name of the demon changes. SEE the pattern.

In other words if it sounds too outrageous to be true, it probably is.

As I said, when somebody hears this from an actual credible source that engages in news as opposed to bullshit, I'll take it seriously. Until then, not buyin' it.

Do you believe the Holocaust is a fable? Much of what we hear about the Holocaust is anecdotal. There is almost no empirical evidence to prove that a million people died at Treblinka, yet we take it on faith because we should take it on faith. How about you, worm? Do you believe that a million Jews died at Treblinka?
I wasnt aware the gillotene was back in the middle east , im pretty sure they still using knives
In the Middle East when they behead criminals they use a very large sharp sword. ...... :cool:

tell that to Daniel Pearl and the others. Are you sure ISIS signed the waiver? Actually, you may be right there, they probably do use a very large sword for criminals , but for everyone else they use a semi-sharp knife. Have you ever slaughtered an animal with a knife? Ive had to do it and trust me if the knife is not so sharp, you have to use a lot of force and it gets really nasty.
If given a chance the black protesters here in the US would more than likely vote the same thing for the cops involved.
Remember they were chanting for the death of the cops, just a matter of how they wanted them killed.
Skin pilot alive???

Those Islamic fanatic savages speak and act in a manner reminiscent of the Dark Ages!

Revolting monsters thats all they are!

You're buyin' this? :eusa_hand:

what do you mean buying this!

they behead people like there is no tomorrow!

from there to skin is just a natural step.

of course I believe they are able to skin people alive!

What do I mean?
Check into one of these monster stories sometime -- by which I mean, try to find some corroboration from some credible source. See how many turn into a vicious circle that quotes no source except each other. In other words somebody makes up a story, gets echoed by a few blogs, and it becomes fake reality. Happens over and over and over with this demonization bullshit. It's manufactured to sell papers. Today it's "ISIS". Yesterday it was "Muslims in general". The week before that it was "Jews". Before that, "negroes". "Catholics". "Italians". "Irish". "Chinese". "Immigrants in general". "Indians". "Protestants". On and on and on and on and on. The stories regurgitate over and over; only the name of the demon changes. SEE the pattern.

In other words if it sounds too outrageous to be true, it probably is.

As I said, when somebody hears this from an actual credible source that engages in news as opposed to bullshit, I'll take it seriously. Until then, not buyin' it.

Do you believe the Holocaust is a fable? Much of what we hear about the Holocaust is anecdotal. There is almost no empirical evidence to prove that a million people died at Treblinka, yet we take it on faith because we should take it on faith. How about you, worm? Do you believe that a million Jews died at Treblinka?

Poster please.

Credible sources talk. Bullshit walks.
After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane.

Is it not factually correct?
Don't know about that. What I do know is that the Muslims and their killing ways are savages. That is not humane in any reality.

That wasn't the point though.
Of course it is nothing but savages.

No, you've moved your own goalpost.
You start here: "After this statement, "Beheading takes place in a second" there is nothing you can say that will make you sound sane."

That's got nothing to do with who's doing it (or why), now does it?

Goalposts my ass this is about Muslims killing for no good reason.
Good Lord, you really are that far gone, now aren't you.
Even your beloved IsraHell has used hanging as a form of execution. ...... :cool:

Capital punishment has been abolished since the 1950s in Israel, and prior to that only one person was hanged and that was nazi Adolf Eichmann.

So as usual you are talking rubbish trying to compare the cruel, barbaric, sadistic and perverted punishment allowed under Islam, which openly states that any cruelty devised by some sadist is allowed, no matter how much suffering is caused!
tell that to Daniel Pearl and the others. Are you sure ISIS signed the waiver? Actually, you may be right there, they probably do use a very large sword for criminals , but for everyone else they use a semi-sharp knife. Have you ever slaughtered an animal with a knife? Ive had to do it and trust me if the knife is not so sharp, you have to use a lot of force and it gets really nasty.
I was talking about the execution of death penalty criminals by a legitimate government not a self styled rebel group. ...... :cool:

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