Swedish police " cannot cope" with huge numbers of rapes since migrants arrived

Come on Mr. Tainted, you are saying that these are rumors? Then, the vacationers in Wales were rumors also in the time of your youth?
'Hoax map' fights migrant myths

Difficult to know what has happened as the extreme right has lied so often.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia

Die screaming like that whore Jo Cox.

The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

That is quite the sophistry you offer in order to support the rape of children by Muslim men.

First of all, it was allowed to happen because of those like YOU who put up such an impenetrable wall of name calling against those who do not share your support for the rapes that people are afraid to address the root cause for fear of being called racist.

You then try to make it about brown skin so you can try to portray any objection to the systematic rape of children as an act of racism, when in reality, it has to do with ideology, misogyny and cultural chauvinism.

But, hey, regressives need to use any trick in their arsenal to support the systematic rape of the children as an instrument of jihad, now, don't they?

You disturbed fucks protecting those who rape children are every bit as much of the problem as those engaging in the acts, themselves. Just pull out your racist card often enough and nobody else can possible oppose you.

You know nothing about me, my beliefs or my concerns around the issue of rape. Your assumptions are completely false.

I am sick of your hypocrisy. It's the crime of the century if non-whites rape white women, but it's the woman's fault if a white man rapes her.

Sweden has long had the highest rates of rape in Europe. White men didn't see it as a problem until Muslims were accused of raping their women. There wasn't thread after thread about the police doing nothing about Swedish girls getting raped.

The problem in Notherham wasn't that Asian men raped children, or that the children were told not to mention race in the reports. The problem in Northerham is twofold:

1. Children were being systematically raped and abused; and

2. When the children reported the abuse to the local authorities NOTHING WAS DONE TO STOP IT.

When we had a discussion about the swimmer from Stanford who raped an unconscious woman behind the dumpster and was given a 6 month sentence for the crime, all the white men thought this was fair. The woman was a slut who got so wasted she deserved it. Or she probably consented to the sex and had second thoughts in the morning. Everyone blamed the woman. The rapist was couldn't be blamed for her being so irresponsible.

When brown men rape white women, they're "vermin" or they're "animals" who must be stopped. When white men rape white women, boys will be boys.

One in three women will be sexually assaulted in her life. When it happens, not if, but when, the race or religion of her attacker will be the LEAST important things about the rape. She won't feel less violated if she's raped by a white guy. Her injuries won't heal faster nor will her terror be any less.

When you start exhibiting the same level of outrage for the college women who are being raped by white frat boys, as you show for women who are raped by black men from the ghetto, or Muslims in Sweden, maybe we can have a discussion. But as long as you are using this as excuse for your racism and xenophobia against Muslims and other non-whites, I'm not prepared to accept that you give a rat's ass about women being raped.

As far as I'm concerned, you're just a fucking racist asshole hypocrite.
You are the lying racist here as proven by your support for the rape culture of these Muslims.

Sweden DID NOT have these levels of rape in the past. How anybody could indicate otherwise when they are old old enough to have known what Sweden was like 50 years ago is testament to a very disturbed individual.

Why do you despise liberal values to such an extreme degree that a person needs to share your support for rape jihad or you will call them names? Your continuous lying does not make your support for child rape any more palatable.
'Hoax map' fights migrant myths

Difficult to know what has happened as the extreme right has lied so often.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia

Die screaming like that whore Jo Cox.

The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

That is quite the sophistry you offer in order to support the rape of children by Muslim men.

First of all, it was allowed to happen because of those like YOU who put up such an impenetrable wall of name calling against those who do not share your support for the rapes that people are afraid to address the root cause for fear of being called racist.

You then try to make it about brown skin so you can try to portray any objection to the systematic rape of children as an act of racism, when in reality, it has to do with ideology, misogyny and cultural chauvinism.

But, hey, regressives need to use any trick in their arsenal to support the systematic rape of the children as an instrument of jihad, now, don't they?

