Syria Makes 'Excellent' Start On Chemical Disarmament


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The losers lose again. First, they wet their pants when Obama threatened to strike Syria and began slaving over Putin's crotch like old timey liberals. Then when Syria and Russia offered to dismantle Syria's chemical weapons, they tried to make it sound like Obama had been gamed. Then they claimed Syria would never actually get around to destroying any chemical weapons.

I can't wait to hear what mental twists they will come up with now.

Syria makes 'excellent' start on chemical disarmament | Reuters

Chemicals experts were overseeing a second day of work on Monday, which the official described as similar to Sunday's when Syrian forces used cutting torches and angle grinders to render missile warheads, bombs and mixing equipment unusable.

However, he noted that this was only the start of work that is due to last until mid-2014 and requires the cooperation of all sides. "It was an excellent first day, with the stress on the word 'first'," the official told Reuters by telephone from Damascus, declining to be named.

Assad's government, fighting a civil war in which more than 100,000 people have died, agreed to destroy the chemical weapons after a sarin gas attack on the outskirts of Damascus killed hundreds of people in August.

A victory for America.
Charlie Rose gets the straight poop onna Syrian chemical weapons...

Charlie Rose Talks to Lakhdar Brahimi
October 03, 2013
Has the Assad regime been straightforward about its stocks of chemical weapons?

So far, they’ve done their share of what’s required of them. They were asked to submit a list of their weapons and also where you produce these horrible things. And the people in The Hague are happy with what they got. As far as I know, the Americans and the Russians think they have given a comprehensive list of what they have. The inspectors and experts who are going to deal with this problem are already in Beirut on their way to Damascus. So it’s moving forward.

Why do you think Bashar al-Assad is cooperating on WMDs?

Whatever the reason, he has done so. What we’ve been saying all along—the secretary general of the UN and myself—is that there is no military solution. The government is not going to win. They may be doing better today. They may be doing better next week. But they’re not going to win this war. Nor is the opposition going to defeat the government. You already have a stalemate. To stop it, you’ve got to put together a political process.

Did the U.S. make a mistake by not supporting the opposition earlier?

My criticism of the international community, the U.S. included, is that they haven’t put enough political will into finding a political solution. They thought this regime was just going to fall like Egypt. They thought it would be easy. The Russians were supporting the government in place. The Americans were supporting the opposition, and it took a long time for them to get together.

You’re trying to bring interested parties together in November for talks. Is the UN’s reputation riding on this?

I don’t think so. It’s about peace in the region. If we really believe what we say about caring for people, it’s great to be worked up about the use of chemical weapons that have killed 1,400. How about getting worked up about the 100,000 people who’ve been killed and the 7 million who lost everything? How about being worked up by that and saying we need a solution? This is what the UN is trying to convince people of.

Who represents the opposition at the talks?

See also:

Watchdog: Syria has filed chemical weapon details
Oct 27,`13 -- Syria has filed details of its poison gas and nerve agent program and an initial plan to destroy it to the world's chemical weapons watchdog, the organization said Sunday.
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said in a statement that Syria completed its declaration as part of a strict and ambitious timeline that aims to eliminate the lethal stockpile by mid-2014. The group, based in The Hague, said Syria made the declaration Thursday. The announcement provides "the basis on which plans are devised for a systematic, total and verified destruction of declared chemical weapons and production facilities," the group said. Such declarations made to the organization are confidential. No details of Syria's program were released.

Syria already had given preliminary details to the OPCW when it declared it was joining the organization in September. The move warded off possible U.S. military strikes in the aftermath of an Aug. 21 chemical weapon attack on a Damascus suburb. Syria denies responsibility for the deadly attack. OPCW inspectors were hastily dispatched to Syria this month and have visited most of the 23 sites Damascus declared. They also have begun overseeing destruction work to ensure that machines used to mix chemicals and fill munitions with poisons are no longer functioning. Syria is believed to possess around 1,000 metric tons of chemical weapons, including mustard gas and sarin.

