Surplus swells as Gov. Jerry Brown's last budget grows to $199 billion

Brown = surplus & more subsidies for the poor Southern states so their can balance their budgets!

We should just keep our money and let these poor WeakWhytes die off! :auiqs.jpg:

Remember, California keeps the Weak Whyte poor alive with the taxes we pay to balance your own state budgets. Be greatful that we have fine Christian Values!

Haha...only in that backward world of LibTardia where good is bad and bad is good would whack-jobs want their best, most productive to “die off”.
Funny shit...the Loons never surprise me.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent
Who posted the stupid article about plastic bags the grocers charge $0.10 to buy. You know the Chinese are making these bags; which males Two Scoops tremendouse happy.

What a dumb article about the Orange County Republic stronghold.

Skipped the part about Cali being in massive debt didn't ya loon?
How much is Brown paying you?

Red States suck compared to California. No payment required.

The Southern Red States are great at fvcking their own people and I'm not just talking about their incest problem! :113:

"Simple Christian Fundie People are easily manipulated. Now watch me do the Sexy Muslim War Dance with my Saudi friends."
For people who claim to hate Muslims, Bush and Trump loved to dance with the worst of them.

SassyIrishLass, post: 20001969
Funny thread and reveals demoquacks ate utterly clueless on budgets, finances and debt/surpluses

How in the hell does it prove that?

I highlighted an important line in this report.

“In 2009, as the last recession took hold, California state revenue fell 19 percent, versus 8 percent for state revenues nationwide, according to Moody’s Analytics.

There has been a strong rebound since then, but the gains are unlikely to last.

That is because California’s government relies on a heavily progressive income tax that generates most of its revenue from a relatively small number of wealthy taxpayers whose incomes are erratic”

Boom and Gloom: An Economic Warning for California

Foo Foo Foo, if you have a trillion in debt it's not possible to have a surplus.

Silly leftists
Sure it is dum dum.
In your budget, you pay the bills for that year and you have money left over.
But you also have long term debt, like pensions, which you can't pay off because you don't really know what they will be. Not until the future becomes now. There is all kinds of debt. Except in the tiny minds of the GOP.
Perhaps this is why they did such a terrible job under Reagan, Bush and Trump? And why Red States are disasters?
SassyIrishLass, post: 20001969
Funny thread and reveals demoquacks ate utterly clueless on budgets, finances and debt/surpluses

How in the hell does it prove that?

I highlighted an important line in this report.

“In 2009, as the last recession took hold, California state revenue fell 19 percent, versus 8 percent for state revenues nationwide, according to Moody’s Analytics.

There has been a strong rebound since then, but the gains are unlikely to last.

That is because California’s government relies on a heavily progressive income tax that generates most of its revenue from a relatively small number of wealthy taxpayers whose incomes are erratic”

Boom and Gloom: An Economic Warning for California

Foo Foo Foo, if you have a trillion in debt it's not possible to have a surplus.

Silly leftists
Sure it is dum dum.
In your budget, you pay the bills for that year and you have money left over.
But you also have long term debt, like pensions, which you can't pay off because you don't really know what they will be. Not until the future becomes now. There is all kinds of debt. Except in the tiny minds of the GOP.
Perhaps this is why they did such a terrible job under Reagan, Bush and Trump? And why Red States are disasters? crazies can’t understand third grade level shit.
Ones NET worth is determined by income and assets minus debts and liabilities. Do the elementary math bud.
SassyIrishLass, post: 20001969
Funny thread and reveals demoquacks ate utterly clueless on budgets, finances and debt/surpluses

How in the hell does it prove that?

I highlighted an important line in this report.

“In 2009, as the last recession took hold, California state revenue fell 19 percent, versus 8 percent for state revenues nationwide, according to Moody’s Analytics.

There has been a strong rebound since then, but the gains are unlikely to last.

That is because California’s government relies on a heavily progressive income tax that generates most of its revenue from a relatively small number of wealthy taxpayers whose incomes are erratic”

Boom and Gloom: An Economic Warning for California

Foo Foo Foo, if you have a trillion in debt it's not possible to have a surplus.

Silly leftists

Do you even know what a surplus is in relation to a deficit or debt?

HINT: Yes you can have a surplus and debt at the same time, doofus.
It's more than comical, people that have some need to try to paint CA with some colossal financial burden and how bad it is but these very same people voted gleefully for Lying Trump who with the Republicans passed a tax bill that drove the yearly deficit to $1.5 trillion dollars, will drive the national debt through $30 trillion dollars with no end in sight.