You disturbed fucks protecting those who rape children are every bit as much of the problem as those engaging in the acts, themselves. Just pull out your racist card often enough and nobody else can possible oppose you.

You know nothing about me, my beliefs or my concerns around the issue of rape. Your assumptions are completely false.

I am sick of your hypocrisy. It's the crime of the century if non-whites rape white women, but it's the woman's fault if a white man rapes her.

Sweden has long had the highest rates of rape in Europe. White men didn't see it as a problem until Muslims were accused of raping their women. There wasn't thread after thread about the police doing nothing about Swedish girls getting raped.

The problem in Notherham wasn't that Asian men raped children, or that the children were told not to mention race in the reports. The problem in Northerham is twofold:

1. Children were being systematically raped and abused; and

2. When the children reported the abuse to the local authorities NOTHING WAS DONE TO STOP IT.

When we had a discussion about the swimmer from Stanford who raped an unconscious woman behind the dumpster and was given a 6 month sentence for the crime, all the white men thought this was fair. The woman was a slut who got so wasted she deserved it. Or she probably consented to the sex and had second thoughts in the morning. Everyone blamed the woman. The rapist was couldn't be blamed for her being so irresponsible.

When brown men rape white women, they're "vermin" or they're "animals" who must be stopped. When white men rape white women, boys will be boys.

One in three women will be sexually assaulted in her life. When it happens, not if, but when, the race or religion of her attacker will be the LEAST important things about the rape. She won't feel less violated if she's raped by a white guy. Her injuries won't heal faster nor will her terror be any less.

When you start exhibiting the same level of outrage for the college women who are being raped by white frat boys, as you show for women who are raped by black men from the ghetto, or Muslims in Sweden, maybe we can have a discussion. But as long as you are using this as excuse for your racism and xenophobia against Muslims and other non-whites, I'm not prepared to accept that you give a rat's ass about women being raped.

As far as I'm concerned, you're just a fucking racist asshole hypocrite.
You are the lying racist here as proven by your support for the rape culture of these Muslims.

Sweden DID NOT have these levels of rape in the past. How anybody could indicate otherwise when they are old old enough to have known what Sweden was like 50 years ago is testament to a very disturbed individual.

Why do you despise liberal values to such an extreme degree that a person needs to share your support for rape jihad or you will call them names? Your continuous lying does not make your support for child rape any more palatable.
You are full of shit.

Rape in Sweden - Wikipedia

Ever since the collation of crime statistics was initiated by the Council of Europe, Sweden has had the highest number of registered rape offences in Europe by a considerable extent. In 1996, Sweden registered almost three times the average number of rape offences registered in 35 European countries. However, this does not necessarily mean rape is three times as likely to occur as in the rest of Europe, since cross-national comparisons of crime levels based on official crime statistics are problematic, due to a number of factors described below.[16][17][18][19]

What a wanker.
You know nothing about me, my beliefs or my concerns around the issue of rape. Your assumptions are completely false.

I am sick of your hypocrisy. It's the crime of the century if non-whites rape white women, but it's the woman's fault if a white man rapes her.
You're either joking or irony-impaired.

The length that the Pro-Islamist Leftist Propagandists will go to, just when you think they cannot fall more lower they slur Swedish men this by suggesting that Swedish men have always raped Swedish women and that Sweden has ALWAYS had the highest rapes on this Continent being Pro-Islamist Leftist Propagandists they cannot provide any links to support this gibberish.

They will happily trash Swedish men in their mission to PROTECT their Muslim pets.

Disgusting vile creatures. Karma will visit them, hopefully in this life first up where the sun cannot shine and sans lube.

They also repeat the gibberish that Rotherham had nothing to do with racism, though people have posted links that tell that the authorities in Rotherham including police were concerned about themselves being called racist which is why they did not do ANYTHING to stop the Pakistani Rotherham Rape Gang.

