Sydney woman faces death penalty in Malaysia

Local authorities have people to clean up dog shit in order to protect people from walking in it.
I see the customs offices as doing roughly the same thing, the shit being the dealers.
But Australia should make it clear this won't be tolerated.

Tell you what, we'll dump all the dealers and drugs in Australia.
Perhaps you'd like all the drug related problem most of SE avoids by taking out the trash.
As a note, and as I made clear in another thread, if I saw a drug dealer at an airport, I'd make sure the customs arrested them, even though I knew they were likely to die for their crimes.
I see it as a choice - either the murderer or his victims will die, so I vote for the criminal's death.

It is amply clear from your posts that you support human rights violations. That is your stand in life. There are plenty of people like you who add to the burden of this world. This is a much bigger problem than an average Aussie tourist caught with some drugs in his/her luggage.
I see no problem. She shouldn't have been carrying the stuff.

If she is found guilty of smuggling drugs, she should be imprisoned not executed. The mindset that advocates death penalty for non-violent crimes is a much bigger problem for this world than even professional drug pushers.
If she didn't want to be executed she shouldn't have been carrying the stuff there.
It is amply clear from your posts that you support human rights violations

No, I support the rights of all humans to have a reasonable life, and drugs damage that right.
I've lived long term in societies that have a big drugs problems (UK), and societies that have a much lesser problem (Indonesia and Malaysia).
When you compare the human right to have a life unspoilt by drugs and the crime they cause, the UK is a very poor last place.
My old dad didn't like to take an Aspirin for a headache, but he knew where to buy hard drugs.
There is something very wrong in a society where that can happen.
Out here, very few people know much about drugs, and even the drug squad officers have little clue what a drug infested society is like.
I do, so I support death for drug dealers.
It's when you see the difference that you realise what drugs do to society.
One could say that if Indonesia didn't want to have its people living in grinding poverty, and starving to death, it shouldn't have overpopulated itself.
We have to look at the reality of drug addiction.
One day, my girlfriend's car stereo had been stolen, so I nipped to the local drug den, hoping to catch the bastard, beat the merry fuck out of him, and get the radio back,
I kicked down the door, but found the kid (About 16 or so) trousers down, taking a bloke up his arse for ten quid, enough to pay for his next bag of smack.
I should have beaten both of the bastards up, but I felt more like puking on them.

That's drugs, so fuck the rights of the dealers, and support the rights of the rest of the world to be free from these pointless *****.
It is amply clear from your posts that you support human rights violations

No, I support the rights of all humans to have a reasonable life, and drugs damage that right.
I've lived long term in societies that have a big drugs problems (UK), and societies that have a much lesser problem (Indonesia and Malaysia).
When you compare the human right to have a life unspoilt by drugs and the crime they cause, the UK is a very poor last place.
My old dad didn't like to take an Aspirin for a headache, but he knew where to buy hard drugs.
There is something very wrong in a society where that can happen.
Out here, very few people know much about drugs, and even the drug squad officers have little clue what a drug infested society is like.
I do, so I support death for drug dealers.
It's when you see the difference that you realise what drugs do to society.

Only if the humans are stoopid enough to buy illegal drugs from the criminal drug dealers and stuff them into their bodies.
Seeing as how we're now going down the "personal responsibility" path.
We have to look at the reality of drug addiction.
One day, my girlfriend's car stereo had been stolen, so I nipped to the local drug den, hoping to catch the bastard, beat the merry fuck out of him, and get the radio back,
I kicked down the door, but found the kid (About 16 or so) trousers down, taking a bloke up his arse for ten quid, enough to pay for his next bag of smack.
I should have beaten both of the bastards up, but I felt more like puking on them.

That's drugs, so fuck the rights of the dealers, and support the rights of the rest of the world to be free from these pointless *****.

No customers, no dealers.
You could always execution-slaughter all the addicts, it's their money that's supporting the drug trade, and therefore Taliban terrorism etc.

Beating people up?
Oh dear, that is assault, a crime.
It is not about what she wants. It is about what the civilized world wants.

I wonder what the public would vote for if it came to a choice between their car stereo and getting rid of the drug dealers that cause their windows to be smashed, and their stereo stolen.
I'll bet the world doesn't give a shit about dealers.

