'Survival' Takes Second Place

How would they know how many there are if they didn't check them?

No thorough background checks are done because it's illegal immigration. We don't know the exact number of foreign criminals that are currently here. It's estimated to be in the thousands though.
Oh dear God, that's what the Indians said also...

I think if American Citizens are required to undergo background checks for things like renting apartments, it makes perfect sense for potential immigrants to undergo vigorous background checks as well. But illegal immigration doesn't allow for it.
I think people are idiots for letting people know their background, probably why I've spent most of my life self employed, no bank accounts and own my own property......


The Shadow Knows.....
Ralph died..
yes but if you speak out against mass immigration you lose your income, your freedom and our family.

survival of the self

There is survival and there is survival.

I hope you're not making excuses for the mentally ill who support Obama and Bill's wife....

Once again, are you now or have you ever been a member of the John Birch Society?

Answer the question PC, for once tell the truth. I also wonder if you are a member of any right wing group, neo nazi organization or other antisocial gang, set or mob?

I readily admit to being a registered Democrat, a Navy Vet, a CAL Grad and liberal / progressive on the issue of equal rights, and seek sane gun control laws and fiscally responsible elected officials.

You call others who disagree with you names (idiot, moron, fool are your favorites) and the rest of your schtick is, "ain't (Obama, Clinton (both), Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, Democrats) awful", punctuated with perfidious carp and the RED SCARE.

So....you couldn't find a singe thing in any of my posts to challenge???

So stipulated.

The same thing in all of your posts I've challenged, of course you know that but lack the integrity to acknowledge it. In fact there are two, one is reality and the other is honesty.
The Indian Wars were a black mark on our nation's history.

Almost every Amerindian War was started by the Amerindians. Our government had rare incentive to initiate such wars, that they rarely did as such wars are costly and dreduce the profiteering that the Bureau of Indian Affairs made selling things to Amerindians..

Only antiwhite Hate-America-First racists like yourself place ALL blame for those wars on our country.

We slaughtered their main source of food (the American Buffalo), took their land and put them on reservations.

Only some of the Amerindian tribes were dependent on buffalo for their food. East of the Mississippi, most Amerindians were farmers and hunter gatherers and couldnt give a shit about the buffalo.

We had to reduce the buffalo herds that were destroying railroad tracks and engines and cause constant obstacles to moving goods across our nation. But of course you love all that stopping goods and American railways, probably.

Invoking General Custer does not demean all white people, all Christians and all Americans,

No, it just shows what a retard the poster is.

and point of fact the arrogance of Custer, his ambitions, and his disregard for the Native American cost him and his men their lives.

Custer admired the Amerindians, contrary to libtard agit-propaganda against the White Man and he made a lot of enemies in his opposition and attempts to expose the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

You are an ignorant self-hating antiwhite fuckhead.

Are you partaking of LSD? Or is the reality you've offered a product of an abnormal brain function? You've posted lies, half-truths, revised history and fucked them all up by complaining that the Buffalo "destroyed tracks and engines" and needed to be driven to this side of instinction. I'm 100% certain the Buffalo felt the RR intruded on their turf which they roamed for thousands of years.

Once in a while you make sense, this response is highly irrational, and nonsensical - are you sleeping with PoliticalChic?

For the record, I am of French, German, Italian and Romanian ancestry. Confirmed Catholic and I very much like myself.
yes but if you speak out against mass immigration you lose your income, your freedom and our family.

survival of the self

There is survival and there is survival.

I hope you're not making excuses for the mentally ill who support Obama and Bill's wife....

Once again, are you now or have you ever been a member of the John Birch Society?

Answer the question PC, for once tell the truth. I also wonder if you are a member of any right wing group, neo nazi organization or other antisocial gang, set or mob?

I readily admit to being a registered Democrat, a Navy Vet, a CAL Grad and liberal / progressive on the issue of equal rights, and seek sane gun control laws and fiscally responsible elected officials.

You call others who disagree with you names (idiot, moron, fool are your favorites) and the rest of your schtick is, "ain't (Obama, Clinton (both), Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, Democrats) awful", punctuated with perfidious carp and the RED SCARE.

So....you couldn't find a singe thing in any of my posts to challenge???

So stipulated.

The same thing in all of your posts I've challenged, of course you know that but lack the integrity to acknowledge it. In fact there are two, one is reality and the other is honesty.

Still nothing???

No examples that you can show to be incorrect?????


Soooo....when are you going to change your avi to the much more correct "HotAir"??
A prescient vid from several years ago.
Netanyahu warned the French as to what was coming.

In it, one can also see the reason that Obama hates Netanyahu

Watch Bibi Netanyahu, Years Ago, Warn France About What Was Coming

If we had an actual pro-American President, he would have been saying the same sort of things.

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