Disgusting vile creatures. Karma will visit them.
In the video I posted the police say flat out that this is NOT something they've had to deal with in the past. Trying to fluff it's staggering increase off on "coincidence" rather than the reality that they've taken in a true "rape culture" is beyond willful ignorance... Muslim refugees, actually all refugees (but especially those cultures that allow human rights violations,) need some kind of "cultural training" before they should be accepted into western culture imho
I'm old enough to know what Sweden was actually like in the 60s and 70s and these lying pieces of excrement who try to claim Sweden has always been this way sicken me. They only do this because they support rape jihad and are simply trying to fool people.

I don't know if Political correctness has made them idiots or if they are idiots and so gravitate towards this jack booted political correctness, but the results are just as revolting either way.

What a world we live in where a person needs to cheer on those who rape children or be called a racist, isn't it?

The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

That is quite the sophistry you offer in order to support the rape of children by Muslim men.

First of all, it was allowed to happen because of those like YOU who put up such an impenetrable wall of name calling against those who do not share your support for the rapes that people are afraid to address the root cause for fear of being called racist.

You then try to make it about brown skin so you can try to portray any objection to the systematic rape of children as an act of racism, when in reality, it has to do with ideology, misogyny and cultural chauvinism.

But, hey, regressives need to use any trick in their arsenal to support the systematic rape of the children as an instrument of jihad, now, don't they?

You disturbed fucks protecting those who rape children are every bit as much of the problem as those engaging in the acts, themselves. Just pull out your racist card often enough and nobody else can possible oppose you.

You know nothing about me, my beliefs or my concerns around the issue of rape. Your assumptions are completely false.

I am sick of your hypocrisy. It's the crime of the century if non-whites rape white women, but it's the woman's fault if a white man rapes her.

Sweden has long had the highest rates of rape in Europe. White men didn't see it as a problem until Muslims were accused of raping their women. There wasn't thread after thread about the police doing nothing about Swedish girls getting raped.

The problem in Notherham wasn't that Asian men raped children, or that the children were told not to mention race in the reports. The problem in Northerham is twofold:

1. Children were being systematically raped and abused; and

2. When the children reported the abuse to the local authorities NOTHING WAS DONE TO STOP IT.

When we had a discussion about the swimmer from Stanford who raped an unconscious woman behind the dumpster and was given a 6 month sentence for the crime, all the white men thought this was fair. The woman was a slut who got so wasted she deserved it. Or she probably consented to the sex and had second thoughts in the morning. Everyone blamed the woman. The rapist was couldn't be blamed for her being so irresponsible.

When brown men rape white women, they're "vermin" or they're "animals" who must be stopped. When white men rape white women, boys will be boys.

One in three women will be sexually assaulted in her life. When it happens, not if, but when, the race or religion of her attacker will be the LEAST important things about the rape. She won't feel less violated if she's raped by a white guy. Her injuries won't heal faster nor will her terror be any less.

When you start exhibiting the same level of outrage for the college women who are being raped by white frat boys, as you show for women who are raped by black men from the ghetto, or Muslims in Sweden, maybe we can have a discussion. But as long as you are using this as excuse for your racism and xenophobia against Muslims and other non-whites, I'm not prepared to accept that you give a rat's ass about women being raped.

As far as I'm concerned, you're just a fucking racist asshole hypocrite.
You are the lying racist here as proven by your support for the rape culture of these Muslims.

Sweden DID NOT have these levels of rape in the past. How anybody could indicate otherwise when they are old old enough to have known what Sweden was like 50 years ago is testament to a very disturbed individual.

Why do you despise liberal values to such an extreme degree that a person needs to share your support for rape jihad or you will call them names? Your continuous lying does not make your support for child rape any more palatable.
You are full of shit.

