Swiss Region Votes to Ban Muslim Full Face Veils.....


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2013
Chicago Illinois - USA
Southern Swiss voters back ban on full-face veils.....


People in the southern Swiss canton of Ticino voted to impose the country's first ban on face-covering veils on Sunday, following in the footsteps of French and Belgian restrictions that rights groups say discriminate against Muslims.

Almost two thirds of voters in the Italian-speaking district backed the ban that still needs to be approved by the federal parliament in Bern before coming into effect.

Campaigner Giorgio Ghiringhelli, who drew up the proposal, said the result would send a message to "Islamist fundamentalists" he said were in Ticino and across Switzerland.

"Those who want to integrate are welcome irrespective of their religion," he said in a statement on the website
"But those who rebuff our values and aim to build a parallel society based on religious laws, and want to place it over our society, are not welcome," he added.

Amnesty International said the vote was a "black day for human rights in Ticino".

There are roughly 400,000 Muslims in Switzerland, about 5 percent of the population
France was the first country in Europe to pass a law banning full-face veils in public, in 2010, and Belgium later followed suit

Southern Swiss voters back ban on full-face veils | Reuters

Well, I think this guy has it Right with what he is saying. Why should any accept this full face veil issue brought on by opposition groups that are Arab or Arab backed. Isn't it time to roll with the changes? Why should they get to be covered in todays society where all are afraid or scared of crime dropping down into their little worlds? I have no problem with any that want to do this. If others aren't allowed to do so or we haven't had to pass laws over such. Due to some common sense. Then why should Arabs and others like them be given any special treatment. Thoughts upon the matter?
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What we find sexy is subjective. There is no objective reasoning behind it. I have liked pretty muslim women wearing burka since I was a youngster.
Where did you hear that muslims are forcing Europeans to accept muslim ways?

When they show no tolerance as to others and what they think about their False Religion and their false Prophet. Then act out in behavior that is forcing others to accept their way.

Which in most cases.....has to deal with what is associated to their religious ideologies. in Chicago. Muslims will show tolerance whether they like it or not. They are given no other alternative. As it should be.

Either they accept the customs and the Rights of the community of people they live around. Or.....GTFO.

It's not to complicated, pretty simple really.
There's nothing wrong with a full face veil as long as the wearer is willing to remove it for the sake of identification.

Mornin OS.
That's where the problem comes in. Willing to remove it.

When out in public.....what reason is there to hide their face. In the 22nd century crime is more sophisticated. When it comes to banks, or any business dealings. They should be required to remove any covering over their face. Whether they like it or not.

Another thing is......from their Very beginnings as a people. They never covered themselves up. Except for Weather conditions and crossing that desert land. So any BS that comes later about their manner of simply that, BS!

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