Survey shows Barack Obama tops list of most over-rated political figure


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Also over-rated is FDR. Among the most under-rated political figures are Calvin Coolidge, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower, and Bill Clinton.

"Former President Barack Obama has been compared to Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, which may explain why he was the runaway winner in a newly released poll of conservative thinkers on the most overrated political figures.
Mr. Obama topped the rankings of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity survey, which compiled responses from 120 “influential conservative thought makers,” including lawmakers, governors, scholars, business leaders and writers.

“For the most overrated category, the person who was far and away the leading choice was Barack Obama,” said the report by the free-market committee.

Former President Calvin Coolidge, “whose tax cuts and limited government policies helped create the roaring 1920s,” was deemed the most underrated figure, followed by former President Donald Trump.

Economist Stephen Moore, a committee principal, undertook the survey to counter the “liberal/progressive historical view of political figures,” citing a recent poll of historians that ranked Mr. Obama among the greatest presidents and Mr. Trump as one of the worst."

Obama tops list of overrated political figures; Coolidge most underrated

While they got the most underrated POTUS correct, they got the 2nd most underrated one totally wrong and it undermines any credibility the survey might have had.
Obama topped the rankings of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity survey, which compiled responses from 120 “influential conservative thought makers,” including lawmakers, governors, scholars, business leaders and writers.

So, Conservative thought makers think Obama was overrated and Coolidge was great?

Obama was a shit president.

He won and was loved so much during his time because he is an excellent public speaker, one of the best. If you can speak well everyone listens and tends to go along with you. Just like Morgan Freeman could say the craziest shit ever and everyone would listen and trust him.

And because he showed up right around the time America started over correcting for and over praising blacks. Just his skin color alone won him a whole lot of favor.

If it wasn't for those 2 things I don't think he could have won the presidency even once.
To be quite candid, most of what was attributed to incompetence by O'Bama was actually part of his campaign to destroy the country - which campaign is alive and well under the current "President."

We all know who is calling the shots.
Especially that $6 billion for the hostage release. Had Obama’s stink all over it.
Also over-rated is FDR. Among the most under-rated political figures are Calvin Coolidge, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower, and Bill Clinton.

"Former President Barack Obama has been compared to Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, which may explain why he was the runaway winner in a newly released poll of conservative thinkers on the most overrated political figures.
Mr. Obama topped the rankings of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity survey, which compiled responses from 120 “influential conservative thought makers,” including lawmakers, governors, scholars, business leaders and writers.

“For the most overrated category, the person who was far and away the leading choice was Barack Obama,” said the report by the free-market committee.

Former President Calvin Coolidge, “whose tax cuts and limited government policies helped create the roaring 1920s,” was deemed the most underrated figure, followed by former President Donald Trump.

Economist Stephen Moore, a committee principal, undertook the survey to counter the “liberal/progressive historical view of political figures,” citing a recent poll of historians that ranked Mr. Obama among the greatest presidents and Mr. Trump as one of the worst."

Obama tops list of overrated political figures; Coolidge most underrated

Gosh a RWNJ newspaper doesn't like Barack Obama?

Whoda Thunkit?

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