They act as if all of THEIR actions are hidden and no one can see their galactic hypocrisy. We see you ignorant sycophants.

False dichotomy. You point to one extreme and then to the other. The $1.5 trillion added debt from the tax legislation was fiscally irresponsible. It's also irresponsible to not return billions in surplus to the people the state stole it from in the first place considering how unaffordable it already is for so many people living there. As has been pointed out multiple times and you apologists continue to ignore, your state is only paradise for a select portion of the population. You have a massive wealth disparity between your elite and working class and you have a massive exodus of population leaving your state.

And you have the nerve to call others ignorant.
your state is only paradise for a select portion of the population
yep if you live along the wealthy coast....inland there is a lot of unemployment,im sure those people have a very different view of California....
SassyIrishLass, post: 20003309
Foo Foo Foo, if you have a trillion in debt it's not possible to have a surplus.

Silly leftists

Why does the ‘silly leftist’ WSJ say it is absolutely possible in this headline?

Jerry Brown’s Legacy: A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus in California

Jerry Brown’s Legacy: A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus in California

Can you explain your imbecile argument that budget surpluses or deficits are not possible?

Does California have one trillion dollars in unfunded debt?

It's a yes or no question you feeble moron. As long as that debt is outstanding and unfunded a surplus is impossible. It's simple economics
Yes you can see from tv and movies how miserable life is in California!


Exactly the kind of snobbish elitist response I would expect from a Regressive.

Again, you called others ignorant?
This is what I don't understand. California is in massive debt. Now they have a surplus, but instead of paying it off, they are going to put it in a slush fund?

How does this make sense.....

And just out of curiosity, how did they end up with a surplus?
This is what I don't understand. California is in massive debt. Now they have a surplus, but instead of paying it off, they are going to put it in a slush fund?

How does this make sense.....

And just out of curiosity, how did they end up with a surplus?

Ok maybe I can put it in a way you can understand.

First you need to understand the meaning of the words deficit and debt. They don't mean the same thing.

A deficit is when you add all expenses and all revenues. If there's revenue left over you have a surplus. If there's more expenses than revenues, you have a deficit. That is you spent more than you had. At the end of the accounting cycle that deficit is added to the debt.

Here's the part that might help you understand this.

You get a paycheck. You pay your bills and have some left over. The next time you are paid you have that excess left over from your last paycheck. You put that excess in the bank for a rainy day.

Meanwhile you still have a mortgage on your house that is scheduled to last up to 30 years. Which is debt.

Meanwhile you still have a 10 thousand owed on your car that is scheduled to last up to 5 years. Which is debt.

You still have your debt but you don't have a deficit and you have saved something for an emergency if it arrises.
BrokeLoser, post: 20007327, crazies can’t understand third grade level shit.
Ones NET worth is determined by income and assets minus debts and liabilities. Do the elementary math bud.

No one is discussijg California’s net worth except to explain to one retarded poster that there is a huge difference in defining a budget surplus and net worth. The Trumptardo says there is no such thing as an annual budget surplus if debt or other obligations are carried on the books. This retarded person thinks the WSJ knows nothing about surpluses, deficits balanced budgets, and net worth.

Do you agree with that idiot or don’t you?
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Does California have one trillion dollars in unfunded debt?

It's a yes or no question you feeble moron. As long as that debt is outstanding and unfunded a surplus is impossible. It's simple economics

Again, what is the WSJ referring to as a @-surplus in the headline I posted, then?

What on earth are they referring to when they use the term SURPLUS in that op-ed?

Why are you running from answering that quest?

I am answering your stupid question;


Of course California has debt and obligations in the trillions. They also have the fifth largest economy in the world to work with, and a budget surplus to better deal with it. Good news right? It would be much worse to be in a yearly deficit situation with regard to servicing their debt and paying all bills.
Most accounts have pot head Jerry's budget down about 2 billion.

It's so much "easier" to debunk California's good news than it is to open your mouth and swallow the bullshit that Trump is a many times billionaire, isn't it.....Deadhorse???................LOL
This is what I don't understand. California is in massive debt. Now they have a surplus, but instead of paying it off, they are going to put it in a slush fund?

How does this make sense.....

And just out of curiosity, how did they end up with a surplus?

Ok maybe I can put it in a way you can understand.

First you need to understand the meaning of the words deficit and debt. They don't mean the same thing.

A deficit is when you add all expenses and all revenues. If there's revenue left over you have a surplus. If there's more expenses than revenues, you have a deficit. That is you spent more than you had. At the end of the accounting cycle that deficit is added to the debt.