Rape in Sweden - Wikipedia

Ever since the collation of crime statistics was initiated by the Council of Europe, Sweden has had the highest number of registered rape offences in Europe by a considerable extent. In 1996, Sweden registered almost three times the average number of rape offences registered in 35 European countries. However, this does not necessarily mean rape is three times as likely to occur as in the rest of Europe, since cross-national comparisons of crime levels based on official crime statistics are problematic, due to a number of factors described below.[16][17][18][19]

What a wanker.

Wikipedia is not a good source, but Allah thanks you.
In the video I posted the police say flat out that this is NOT something they've had to deal with in the past. Trying to fluff it's staggering increase off on "coincidence" rather than the reality that they've taken in a true "rape culture" is beyond willful ignorance... Muslim refugees, actually all refugees (but especially those cultures that allow human rights violations,) need some kind of "cultural training" before they should be accepted into western culture imho
I'm old enough to know what Sweden was actually like in the 60s and 70s and these lying pieces of excrement who try to claim Sweden has always been this way sickens me. They only do this because they support rape jihad and are simply trying to fool people.

I don't know if Political correctness has made them idiots or if they are idiots and so gravitate towards this jack booted political correctness, but the results are just as revolting either way.

What a world we live in where a person needs to cheer on those who rape children or be called a racist, isn't it?

"They only do this because they support rape jihad"

That is because they masturbate thinking of their Muslim pets violating EVIL White women. They are sick twisted perverts.

They probably are on the Dark Web a few hours a day looking at Rape Videos.
As I understand it the UN-CTS (national crime statistics) are borked because of differences in law between the nations and their reporting procedures. Specifically, I've seen numerous papers discussing both matters RE Sweden from various .edu groups. They cite that not only are Sweden's classification's of rape broader than other nations, but that Sweden reports rape cases to the UN-CTS upon occurrence, leaving a huge flaw in legit comparisons (case by case basis, if the accusations prove unfounded, etc.) ~shrug~

See - Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight

Example: "In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.

"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."
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As I understand it the UN-CTS (national crime statistics) are borked because of differences in law between the nations and their reporting procedures. Specifically, I've seen numerous papers discussing both matters RE Sweden from various .edu groups. They cite that not only are Sweden's classification's of rape broader than other nations, but that Sweden reports rape cases to the UN-CTS upon occurrence, leaving a huge flaw in legit comparisons (case by case basis, if the accusations prove unfounded, etc.) ~shrug~

See - Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight

Example: "In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.

"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."
Thats pretty much it.Its also why it is almost impossible to make comparisons between different countries.
What a world we live in where a person needs to cheer on those who rape children or be called a racist, isn't it?
I'm telling ya, it's the "Oppressor/Oppressed" template the Regressives apply to virtually every relationship.

Once they have identified - or more accurately, chosen - the "Oppressed" group, they will defend and deflect for that group, they will lie for it, they will attack for it. Even if it means they are ultimately enabling further bad behaviors of that group. Look at how they're retarded the growth of American Blacks.

They don't care what damage is done, they don't care what they have to forgive. Once a group is chosen, that's it.
You are one sick nazi.

Yet, YOU are the one who defends the practice of raping the children of a different ethnicity in order to subdue the host population.

In the Theresa May report, the term "easy meat" came up over and over. The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white.
You are one sick nazi.

Yet, YOU are the one who defends the practice of raping the children of a different ethnicity in order to subdue the host population.

In the Theresa May report, the term "easy meat" came up over and over. The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white.
Where have I ever defended rape you sick fuck ? Try and be honest - if you can.
In the video I posted the police say flat out that this is NOT something they've had to deal with in the past. Trying to fluff it's staggering increase off on "coincidence" rather than the reality that they've taken in a true "rape culture" is beyond willful ignorance... Muslim refugees, actually all refugees (but especially those cultures that allow human rights violations,) need some kind of "cultural training" before they should be accepted into western culture imho
I'm old enough to know what Sweden was actually like in the 60s and 70s and these lying pieces of excrement who try to claim Sweden has always been this way sicken me. They only do this because they support rape jihad and are simply trying to fool people.

