Swedish police " cannot cope" with huge numbers of rapes since migrants arrived

Even the odd member of the Labour Party recognise what's going on - of course she no longer has her job:

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'

....Similar arrests and prosecutions for child sex abuse rings have taken place in 11 towns and cities across the UK over the last decade, including Oxford, Bristol and Peterborough.

The Labour MP for Rotherham - where at least 1,400 children were sexually over 16 years - said there was a need to acknowledge that most perpetrators in grooming scandals "have been British-Pakistani".

Sarah Champion said people were "more afraid to be called a racist than they are afraid to be wrong about calling out child abuse".

She added: "We've got now hundreds of men, Pakistani men, who have been convicted of this crime - why are we not commissioning research to see what's going on and how we need to change what's going on so it never happens again?"

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'

Of course they view these children as "trash", because no one stopped them from abusing these girls. We protect things that are valuable and that we care about. We make sure our valuables are kept safe and away from harm.

Nobody protected these children. No one kept them safe. One girl said that growing up in Northerham, it was "normal" to be raped. When the children complained, nothing was done. Even when the girls named their rapists, the men weren't arrested. She said the men knew no one was coming after them so it made them bolder.

Under the circumstances, whatever would make these men believe that the girls they were abusing mattered at all?

I cannot fathom how anyone could let such a thing happen to any child and do nothing. That it happened all across England is mind boggling. It is a woman's worst nightmare come to life. To be repeatedly tortured. To go to the authorities and tell them and to be handed right back over to the very people who abused you, to be raped again and again.

And you simply blame the race of the men involved. I blame the rapists and every person who was ever told about this horror and did nothing. There were people of all races and all faiths who knew about this an did nothing, who said the children were lying. Who covered it up.

All that is required for evil to flourish is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

You call people racist for objecting to the nature of the rapes and have the utter temerity to claim you actually blame the rapists?

Oy, Vey.

It is loudmouthed idiots like you who have created the situation responsible for the fact the men knew no one would come after them. What an utterly repulsive piece of work you are.
The trouble also may have to do with a liberal definition of rape in Sweden. A year ago I was reading somewhere that what qualifies as sexual harassment here could in circumstances be classified as rape over there.

I don't recall article but a quick search of the web:
Why Sweden is NOT the 'rape capital of the world'
Even the odd member of the Labour Party recognise what's going on - of course she no longer has her job:

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'

....Similar arrests and prosecutions for child sex abuse rings have taken place in 11 towns and cities across the UK over the last decade, including Oxford, Bristol and Peterborough.

The Labour MP for Rotherham - where at least 1,400 children were sexually over 16 years - said there was a need to acknowledge that most perpetrators in grooming scandals "have been British-Pakistani".

Sarah Champion said people were "more afraid to be called a racist than they are afraid to be wrong about calling out child abuse".

She added: "We've got now hundreds of men, Pakistani men, who have been convicted of this crime - why are we not commissioning research to see what's going on and how we need to change what's going on so it never happens again?"

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'


The below video the duration is seven minutes sixteen seconds.

The Islamification of the European Continent hidden under the cloak of:

The Barcelona Declaration and Euro-Mediterranean partnership:

EUR-Lex - r15001 - EN - EUR-Lex

The Barcelona Declaration | Why Multiculturalism Has Failed In The EU

The below video the duration is eighteen minutes and fifty seven seconds and is worth watching in total.

For the Leftist Racists who are Self Hating White people and HATE ALL White people who are NOT Self Hating White people and think as they are uneducated that NO non-White people do not agree with US and NOT with the Pro-Islamist Leftist Propagandists, NOTE: the man delivering the below video is NOT White and he is commenting EXACTLY the SAME THINGS as WE comment.

Michael Black is an intelligent and educated person, his video below of course is far too intellectual and as the Pro-Islamist Leftist Propagandists suffer a combination of Attention Deficit Disorder and EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME IS A NAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BIGOT the below will just disappear through the wind tunnel between their ears.

From 25 Mar 2017:

If anyone would like to watch another of Michael Black's videos, the below video the duration is forty two minutes and five seconds.


Psychological Warfare & Subversion: Cultural Marxism, Islamism and Feminism

A breakdown of the unholy trinity of Cultural Marxism, Islamism and Feminism; psychological warfare and subversion tactics.

One more from Michael, the below video the duration is forty one minutes and forty seven seconds.

Why Islamic Countries Have Failed To Develop

^ Naw that's how we ended up with the religious like fervor on the left and all the savage behavior there.

All things in moderation...

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