Syria lauches attacks on Homs from same airbase Trump hit


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
Reuters Top News @Reuters
JUST IN: Syrian warplanes take off from air base hit by U.S., carry out strikes in Homs countryside - Syrian observatory for human rights

well, looks like the strategy is working out just fine so far

this is some deep quick sand Agent Orange is treading and he has no idea
Johnny, you little leftist sac is all tight, I gather, but you don't understand what is happening.
By god, if this keeps up, trump will have to put a "No trespassing" sign on that base!

Better yet, he will build a wall around it!
Now this is a real liberal visage, We all knew you could count on each other for a real line of propaganda, and a real talking point to share. HOOOORRRRAAAAHHHHH HOOOOORRRRAAAAAHHHH! You are so intellectual and shining examples to the world!!! HAHAAHAHAHAA. Oh man !!!!! OH BTW DUH planes can take off from landing mats stretched out on a damn swamp Igmo,, so what is yer point!!!
You are as goofy on the hard left as are the TPM on the right.

Johnny, you little leftist sac is all tight, I gather, but you don't understand what is happening.

your bitterness noted
I have no bitterness at all. You are demonstrating that you have no idea about what you are talking. Trump has finally gotten something right.
I may have missed something here. What did he get right?

He wasted 59 Tomahawk missiles with the announced aim of putting that airbase out of commission and less than 24 hours later, more sorties have been initiated from the same target to terrorize more Syrian civilians and paramilitary. The Orange Ego pulled his punch, the fucking pussy, and he got that VERY, VERY WRONG!

None of the taxiways or runways were touched, and were left totally intact based on the drone footage I've viewed! The Orange One failed miserably to destroy that airfield. He did take some action, but without the authorization of Congress under the WPA, which could go directly to a line item on his Articles of Impeachment if anyone in the House has the balls to introduce one eventually.
thoughtcrimes, you are not a NSC analyst. Trot along.

The point was to let Assad know that we can reach out and touch him.

Get it now?
thoughtcrimes, you are not a NSC analyst. Trot along.

The point was to let Assad know that we can reach out and touch him.

Get it now?
Jake, the point of any military intervention/action is NEVER to simply reach out and touch the adversary! It's all about reaching out and HARMING the enemy!

The Orange One displayed weakness his first time out as CiC. That weakness will be exploited and those beautiful young people in uniforms made in the USA will be the one's paying the ultimate price for his errors.

LBJ did the same fucking thing back in the day so I don't have to be a mother fucking NSC analyst, Jake! Nam Vets have lived through that shit!
You don't get, thought crime, OK. You literally do not understand what happened and why.
They destroyed six damaged Mig-23 aircraft (1.8 million) with a 100 million dollar airstrike. The runway wasn't destroyed Of course the base was going to be back in operation in no time.

This was a symbolic gesture. It symboled to the Russians to increase their anti-air defenses and naval presence in Syria. :laugh2:

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