Here's the part that might help you understand this.

You get a paycheck. You pay your bills and have some left over. The next time you are paid you have that excess left over from your last paycheck. You put that excess in the bank for a rainy day.

Meanwhile you still have a mortgage on your house that is scheduled to last up to 30 years. Which is debt.

Meanwhile you still have a 10 thousand owed on your car that is scheduled to last up to 5 years. Which is debt.

You still have your debt but you don't have a deficit and you have saved something for an emergency if it arrises.

Yeah, that was difficult or not.

I am well aware of the difference.

My point was if you are going to go through the effort to balance a budget and have a surplus, because of the debts you have... wouldn't paying off those debts be a big part of the plan? Perhaps even a bigger part than having a slush fund?

We've already established that if there is a rainy day, California has no problem borrowing money. It's not like they are a private citizen who can't borrow because their credit score sucks, and if they don't have a rainy day fund, they will end up homeless.

Why was getting the budget in order, and having a surplus important? Why did they even try to have a surplus?

You want to know why? Because in 2009, California was in such bad shape, they actually requested a Federal Bailout.

Point being..... you need a rainy day fund, for any crisis that pops up.

The debt....... *IS*.... the crisis.

California now owes... what $1.3 Trillion in debt?
California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

The rainy day is here, now.

And I find it baffling that people support having a surplus all the time, and claim to support fiscal responsibility, but then the moment they have success in the budget, they move to see what they can use the money for, instead of dealing with the issue that caused the need for the money to begin with.

This is what was so mind boggling about the 1999-2000, budget surplus years.

We might as well have never had a surplus. It served zero purpose.

If you go look at the national debt, from 1997 to 2001, there was never a year where the national debt went down.

Why? Because every time we had a surplus, people found things to do with it. So why have a surplus? If you spend all the surplus, and keep growing the debt year over year.... what was the point?

Supposedly, from 2014 to 2015, the California debt decreased by $3 Billion, from $424B to $421B. But we have nothing but estimates for 2016 and 2017.
The estimates are that from 2016 to 2018, the debt has magically remained absolutely steady at $421B.

We don't even know if these numbers are absolutely correct.
But if they are, that means CA has been running a surplus for almost 3 years, and hasn't paid off a dime of it's debt in at least the last two years, and this year isn't looking good either.

So why have a surplus? You have a huge debt crisis, to the point of bankruptcy or bailout..... work hard to balance your budget and get a surplus going... and now haven't accomplished anything with the crisis.

This is pathetic. When I was in debt, I sent every spare dime, to pay off the debt. That is why I am 100% debt free today. I owe no one, anywhere, anything. If I lose my job, no one is going to bother me. I have no bills to pay, beyond utilities.

Why? Because I got by budget under control, and didn't waste my surplus money. I paid off my debts.

California is going to go through another down turn in the economy, and be right back into a budget crisis... because they are squandering this opportunity to pay off their debts.
SassyIrishLass, post: 20001969
Funny thread and reveals demoquacks ate utterly clueless on budgets, finances and debt/surpluses

How in the hell does it prove that?

I highlighted an important line in this report.

“In 2009, as the last recession took hold, California state revenue fell 19 percent, versus 8 percent for state revenues nationwide, according to Moody’s Analytics.

There has been a strong rebound since then, but the gains are unlikely to last.

That is because California’s government relies on a heavily progressive income tax that generates most of its revenue from a relatively small number of wealthy taxpayers whose incomes are erratic”

Boom and Gloom: An Economic Warning for California

Foo Foo Foo, if you have a trillion in debt it's not possible to have a surplus.

Silly leftists
Sure it is dum dum.
In your budget, you pay the bills for that year and you have money left over.
But you also have long term debt, like pensions, which you can't pay off because you don't really know what they will be. Not until the future becomes now. There is all kinds of debt. Except in the tiny minds of the GOP.
Perhaps this is why they did such a terrible job under Reagan, Bush and Trump? And why Red States are disasters? crazies can’t understand third grade level shit.
Ones NET worth is determined by income and assets minus debts and liabilities. Do the elementary math bud.
Unless you don't know what the debt is dum dum.
You can only guess.
Brown = surplus & more subsidies for the poor Southern states so their can balance their budgets!

We should just keep our money and let these poor WeakWhytes die off! :auiqs.jpg:
I repeat: California gets back 99cents of every dollar it pays in federal taxes.

You are lying!

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