I don't know if Political correctness has made them idiots or if they are idiots and so gravitate towards this jack booted political correctness, but the results are just as revolting either way.

What a world we live in where a person needs to cheer on those who rape children or be called a racist, isn't it?

You are one sick nazi.

Yet, YOU are the one who defends the practice of raping the children of a different ethnicity in order to subdue the host population.

In the Theresa May report, the term "easy meat" came up over and over. The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white.
Where have I ever defended rape you sick fuck ? Try and be honest - if you can.

You mean, besides this thread and every single other thread involving Muslim rape?

You probably think it is a neat little trick to call people racist for objecting to the rape of children and then denying that you have defended it, but intelligent people know otherwise.
You are one sick nazi.

Yet, YOU are the one who defends the practice of raping the children of a different ethnicity in order to subdue the host population.

In the Theresa May report, the term "easy meat" came up over and over. The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white.

"The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white."




You are one sick nazi.

Yet, YOU are the one who defends the practice of raping the children of a different ethnicity in order to subdue the host population.

In the Theresa May report, the term "easy meat" came up over and over. The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white.
Where have I ever defended rape you sick fuck ? Try and be honest - if you can.

You mean, besides this thread and every single other thread involving Muslim rape?

You probably think it is a neat little trick to call people racist for objecting to the rape of children and then denying that you have defended it, but intelligent people know otherwise.
Show me where I have ever defended rape you lying piece of shit.
Even the odd member of the Labour Party recognise what's going on - of course she no longer has her job:

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'

....Similar arrests and prosecutions for child sex abuse rings have taken place in 11 towns and cities across the UK over the last decade, including Oxford, Bristol and Peterborough.

The Labour MP for Rotherham - where at least 1,400 children were sexually over 16 years - said there was a need to acknowledge that most perpetrators in grooming scandals "have been British-Pakistani".

Sarah Champion said people were "more afraid to be called a racist than they are afraid to be wrong about calling out child abuse".

She added: "We've got now hundreds of men, Pakistani men, who have been convicted of this crime - why are we not commissioning research to see what's going on and how we need to change what's going on so it never happens again?"

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'
As I understand it the UN-CTS (national crime statistics) are borked because of differences in law between the nations and their reporting procedures. Specifically, I've seen numerous papers discussing both matters RE Sweden from various .edu groups. They cite that not only are Sweden's classification's of rape broader than other nations, but that Sweden reports rape cases to the UN-CTS upon occurrence, leaving a huge flaw in legit comparisons (case by case basis, if the accusations prove unfounded, etc.) ~shrug~

See - Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight

Example: "In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.

"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."

Yes as soon as we proved proof that Swedish women were being raped by white men in larger numbers than in other European nations, you immediately call them liars, or suggested that large numbers of women falsely reported being raped.

What's even worse, you have no shame or sense if irony for doing so. Lying hypocrites is what you are.

Anyone moving from one culture to one whose traditions and ways of life are profoundly different from the country they left needs training in understanding the customs and mores of the society in which they live. That's a given. In Europe, they simply opened the gates and let people in and left them to fend for themselves. Dumb idea.

In Canada, we've taken in more than 30,000 Syrian refugees. Many had community sponsors - churches and other community groups. They were given English classes, and taught how to grocery shop, how to bank. They were provided with job training programs, and assistance in finding apartments and jobs. They weren't just let in and left to their own devices.

We have no "rape crisis", no ghettos, and no issues with these newcomers. They are opening businesses and working hard, and becoming contributing members of our communities. And are profoundly grateful for the help and the opportunity.
You are one sick nazi.

Yet, YOU are the one who defends the practice of raping the children of a different ethnicity in order to subdue the host population.

In the Theresa May report, the term "easy meat" came up over and over. The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white.

"The rapists targeted British children precisely because they were British, and they considered them "easy meat" secure in the knowledge that those like you and dragonlady had their back because the children they selected were white."

