Sweden Did Exceptionally Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
The article includes this chart. Sweden, which did not have a lockdown, had the lowest cumulative rate of excess deaths of any OECD country.

Sweden Did Exceptionally Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic​

March 28, 2023

No wonder the news media are totally silent about the data that show that Sweden’s open society policy was what the rest of the world should have done, too. Numerous studies have shown Sweden’s excess death rate to be among the lowest in Europe during the pandemic and in several analyses, Sweden was at the bottom.


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The article includes this chart. Sweden, which did not have a lockdown, had the lowest cumulative rate of excess deaths of any OECD country.

Sweden Did Exceptionally Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic​

March 28, 2023

No wonder the news media are totally silent about the data that show that Sweden’s open society policy was what the rest of the world should have done, too. Numerous studies have shown Sweden’s excess death rate to be among the lowest in Europe during the pandemic and in several analyses, Sweden was at the bottom.
Amazing what happens when you have a society that trusts the guidance from the government and acts like adults. We can't rely on that here.


Sweden never had a lockdown but they did reverse course on their covid policy and begin issuing restrictions, just like any other sensible country. Their refusal to lockdown is why they have more covid deaths than all their neighbors combined. There's always a price.

The article includes this chart. Sweden, which did not have a lockdown, had the lowest cumulative rate of excess deaths of any OECD country.

Sweden Did Exceptionally Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic​

March 28, 2023

No wonder the news media are totally silent about the data that show that Sweden’s open society policy was what the rest of the world should have done, too. Numerous studies have shown Sweden’s excess death rate to be among the lowest in Europe during the pandemic and in several analyses, Sweden was at the bottom.

Well, there's probably a lot more to this than simply "lockdowns didn't work".

Sweden did a lot of things

"Following the 2005 outbreak of the H5N1 avian flu, Sweden drafted their first national pandemic plan which since then had undergone several revisions. Since a 2008 revision to prepare for the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the plan includes the formation of a National Pandemic Group (NPG) in the event of a possible pandemic. The group involves several Swedish government agencies and defines each agency's role.[26][27]"

Sweden was already ready for this. How many other countries could say the same thing.

Sweden was already healthier than most.

90.24 on this index.
Sweden has Proportional Representation, which means BETTER POLITICIANS, more oversight, more choice of policies and people for the voters.

I mean, if you want to really go into this, it'd literally be a "why the US should wake up, look at how better countries do things, and follow their lead", instead the US does things BADLY.
Amazing what happens when you have a society that trusts the guidance from the government and acts like adults. We can't rely on that here.
You have that exactly backwards, as is often the case. Those who trusted our government were fools. Take you for instance.
Well, there's probably a lot more to this than simply "lockdowns didn't work".

Sweden did a lot of things

"Following the 2005 outbreak of the H5N1 avian flu, Sweden drafted their first national pandemic plan which since then had undergone several revisions. Since a 2008 revision to prepare for the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the plan includes the formation of a National Pandemic Group (NPG) in the event of a possible pandemic. The group involves several Swedish government agencies and defines each agency's role.[26][27]"

Sweden was already ready for this. How many other countries could say the same thing.

Sweden was already healthier than most.

90.24 on this index.
Sweden has Proportional Representation, which means BETTER POLITICIANS, more oversight, more choice of policies and people for the voters.

I mean, if you want to really go into this, it'd literally be a "why the US should wake up, look at how better countries do things, and follow their lead", instead the US does things BADLY.
I bet their healthcare system costs a fraction of ours, on a per capita basis. Ours is the most expensive system in the world, yet it failed miserably with Covid. Has anyone in the HC establishment paid a price for this failure? Of course not. In fact, they were enriched.

What a country!

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