Syria: The US & Obama Prepare To Eat The Poisoned Bait


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Obama isn't to blame for Syria. He's just the perfect idiot to fall for exactly what the soviets are baiting him into. They know we cannot afford a war the size of what will come. That's why they're choreographing the situation to cross Dumbama's "red line". Also of note, the instant we pulled out of the money drain in Afghanistan and Iraq "suddenly" Syria blew up at Russian urgings and machinations.

I'm going to spell this out as plainly as I can: The Russians and the Chinese are allied to bring about our financial demise to its tipping point by baiting us into wars, making us look more like jerks than we already do with the UN so other countries will shy away and leave us exposed. They want us to fall. In certain ways you cannot blame them. The islamics are on their side because the perversions in the US are reaching a saturation point and as anyone knows, what the US does "spreads" around the world culturally.

You just cannot fault them for their concerns about us.

Two remedies are:

1. Immediately, to withdraw any plans to step into the baited trap and

2. Return to a country with a modicum of self- restraint and an iota of conservative values. Laugh all you like but this gay culture expansion in "take no prisoners" form is seen as a threat to the rest of the world that doesn't worship butt sex. If you consider they know [and our silent specialists do too] that this subculture is passed on socially to children of the next generation, they're going to fight like wildcats to see this new "McDonalds" not move into their countries. We need to stop this wildfire at our borders, start playing nice with fair trade for oil and all most of our problems will go away and we will return to prosperity as a nation with the respect of the rest of the world. Like it used to be before the culture-clash began.

If you step back and look at how bizarre we've become in the eyes of our world neighbors, invading sovereign nations to steal their oil, insisting that butt sex be able to advertise to children in Russia at the Olympics, our obsession with food, money, drugs, if we weren't flying the stars and stripes we'd invade ourselves for humanitarian reasons and to quell "a nation gone rogue beyond toleration". We have the most nuclear weapons in the world and we're acting like we belong in a lunatic asylum. Go figure why we have "enemies" [I'd call it more like an intervention] that want us stopped in our tracks.
Nope. I see the election strategy behind saying that but an election strategy cannot be a weapon the GOP uses to goad Obama into making the worst mistake the US has made since our founding. The GOP needs to draw the line where they play world politics to make Obama look bad.

This "Obama looks bad" angle of the Syrian story plastered on conservative news channels makes me triply think that the Cheney arm of the CIA had more to do with the chemical weapons choreography in Syria than any other suspect. We've seen this choreography, this grotesque policy manipuluation before. The trick is old and tired now. To pull it off successfully you need no internet and a generation or two. The "old gray guard" has ignored this vital factor in pulling off the ruse successfully...
The one thing China and Russia don't have to entice the ME into playing their bait and trap game with the US is food.


There's the answer to the problem. Deploy hardware only to protect our tankers. Retaliate immediately and swiftly on anyone who compromises them and them alone. No state in the ME is loyal to us; not even Saudi Arabia who has given monies to reward families of Al Qaida suicide bombers since way back.

China's overpopulation and Russia's chilly climate make it impossible for them to feed the ME. So if countries there want to go "berserk" at the urging of Russia and China, then they starve. Simple as that. If they want to play nice, they eat and get US money in oil trade. Simple as that.

There's really no need to worry and fuss over securing the loyalty of any single man or country in the ME. We could save 100s of billions of $$ by allowing each country there to do as they please with the one stipulation that if they want to eat they'd better stay stable and please their best customer.

It could be as simple as appealing to the digestive tracts in the ME instead of their shifting extremist leaderships. If you think that sounds cruel, how much more cruel than aiding and abetting all the atrocities of this little Russia/China "bait the US into war using the ME country du jour" game. They need the US as a player in the game in order for ME countries to see any benefit to themselves in continuing to play it.

We remove ourselves from the equation, except for food and oil trade. Those countries that want food will wake up and smell the hummus.

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