
Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


10 Jun 2023 ~~ By Philip C. Mead

This article is a pre-amble to the main point. Authoritarianism in America is becoming more like authoritarianism in Communist China. This first phase has focused on using government power against conservatives. If the present trends continue, those who used the system of government against conservatives will soon find themselves becoming victims. To be smarmy, swatting will increasingly look like American authoritarianism with Chinese characteristics. What that begins to looks like is described below.
The lockdowns in China during November 2022 over covid were a replay of what an authoritarian government can do to you. Has anyone learned anything? No. Politics trumps facts, science, and reality. Worse, in this case, this insistence on baseless lockdowns crossed a line. The protests were surprisingly large and spread across many cities. There is, though, a different point to make than just the oppression that was going on. The law of unintended consequences kicks in here.
This failure to check themselves first defines the authoritarian mindset – “We can do whatever we want to you.” The political thickets in America continue to stymie efforts at real reform. The journey to justice in China will continue for a long time. At least in America, the call to action is to continue to point out these transgressions and fight them. Fight them by embarrassing the transgressors in the press, and in public, If necessary, sue them too.
The take home message for the reader is that our Founding Fathers understand the drift of authoritarianism in any government. The U.S. Constitution is supposed to slow them down. It is up to We The People to take care of the rest.

Slowly but surely the average American citizen has seen this happening on a daily basis on the Main Streets of the U.S.A., from the arrests of innocent people protesting Abortion to the false flag operations of riots, arson and looting of cities.
Other examples include the firing of those medical personnel that fought the virus on the front lines that were also censored for telling the truth. the opposite of the coin is those governors and Democrats politicos that enforced the closing of stores and violated their own edicts on masking, and quarantine restrictions.
Not to mention pharmaceuticals used to treat the virus.
Democrats have envied the Chinese leaders for a very long time... since Tiananmen square the dems have been having wet dreams of that kind of power... just one problem... the US constitution and bill of rights and that's why dems attack both all the time...
Now they have an advantage because the GOP is so weak and won't fight... and they are going full steam to change the country forever....

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