Supreme Court ruling against Veterans


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Yea, I know there is another thread on this, and when I attempted to respond my message got deleted.

So, I started another thread on it.


Funny that.

This article was an attempt to bash SCOTUS, because the media despises the current court of Dobbs. Really, it is all this was, just more virtue signaling. They could care less about the plight of Veterans.

The ruling though was not legislation, rather, it was just their interpretation of the law. So, if the law is bad, I wonder who should change the damnable law. Any ideas? Anyone?

But as I said before, that is, what got deleted by Leftists, therefore, we should not be surprised in the least when Veterans are treated badly.

We all know about how Veterans who came home from Vietnam were treated. The Left created a hate campaign against them, labeling them all baby killers, much like the do the police in the US today as being systemically racist. And as American citizens spat on them as they returned from a world of hellish war after forced to fight for their country, the government turned right around to finish them off by denying them medical care. For you see, the US government used Agent Orange in Vietnam that caused a myriad of health problems, then US government denied any culpability of any wrongdoing for exposing them to it, and subsequently refused to pay to treat many of them for it or give them any compensation.

Or how about the soldiers who came home from Iraq and had the Gulf War Syndrome. Yea, the government treated them about the same.

Then you had the Arizona Veterans scandal where soldiers were put on secret lists to not treat. Why? Because they were too understaffed to care for them, so they pretended they did not exist and let them die. Once it hit the media, Obama apologized and fired some bureaucrat who had nothing to do with the scandal and swept is under the rug. Typical. And to think, Americans really want government run health care like the VA is? Does anyone think if the treat Veterans this way they will treat average citizens any better?


As for my firsthand knowledge of how soldiers are treated, I know someone personally who was a Marine and had some health issues. They subsequently did a surgery on him, one that other doctors later said was not needed and made things worse, and then pushed him out of the service and then refused to pay for any further treatment. He died 5 years later, but during that time he tried to get a JAG lawyer to help him get them to help pay, but he just laughed and say, "Yea, it's an epidemic". He did all the right things; he wrote his congressmen, but none even acknowledged his existence by responding.

So no, we should NEVER be surprised at how badly Veterans are treated by the US government.

And no, neither party cares.
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Yea, I know there is another thread on this, and when I attempted to respond my message got deleted.

So, I started another thread on it.


Funny that.

This article was an attempt to bash SCOTUS, because the media despises the current court of Dobbs. Really, it is all this was, just more virtue signaling. They could care less about the plight of Veterans.

The ruling though was not legislation, rather, it was just their interpretation of the law. So, if the law is bad, I wonder who should change the damnable law. Any ideas? Anyone?

But as I said before, that is, what got deleted by Leftists, therefore, we should not be surprised in the least when Veterans are treated badly.

We all know about how Veterans who came home from Vietnam were treated. The Left created a hate campaign against them, labeling them all baby killers, much like the do the police in the US today as being systemically racist. And as American citizens spat on them as they returned from a world of hellish war after forced to fight for their country, the government turned right around to finish them off by denying them medical care. For you see, the US government used Agent Orange in Vietnam that caused a myriad of health problems, then US government denied any culpability of any wrongdoing for exposing them to it, and subsequently refused to pay to treat many of them for it or give them any compensation.

Or how about the soldiers who came home from Iraq and had the Gulf War Syndrome. Yea, the government treated them about the same.

Then you had the Arizona Veterans scandal where soldiers were put on secret lists to not treat. Why? Because they were too understaffed to care for them, so they pretended they did not exist and let them die. Once it hit the media, Obama apologized and fired some bureaucrat who had nothing to do with the scandal and swept is under the rug. Typical. And to think, Americans really want government run health care like the VA is? Does anyone think if the treat Veterans this way they will treat average citizens any better?


As for my firsthand knowledge of how soldiers are treated, I know someone personally who was a Marine and had some health issues. They subsequently did a surgery on him, one that other doctors later said was not needed and made things worse, and then pushed him out of the service and then refused to pay for any further treatment. He died 5 years later, but during that time he tried to get a JAG lawyer to help him get them to help pay, but he just laughed and say, "Yea, it's an epidemic". He did all the right things; he wrote his congressmen, but none even acknowledged his existence by responding.

So no, we should NEVER be surprised at how badly Veterans are treated by the US government.

And no, neither party cares.
Funny, the left clearly supports baby killers now.
The Court rules on Constitutional issues. If anybody is guilty of screwing disabled Vets. it's the old draft dodger, Joe Biden who seems to care more about his comrades in the crooked Ukraine regime than American Vets.
The Court rules on Constitutional issues. If anybody is guilty of screwing disabled Vets. it's the old draft dodger, Joe Biden who seems to care more about his comrades in the crooked Ukraine regime than American Vets.
LBJ and the democrats lied and created a fake news story to even sell the Vietnam war.


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