Sweethearts Separated for Seven Years Reunited in Zion


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I never knew about this Bnei Menashe tribe from India until I read about it on the Internet.

Sweethearts Separated for Seven Years Reunited in Zion

Posted by: Raphael Poch May 27, 2014 , 1:18 pm

They say that airports are places of broken hearts and fulfilled dreams. Of heart wrenching goodbyes and new beginnings. Having been in and out of many airports, nothing could have prepared me witnessing the fulfillment of prophecy or the reunification of loving couples separated by leagues of ocean and bureaucratic red tape.

Yesterday, together with members of the Israel365 summit to Israel, I witnessed the in-gathering of the exiles of Israel and the return of members of one of the 10 lost tribes of Israel – the Bnei Menashe from India.

This was the second flight over the last week of members of the lost tribe of Menashe coming home to Zion. On both flights were young women whose fiancés had already arrived to Israel in an earlier wave of immigration. One woman’s fiancé arrived to Israel last year and the other over seven years ago.


Sweethearts Separated for 7 Years Reunited in Zion - Israel News

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