Syria Backs Russian Proposal For Regime to Hand Over Chemical Weapons


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Patrick J McDonnell
September 9, 2013

The Syrian government said Monday that it backed a Russian proposal calling for Damascus to hand over its arsenal of chemical weapons to international authorities in a bid to avoid a U.S. attack. “We, for the sake of protecting our people and children and country and due to our trust in the Russian efforts, will cooperate fully with Russia in this regard so as to take away the excuses of this aggression,” Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said in a statement. Russia has been a staunch ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad. There was no immediate U.S. response to the..


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Syria backs Russian proposal for regime to hand over chemical weapons -

Should there be a pause in this mad rush of Obama and let's see if this may help? What is the real reason Obama is pushing this?
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I am glad that Syria and Russia backed down.

The president has come out well, and the reactionaries of the far right and the radicals of the far left smell.
Putin will come out of this as a powerful figure in the world scene, as somebody who is is trying to advert future bloodshed ... but at the same time he knows Syria won't accept the proposal, so his real position hasn't changed.

Obama and his Administration will come out looking like bumbling fools who make a proposal and then promptly change it.... first the red line now this with Kerry.

Putin is the winner

and the Syrian mess is getting messier by the minute!
obama has been so thououghly beaten that he should go home and put some ice on that bruise. Instead he is going to give a speech tomorrow justfying his assistance to al quaeda. The more obama and his bots speak the worse it gets for him.
Putin will come out of this as a powerful figure in the world scene, as somebody who is is trying to advert future bloodshed ... but at the same time he knows Syria won't accept the proposal, so his real position hasn't changed.

Obama and his Administration will come out looking like bumbling fools who make a proposal and then promptly change it.... first the red line now this with Kerry.

Putin is the winner

and the Syrian mess is getting messier by the minute!
Regardless if Assad accepts or rejects Putin's proposal.

The world will still see Putin as having trumped Obama over Syria and making him look like a chump. .. :cool:
I am glad that Syria and Russia backed down.

The president has come out well, and the reactionaries of the far right and the radicals of the far left smell.

come out well? we are all over the place...last week Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp ( 2 dems senators ) said they were opposed to strikes, then surfaced a plan as in a 45 day moratorium if assad gave up his weapons, obama drowned that at the g-20, then this 'surrender your chemicals stocks' came again from kerry , he burped that up throwing his hands in the air at a press conf. whens asked if there was anything Syria could do to stop the war process.....THEN, the state dept. walked that back classifying kerrys statement as a “rhetorical argument” not a viable offer...THEN kerry steps in it again, by making sure everyone knew any attack would be "unbelievably small."

If hes trying to blow up congressional support hes doing a fine job. what a mess, do they have any game plan, at all?

Now Russia and Syria will use this to buy more time and muddy the waters......if you are a senator or congressman of either party, (as we see now), you cannot be happy seeing all of these contradictory messages and being told at the end of the day the "strike" will be, well, as kerry said; "unbelievably small", you have to ask yourself, whats the point then?
I am glad that Syria and Russia backed down.

The president has come out well, and the reactionaries of the far right and the radicals of the far left smell.

The obvious connection between the threat of the attack by the US and Syria's move to rid itself of the chemical weapons as a result of that threat cannot penetrate the skulls of those who live in a partisan universe. There are those who made this a political issue and refused to see the real world threat.
I am glad that Syria and Russia backed down.

The president has come out well, and the reactionaries of the far right and the radicals of the far left smell.

The obvious connection between the threat of the attack by the US and Syria's move to rid itself of the chemical weapons as a result of that threat cannot penetrate the skulls of those who live in a partisan universe. There are those who made this a political issue and refused to see the real world threat.

this has squat to do with FP( thyey didn't have one and still don't) and hasn't for over a week, its about Obama trying to walk back the cat. Its about domestic policy and how he gets himself out of his fix.

And any threat has to be....creditable, to be taken seriously...believable......and they have to feel its going to hurt. None of that is in evidence. Quite the contrary..."incredibly small"....see?

The "Russian Plan"....roll that around your mouth and your head for a while, amazing....what in gods green earth makes you think that Putin has a smidgen of good will here? Or that any of this will happen, what seems to have happened here is obama now has a lifeline, and he'll grab it........folks here may forget how we got here, but I guaran god danged T you, out there? They won't.
Obama's looking good.
Just saving his ass from his "REDLINE" proclamation over a year which he did ZERO in other attacks...HE was just way too busy out campaigning or golfing, hob-knobing around the country as Americans got killed in another debacle of his in Libya...

YEAH...just fresh as a dead rose...

I am glad that Syria and Russia backed down.

The president has come out well, and the reactionaries of the far right and the radicals of the far left smell.

One has to consider if Putin's offer is a way to get Obama out of the corner he painted himself into and avoid WWIII. Obama's only way not to lose his credibility is to agree to the proposal.
LMAO. Putin owns Obama who is The King of Fail. The weak Senate won't vote because they know it = Fail for OBummer. Putin wants to help Obama save face so he does not have to face a new stronger party in the future.

This fiasco is hilarious

Obama can't whip his way out of a wet paper sack.

I am glad that Syria and Russia backed down.

The president has come out well, and the reactionaries of the far right and the radicals of the far left smell.

One has to consider if Putin's offer is a way to get Obama out of the corner he painted himself into and avoid WWIII. Obama's only way not to lose his credibility is to agree to the proposal.
His ONLY good option lest he be relegated to blaming the Republicans and the PEOPLE for telling him to go to Hell in a NO vote in Congress...and Keep on dividing this nation...Oh what to do...what to do...

NOT that he has considered it.
LMAO. Putin owns Obama who is The King of Fail. The weak Senate won't vote because they know it = Fail for OBummer. Putin wants to help Obama save face so he does not have to face a new stronger party in the future.

This fiasco is hilarious

Obama can't whip his way out of a wet paper sack.


What fiasco? Syria may turn over their Chem Wepaon stockpile, and no bombing needed. Not sure what the fiasco is.

If MittyMitty PooPoo were President, we'd be too bogged down in Iran to do anything about Syria.
obama was facing certain defeat in Congress. He was never going to get authorization for force. Then his utterly bird brained UN ambassador said that an attack would be completely illegal opening up little o to a charge of war crimes. He had to jump at the only lifeline offered. The one thrown out by President Putin.
obama was facing certain defeat in Congress. He was never going to get authorization for force. Then his utterly bird brained UN ambassador said that an attack would be completely illegal opening up little o to a charge of war crimes. He had to jump at the only lifeline offered. The one thrown out by President Putin.

BEAR in mind as CiNC? He MAY order action regardless. Question is with the PEOPLE saying NO...will he? Will he IGNORE the people as he does...? WILL he finally wake people up to whom he really is?

I think he will IGNORE and do regardless. He sews the seeds of his demise.
What a cluster struck. Obama is so frigging weak he needs the Russians to save his ass.


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