Supreme Court Strikes Down Blatently Unconstitional Gun Regulation

Yes, in South and Central America almost no women can legally terminate an abortion (even when raped). Irregardless of the gun situation in their country they are very often severely abused by “god worshipping” men in and outside their own families. No wonder many risk hell to get themselves and their children to the U.S.A.

I breath easier knowing the gun fanatic and obvious partisan demagogue woodwork201 — who thinks even raped women should have no right to terminate pregnancy and who generalizes that Democrats and others who defend womens’ rights are “women haters” & “rapists” — has been “background checked.”

Has his sanity or emotional stability been questioned? Is that why he has been checked “many times”? Let’s hope all those background checks weren’t as superficial as most usually are!

I'm very pro-choice. Women should absolutely have the choice to say NO to sex. If they get pregnant, they have the choice to have an abortion - just as soon as they get approval from the child they're about to kill. You talk about women having no rights while you completely ignore the rights of the unborn - 50% of which would be women themselves, if not ripped apart, limb-by-limb, and their heads pulled from their spines, and then their tiny little bodies sucked out with the ol' Electrolux.
who thinks even raped women should have no right to terminate pregnancy and who generalizes that Democrats and others who defend womens’ rights are “women haters” & “rapists” — has been “background checked.”
The only woman's right the left even pretends to protect is the right to kill their babies - which the Supreme Court and the Constitution agree is not a right.

You are women haters and rapists. I already proved to you that a million or more women and children have been raped and/or molested on the southern border. How do you call that defending women's rights, rapist?
I'm very pro-choice. Women should absolutely have the choice to say NO to sex. If they get pregnant, they have the choice to have an abortion - just as soon as they get approval from the child they're about to kill. You talk about women having no rights while you completely ignore the rights of the unborn - 50% of which would be women themselves, if not ripped apart, limb-by-limb, and their heads pulled from their spines, and then their tiny little bodies sucked out with the ol' Electrolux.

I repeat the obvious: woodwork201 is a lunatic woman hater who is against abortion even in the case of rape, who opposes even “day after pills” and who fantasizes about killing women who choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Here is more evidence of his sick mind at work:

woodwork201 said:
Why would we care if a woman dies in the process of murdering her unborn child? I'd be quite happy to help them die. Sell rusty coat hangers.. pull the lever on the gallows, pull the trigger in the firing squad, throw the switch on the electric chair, push the button on the gas chamber, inject the poison in the lethal injection... Of all the methods, hanging would be my favorite but I'd be happy to deliver the death penalty by any of the above.
Consistent with liberal psyches, the attack on the Supreme Court last week was completely schizophrenic --



[ANSWER: One’s in the Constitution, and one isn’t.]
You're a lying bitch.
Hell I think back ground check's are definitely needed always, and I definitely know folks that shouldn't ever have access to a gun. I guess I'm not for just anyone getting or having a gun, but I'm definitely for anyone who passes the smell test for getting a gun either for their own protection or for their hunting as is needed.
Hell I think back ground check's are definitely needed always, and I definitely know folks that shouldn't ever have access to a gun. I guess I'm not for just anyone getting or having a gun, but I'm definitely for anyone who passes the smell test for getting a gun either for their own protection or for their hunting as is needed.

So you're definitely for gun control, as long as it is the gun control you like. Got it.
So you're definitely for gun control, as long as it is the gun control you like. Got it.
We already have gun control, so what I don't like these days is how the left and businesses have exploited every loop hole and every crack in the wall in order to slip a lot of bad through those crack's in which is being exploited by some very unsavoury characters now, otherwise we are seeing the results of our non-enforcement freely sewing death and confusion amongst us as we've seen so much of lately......It either creates anarchy or it basically just makes a lot of profit off of these unsavoury characters, just as leftist government does when pimping the vote, so I've always been one to say "let's enforce the laws and rules we have on the book's again", and it's really just that simple.

However with an environment like the one which has taken shape around us now, who even knows anymore what can work and what don't work these days ??

Let's put it this way, I'm in favor of enforcing the laws we have already, and I'm also for keeping guns out of the hands of criminal's, and especially from these gang's who are reeking havock in the communities and within our societies that we are trying to live peacefully within.

Not sure who you are, but you aren't dealing with a fool here, so save your quick condemnation for a leftist.
We already have gun control, so what I don't like these days is how the left and businesses have exploited every loop hole and every crack in the wall in order to slip a lot of bad through those crack's in which is being exploited by some very unsavoury characters now, otherwise we are seeing the results of our non-enforcement freely sewing death and confusion amongst us as we've seen so much of lately......It either creates anarchy or it basically just makes a lot of profit off of these unsavoury characters, just as leftist government does when pimping the vote, so I've always been one to say "let's enforce the laws and rules we have on the book's again", and it's really just that simple.