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I believe this stuff will cause the rise of National SOCIALISM throughout the Western world. It isn't the form of government I support, but an ethnic cleansing of our lands is what is needed. They can leave freely now, or wait until the people erupt in anger. I really don't care, as long as they leave white lands.
Even the odd member of the Labour Party recognise what's going on - of course she no longer has her job:

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'

....Similar arrests and prosecutions for child sex abuse rings have taken place in 11 towns and cities across the UK over the last decade, including Oxford, Bristol and Peterborough.

The Labour MP for Rotherham - where at least 1,400 children were sexually over 16 years - said there was a need to acknowledge that most perpetrators in grooming scandals "have been British-Pakistani".

Sarah Champion said people were "more afraid to be called a racist than they are afraid to be wrong about calling out child abuse".

She added: "We've got now hundreds of men, Pakistani men, who have been convicted of this crime - why are we not commissioning research to see what's going on and how we need to change what's going on so it never happens again?"

Sex abuse gangs view white girls as 'worthless' and 'trash'

Of course they view these children as "trash", because no one stopped them from abusing these girls. We protect things that are valuable and that we care about. We make sure our valuables are kept safe and away from harm.

Nobody protected these children. No one kept them safe. One girl said that growing up in Northerham, it was "normal" to be raped. When the children complained, nothing was done. Even when the girls named their rapists, the men weren't arrested. She said the men knew no one was coming after them so it made them bolder.

Under the circumstances, whatever would make these men believe that the girls they were abusing mattered at all?

I cannot fathom how anyone could let such a thing happen to any child and do nothing. That it happened all across England is mind boggling. It is a woman's worst nightmare come to life. To be repeatedly tortured. To go to the authorities and tell them and to be handed right back over to the very people who abused you, to be raped again and again.

And you simply blame the race of the men involved. I blame the rapists and every person who was ever told about this horror and did nothing. There were people of all races and all faiths who knew about this an did nothing, who said the children were lying. Who covered it up.

All that is required for evil to flourish is for people of good conscience to do nothing.
As I understand it the UN-CTS (national crime statistics) are borked because of differences in law between the nations and their reporting procedures. Specifically, I've seen numerous papers discussing both matters RE Sweden from various .edu groups. They cite that not only are Sweden's classification's of rape broader than other nations, but that Sweden reports rape cases to the UN-CTS upon occurrence, leaving a huge flaw in legit comparisons (case by case basis, if the accusations prove unfounded, etc.) ~shrug~

See - Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight

Example: "In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.

"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."

Yes as soon as we proved proof that Swedish women were being raped by white men in larger numbers than in other European nations, you immediately call them liars, or suggested that large numbers of women falsely reported being raped.

What's even worse, you have no shame or sense if irony for doing so. Lying hypocrites is what you are.

Anyone moving from one culture to one whose traditions and ways of life are profoundly different from the country they left needs training in understanding the customs and mores of the society in which they live. That's a given. In Europe, they simply opened the gates and let people in and left them to fend for themselves. Dumb idea.

In Canada, we've taken in more than 30,000 Syrian refugees. Many had community sponsors - churches and other community groups. They were given English classes, and taught how to grocery shop, how to bank. They were provided with job training programs, and assistance in finding apartments and jobs. They weren't just let in and left to their own devices.

We have no "rape crisis", no ghettos, and no issues with these newcomers. They are opening businesses and working hard, and becoming contributing members of our communities. And are profoundly grateful for the help and the opportunity.

What the hell are you blathering about fruit loop? I just passed on what I've heard about the UN-CTS comparison flaws and you jump my shit with commentary and accusations that have little to /nothing/ to do with what I posted?!? ~tosses Midol and a book on English comprehension~

If you read my other posts, the ones that note my opinion on the rape situation, I actually suggested a solution for your foaming vapid complaint/excuse - cultural training for refugees from areas that practice human rights violations.

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