Synthetic Morality: Dante's Thrift-Shop


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This capitalism-paranoia tale I cooked up was inspired by the pedestrianism-pedagoguery film Air America as well as my love for the literature-inspired fantasy video-game Dante's Inferno.

It's probably (I keep saying that, but this time it feels true) my last one, so thanks for everything USMB!



Elsa was a stewardess involved in an international narcotics-smuggling operation and effectively became like the proverbial 'harlot of Babylon.' A pilot named Stan working for the same airline she worked for was a comic book writer part-time and used Elsa as a secret inspiration to pen his comic book tale about the dangerous superwoman named Dark Phoenix (a femme fatale of terrible energy) who rises from the ashes of Babylon. Stan's mother died of alcohol abuse and he remembered how she robbed him of a life more domestically sane.

As Stan struggled to come to terms with how to write about Elsa as Dark Phoenix, he was equally anxious about the commerce-driven globalization political culture that created the sort of traffic consciousness that would give rise to a narcotics-smuggling stewardess such as Elsa. Stan wondered if Elsa really was like the dangerous Dark Phoenix and if he could write about such complex topics given his troubled childhood (in regards to his alcoholic mother). Stan nevertheless felt confident that his creative idea to write about cultural complications through comic book storytelling could serve as a psychiatric catharsis for the fires of hell burning around him.

Stan wrote:

"The world of capitalism and commerce creates a sort of 'synthetic morality,' compelling people to create halfway ethics bases to deal with the profiteerism-gauged 'etiquette' typified by modern world 'activity' (e.g., Wall Street, Enron, Tijuana, etc., etc.). I wonder if Dark Phoenix is a sort of ironic 'cure' to the modern problem of complete confusion and vertigo regarding traffic management in the face of profit-driven ambitions. Can TrumpUSA rescue humanity out of the proverbial pits of commerce-cynicism or will Dark"


Trump uses the White House website to advertise his daughter's crappy merchandise. Rescue humanity? He is one of the ten ton iron balls chained to humanity's leg as they are dragged off the boat and down into the abyss. He poses daily for a poster of 'synthetic morality'. Elsa simply on a lower wrung of the same ladder. Greed and debauchery pretending to have nobility.

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