Supreme Court Allows Restrictions on Voting by Ex-Felons...big victory for Rowdy Ron DeSantis!

6 million americans cannot vote because they are felons

1 in 10 blacks can't vote because of felony convictions

that is enough to swing the 2020 election in Biden's favor if you allow felons to vote!
Maybe if tbe Dems weren't tbe only ones fighting for their rights that wouldn't be the case. Duh! Who would you vote for? The ones that restored your rights after being relegated a second class citizen? Or the one, that made sure you never got back your vote and other "unalienable" right, all the while making sure they squeezed you for taxes This? This isnt a difficult choice for anyone...
"simply because they are poor.”
Yes, that and the felony conviction
You're misinformed. A felony does not require an indictment of a conviction to go on your record for life. It's a arrest. That's all it takes, in spite of the Constitution. By law, a prison record is properly considered a "previous condition of servitude," although obviously, that is what is enforced under color of law.

Amendment XV
Section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2.
The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Nah. When I was growing up felons didn't get their right to vote back period. Now they have to do their time and pay their fines or they haven't paid their debt to society. My advice to you is fork up the money, like your were assigned by the court and when your debt to society is clear, then maybe. Would not hurt my feelings if they had simply forfeited the right, but I don't make the laws. Unlike the felons and x-convicts, I have just lived by them. Teach your kids better and they will not end up in your situation.

Just a question when they were given there sentence by the Judge, did he include a fine?

If he didn't then shouldn't be acceptable that they paid there debt to society. How does the government be it the state or federal then get to add a further penalty without against the judges ruling... How could this be lawful? The Government is just making up a penalty to tack on to your sentence.
While I understand the reasoning, but still I am aware of the number that go back to commit repeat offences and are against the system that they could not live in without just being an eternal thug and continuing danger to society, I do not feel compelled to give them their vote back to pick leaders that they agree with. Voting was not as important to them as criminal ways, though I have no problem with there being a stringent appeals process and possibly getting the vote back after being out for a number of years.
Felons cannot get a weapons carry license. Do you think that should be restored also?
Just a question when they were given there sentence by the Judge, did he include a fine?

If he didn't then shouldn't be acceptable that they paid there debt to society. How does the government be it the state or federal then get to add a further penalty without against the judges ruling... How could this be lawful? The Government is just making up a penalty to tack on to your sentence.
I have only been a juror on a trial 3 times. Of the two we found guilty there was jail time and fines, although that was set by the judge and guidelines, not the jurors. The perps were scum. Both involved beating and robbing normal people that didn't deserve to what was done to them by the criminals, seeking means to support their drug habits and avoid gainful employment.

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