However with an environment like the one which has taken shape around us now, who even knows anymore what can work and what don't work these days ??

Let's put it this way, I'm in favor of enforcing the laws we have already, and I'm also for keeping guns out of the hands of criminal's, and especially from these gang's who are reeking havock in the communities and within our societies that we are trying to live peacefully within.

Not sure who you are, but you aren't dealing with a fool here, so save your quick condemnation for a leftist.
Leftists are honest about their intention to control, and even take for many of them, our guns. It's Fudds like you that are the biggest traitors and the biggest threat to our liberty. You enable the left by supporting the gun control that you like and pretending to object to that you don't like. The enemy within is always a greater threat than the external enemy.

Just what gun control law is it that you think should be stopping criminal gangs in big cities from having guns? Guess what? Whichever law you think it is, that you love so much, it ain't fucking working, traitor.
Leftists are honest about their intention to control, and even take for many of them, our guns. It's Fudds like you that are the biggest traitors and the biggest threat to our liberty. You enable the left by supporting the gun control that you like and pretending to object to that you don't like. The enemy within is always a greater threat than the external enemy.

Just what gun control law is it that you think should be stopping criminal gangs in big cities from having guns? Guess what? Whichever law you think it is, that you love so much, it ain't fucking working, traitor.
Man, you're a real piece of shit aren't you?
Man, you're a real piece of shit aren't you?
Says one of the other gun controllers... No; I'm a constitutionalist who loves his country and the Constitution that created it. I'm a patriot and a libertarian in the classic sense: I treasure and defend my rights from attacks by anyone, including you, beagle9, and m14 shooter.
Says one of the other gun controllers... No; I'm a constitutionalist who loves his country and the Constitution that created it. I'm a patriot and a libertarian in the classic sense: I treasure and defend my rights from attacks by anyone, including you, beagle9, and m14 shooter.
Lying sob to boot. No one has attacked your rights ya lying sob.
Lying sob to boot. No one has attacked your rights ya lying sob.
Yes you have. You defend the government's right to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms and other rights. You're all three gun controllers.

I've reposted all of your posts before. You can keep denying them but the server keeps those posts. You could go back and delete them but since I've reposted them the text will remain.
Yes you have. You defend the government's right to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms and other rights. You're all three gun controllers.

I've reposted all of your posts before. You can keep denying them but the server keeps those posts. You could go back and delete them but since I've reposted them the text will remain.
Keep lying you filthy pos.
Leftists are honest about their intention to control, and even take for many of them, our guns. It's Fudds like you that are the biggest traitors and the biggest threat to our liberty. You enable the left by supporting the gun control that you like and pretending to object to that you don't like. The enemy within is always a greater threat than the external enemy.

Just what gun control law is it that you think should be stopping criminal gangs in big cities from having guns? Guess what? Whichever law you think it is, that you love so much, it ain't fucking working, traitor.
Your attitude on just allowing what doesn't work to keep on growing without checking the situations is about as idiot or stupid as it gets. No one is advocating the restrictions on guns from law abiding citizen's, well at least not in my area of the nation we aren't.......

Your emotional Karen bull crap isn't fooling anyone, and sticking with the status quo of not dealing with criminal's with gun's no matter how many die isn't going to cut it for the responsible gun owner community. It has to be turned around, but I understand your fear on who is running the country right now. I'm definitely with you that they couldn't run a lemonade stand, and we sure don't need them changing our gun law's that are already in place.

Now hear me good you emotional hack, I am in favor of strong background checks not red flag law's, and I'm in favor of keeping guns out of the hands of known or found to be criminal's through the background checks, but I'm not in favor of taking guns from law abiding citizen's, otherwise I'm against making it hard on law abiding citizen's to own and have the gun's of their choosing.

I'm for proper storage that keep people from easy access to guns during a break in, otherwise to one's home or automobile where a gun might be hap-hazzardly stored. I'm for common sense being shown by those owning weapon's for example: not bragging about them, not showing them off as if that makes them look tough or something to their friends or neighbors, and not discharging them in communities in hopes to send messages that hey I'm armed, so don't mess with me. That's just an advertisement to say hey I got gun's, so come see if you can get them. I'm big time in favor of concealed carry, not open carry because like I said that's just an advertisement to a criminal that you are armed in which tells the criminal how to counter that carry if need be.

Intimidation doesn't work on criminal's these days. They are a different Godless breed hell bent on shoving every good that we ever believed in down our throats like a bitter pill. So we must adapt to keep our ways of life intact. If they pull this, then we counter with that, but to sit there and do nothing or rather if we don't meet them on the battlefield of wit's, then it is a fool's game that we are playing.

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