Supreme Court weighs lawsuit pitting climate scientist against skeptics

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Ha this is going to the Supreme court and the ACLU supports it, shove it Mann.

Supreme Court weighs lawsuit pitting climate scientist against skeptics

The Supreme Court on Friday will consider whether to take up a prominent climatologist's defamation suit against a venerated conservative magazine, in a case that pits climate scientists against the free speech rights of global warming skeptics.

The dispute between scientist Michael Mann and the National Review has drawn attention from lawmakers, interest groups, academics and media, as the court weighs adding a potentially blockbuster First Amendment showdown to an already politically charged docket.

Scientists hail Mann's lawsuit as a necessary defense against efforts to erode public confidence in the scientific consensus that climate change is an urgent threat, while free speech advocates have rallied around the iconic conservative publication.

The case has made for strange bedfellows, with the National Review receiving backing from the Center for Investigative Reporting, which has produced award-winning coverage of climate change; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.); The Washington Post; and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Scientists hail Mann's lawsuit as a necessary defense against efforts to erode public confidence in the scientific consensus that climate change is an urgent threat,
If the theory of Global Warming is such a slam dunk air tight case.

Why do these climate scientists feel they have to use the courts to force everyone to accept it as a fact? ... :dunno:
Scientists hail Mann's lawsuit as a necessary defense against efforts to erode public confidence in the scientific consensus that climate change is an urgent threat,
If the theory of Global Warming is such a slam dunk air tight case.

Why do these climate scientists feel they have to use the courts to force everyone to accept it as a fact? ... :dunno:

Exactly, everyone knows its 108 degrees outside in Montana @ 7:30 pm
Snip more from my link..


Instead of molesting children, he has molested and tortured data," Mark Steyn wrote for the magazine, quoting the work of a blogger at the libertarian think tank Competitive Enterprise Institute, another party to the suit.
The delusional party says it's an existential threat. What the hell more do we need to know? If Democrats say it's life threatening, you can be sure that's all bullshit.
Scientists hail Mann's lawsuit as a necessary defense against efforts to erode public confidence in the scientific consensus that climate change is an urgent threat,
If the theory of Global Warming is such a slam dunk air tight case.

Why do these climate scientists feel they have to use the courts to force everyone to accept it as a fact? ... :dunno:

Stalin used to execute any who disagreed with his favorite scientist Lysenko.

Michael Mann has to be the biggest bitch on the planet, he thinks he is Einstein and in reality just another clown show, snake oil salesman.
And this post is not about Trump it is about Michael the narcissist Mann.
Michael Mann has to be the biggest bitch on the planet, he thinks he is Einstein and in reality just another clown show, snake oil salesman.
Yet you gave the nuclear codes to a retard

Good thing he has yet to start one war asshat in three years...

That has to be a 150 year old record in the making.
Trump told the military to kill civilians and stopped reporting drone strikes and troop levels. He surrendered to our enemies so he could move those forces to protect Saudi Arabia's oil; a country that he ran on holding responsible for 9/11. He betrayed allies to be slaughtered. Remember, the guy you voted for is a retard.
Michael Mann has to be the biggest bitch on the planet, he thinks he is Einstein and in reality just another clown show, snake oil salesman.
Yet you gave the nuclear codes to a retard

Good thing he has yet to start one war asshat in three years...

That has to be a 150 year old record in the making.
Trump told the military to kill civilians and stopped reporting drone strikes and troop levels. He surrendered to our enemies so he could move those forces to protect Saudi Arabia's oil; a country that he ran on holding responsible for 9/11. He betrayed allies to be slaughtered. Remember, the guy you voted for is a retard.

Michael Mann has to be the biggest bitch on the planet, he thinks he is Einstein and in reality just another clown show, snake oil salesman.
Yet you gave the nuclear codes to a retard

Good thing he has yet to start one war asshat in three years...

That has to be a 150 year old record in the making.
Trump told the military to kill civilians and stopped reporting drone strikes and troop levels. He surrendered to our enemies so he could move those forces to protect Saudi Arabia's oil; a country that he ran on holding responsible for 9/11. He betrayed allies to be slaughtered. Remember, the guy you voted for is a retard.

Yeah I know your 71 years old, but this thread is about free speech
I am really surprised people put up money like the ACLU to defend against Michael Mann .

But I shouldn't The ACLU defended rush Limbaugh

They realise once you squash free speech, your speech could be next.
If the lefty loons had their way.

They would pass a law to put anyone who disagrees with the global warming hoax in jail. ... :cuckoo:
Not only their agw hoax, but anyone that disagrees with their plans/ideas

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