It has not yet been decided how or where destruction of Syria's chemical weapons will happen. Damascus' declaration includes a general plan for destruction that will be considered by the OPCW's 41-nation executive council on Nov. 15. Norway's foreign minister announced Friday that the country had turned down a U.S. request to receive the bulk of Syria's chemical weapons for destruction because it doesn't have the capabilities to complete the task by the deadlines given.

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Ok I admit it,

as entertaining as it would beat this point to go dig up all the idiotic things that the Obama Derangers said about Syria,

I don't have the ambition.
Assad is a murderous asshole. The opposition at present is little better. What and who is there to support? Destruction of chemical weapons that could end up in international terrorists hands in the fog of war is the best outcome at present both for the US and for Russia, both nations have suffered at the hands of the terrorists.
The defeat obama snatched in Syria is his own personal defeat. It was obama that said Assad must step down. Then he agreed that Assad must remain in power to safeguard the chemical weapons.

Thank you President Putin for putting this stick in obama's eye.
Chemicals experts were overseeing a second day of work on Monday, which the official described as similar to Sunday's when Syrian forces used cutting torches and angle grinders to render missile warheads, bombs and mixing equipment unusable.

However, he noted that this was only the start of work that is due to last until mid-2014 and requires the cooperation of all sides. "It was an excellent first day, with the stress on the word 'first'," the official told Reuters by telephone from Damascus, declining to be named.

Assad's government, fighting a civil war in which more than 100,000 people have died, agreed to destroy the chemical weapons after a sarin gas attack on the outskirts of Damascus killed hundreds of people in August.
It's all fine and dandy that they are permanently disabling Syria's chemical weapons, however I still fail to see how anyone can be sure that Syria has accounted for all of it's chemical weapons? How do we know that they don't have undeclared multiple stockpiles stashed away underground in remote facilities? How do we know that they didn't ship some of their stuff over to Iran and hide it there?
Chemicals experts were overseeing a second day of work on Monday, which the official described as similar to Sunday's when Syrian forces used cutting torches and angle grinders to render missile warheads, bombs and mixing equipment unusable.

However, he noted that this was only the start of work that is due to last until mid-2014 and requires the cooperation of all sides. "It was an excellent first day, with the stress on the word 'first'," the official told Reuters by telephone from Damascus, declining to be named.

Assad's government, fighting a civil war in which more than 100,000 people have died, agreed to destroy the chemical weapons after a sarin gas attack on the outskirts of Damascus killed hundreds of people in August.
It's all fine and dandy that they are permanently disabling Syria's chemical weapons, however I still fail to see how anyone can be sure that Syria has accounted for all of it's chemical weapons? How do we know that they don't have undeclared multiple stockpiles stashed away underground in remote facilities? How do we know that they didn't ship some of their stuff over to Iran and hide it there?

or even Russia.
Chemicals experts were overseeing a second day of work on Monday, which the official described as similar to Sunday's when Syrian forces used cutting torches and angle grinders to render missile warheads, bombs and mixing equipment unusable.

However, he noted that this was only the start of work that is due to last until mid-2014 and requires the cooperation of all sides. "It was an excellent first day, with the stress on the word 'first'," the official told Reuters by telephone from Damascus, declining to be named.

Assad's government, fighting a civil war in which more than 100,000 people have died, agreed to destroy the chemical weapons after a sarin gas attack on the outskirts of Damascus killed hundreds of people in August.
It's all fine and dandy that they are permanently disabling Syria's chemical weapons, however I still fail to see how anyone can be sure that Syria has accounted for all of it's chemical weapons? How do we know that they don't have undeclared multiple stockpiles stashed away underground in remote facilities? How do we know that they didn't ship some of their stuff over to Iran and hide it there?
Because Assad said so. And apparently, that's good enough for Obama.

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