Zone1 Swedish Police Approve Hebrew Bible-burning Event Near Israeli Embassy in Stockholm


Gold Member
May 29, 2023
The burning of books is OUT in Germany.

Think of the book burning in 1933.
More from Stockholm:

Swedish authorities have approved a protest involving the burning of Torahs and Bibles outside the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden’s national radio broadcaster reported on Friday.

A person who has applied to hold a public gathering on Saturday to burn the holy books has been granted permission, Sveriges Radio said.

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) said in a press release on Friday that they “strongly” condemned the decision of Swedish authorities.

“Provocative, racist, antisemitic and sickening acts such as these have no place in any civilised society,” EJC president Ariel Muzicant said in the statement.

Jews have total copyright to all printed Hebrew Bibles so when you buy one to burn they're getting paid.
The man who filed the request for Saturday's protest, said he wanted to burn the Torah and the Bible outside the Israeli Embassy in response to a Quran-burning outside a Stockholm mosque last month by an Iraqi immigrant.

Stockholm police approved the protest in a decision obtained by The Associated Press, saying three people would participate in the demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy at 1 p.m. (1100 GMT) on Saturday.

So tomorrow at 11.00 Greenwhich Mean Time the book-burning will take place.
This really isn't an issue.

The protest is a direct response to a protest in front of a Swedish mosque during which a Quran was burned. Kind of an important fact left out by the OP...

...Sweden recently faced strong criticism from Muslim countries for allowing protesters to burn the Quran at small anti-Islam demonstrations.

The man who filed the request for Saturday's protest, said he wanted to burn the Torah and the Bible outside the Israeli Embassy in response to a Quran-burning outside a Stockholm mosque last month by an Iraqi immigrant...

If you're going to have the freedom of speech, there is bound to be speech you don't like...

Sweden: Muslim protester says he never wanted to burn Torah​

After announcing his plans to burn the Torah and the Bible in Stockholm, the 32-year-old man said this was merely a stunt to draw attention to the limits of free speech.

We can burn the flag. We can burn books. We can burn sheets because Mom did not clean them well.

And, yes, it is Nazi like, but remember that they would not let you burn their literature.
Who cares?

To those that dare to burn the Holy Spirit; Who does not forgive. "Live and let die". We live; they die.

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