Have some more views of what dealers cause.
This baby is being fed morphine to stop him going cold turkey.
His first few months of life are in detox, recovering from his mother's weak minded stupidity, and the dealers' profits.

The civilised world abolished death chambers long ago.
It gives major drug dealers very long prison sentences...and low level drug dealers lesser prison sentences.
The civilised world abolished death chambers long ago.
It gives major drug dealers very long prison sentences...and low level drug dealers lesser prison sentences.

What, like the US of A?
Perhaps getting rid of drug dealing killers is wrong, but these things are often about degrees of wrong, not always what is right.
They commit the greater wrong, and there is no real right, so I have no problem with dumping the trash.
Well when are we all going to learn that whenever we get involved in the affairs of others, we just seem to make enemies? Although the penalty is very harsh and I certainly don't agree with it, there is no questioning the fact that if you are going to go to another country and break laws, you had better be prepared for the consequences.

Over the years, Malaysia has received significant amount of cash influx from wealthy countries like Australia. As its income has gone up so has its propensity for human rights violations. So those countries that have invested in Malaysia, especially those who value human rights have every right to stop and pull out their investment from Malaysia.

That is the way of the world now. Countries have to buy their friends and allies apparently. also, do you think the poor citizens of the country would be the ones to suffer? The rich and powerful people who run things probably wouldn't be hurt.

Malaysia is no body's ally. The way radicalism is increasing there, it is on verge of going rogue. Those investments will be lost any way even if you do not pull them. Industrialization does not flourish in a radical society.

Well, then I must assume you feel the same about all of the other "radicalized" countries we give money to. Funny that some seem to want to help a place like Palestine. There are plenty of horrible places out there that benefit from our generosity.

I do not think Palestine is executing Australians. Even then I doubt Australia is investing money in Palestine.

So? The point is that they do execute people, not to mention the TERRORIST activities. People seem to want to give them help and aid. It's a crazy world, and it's crazy how people pick what they are going to "outraged" about. :rolleyes-41: I don't think her punishment is very fair either, but she did go into another country and break the law! There are many, many more horrible atrocities going on RIGHT now. Sorry, but I don't Malaysia is really on anyone's radar, considering what is happening in the world right now.
but I don't Malaysia is really on anyone's radar, considering what is happening in the world right now.

No, it's protected.
At the moment, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia are being courted by the USA and China.
The US wants a choke point in the Malacca straights, China doesn't want it under US control.
These countries can do pretty much anything they fancy, and the US won't say shit about it.
That's why Indonesia got away with the invasion and slaughter in Tim Tim - The US puppet leader was in power, so sod all was done about it.

That's why the US won't do anything about this Australian murderer, it isn't politically handy for them to do so.
Basically, forget any help from the US, Australia will have to try to save their murderer alone.
but I don't Malaysia is really on anyone's radar, considering what is happening in the world right now.

No, it's protected.
At the moment, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia are being courted by the USA and China.
The US wants a choke point in the Malacca straights, China doesn't want it under US control.
These countries can do pretty much anything they fancy, and the US won't say shit about it.
That's why Indonesia got away with the invasion and slaughter in Tim Tim - The US puppet leader was in power, so sod all was done about it.

That's why the US won't do anything about this Australian murderer, it isn't politically handy for them to do so.
Basically, forget any help from the US, Australia will have to try to save their murderer alone.

Yeah, well, I think the US has bigger fish to fry than to be all outraged about some Aussie who broke the law in a foreign land. :dunno: We have loads of our own problems for starters.
It is not about what she wants. It is about what the civilized world wants.

I wonder what the public would vote for if it came to a choice between their car stereo and getting rid of the drug dealers that cause their windows to be smashed, and their stereo stolen.
I'll bet the world doesn't give a shit about dealers.

Have some more views of what dealers cause.
This baby is being fed morphine to stop him going cold turkey.
His first few months of life are in detox, recovering from his mother's weak minded stupidity, and the dealers' profits.


You do not seem to understand that you do not need execute people to fight car stereo theft. You can simply imprison the culprits. Your mindset which swings on or other extreme direction is troublesome.

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