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Syrian Army begins military operation to recapture Raqqa

Fallujah is an ancient city in Iraq----modernized over time with a suuni population----it is not an
ISIS town as capt. blei claims. Isis has controlled it-----lately---the population is fleeing---so the Iranians are busy murdering the fleeing refugees-----because they are sunnis
At least, would you mind to put your nonsense into the "proper" thread?

at least would you cease your dancing on the dead bodies of victims of Hezbollah dogs and pigs
Poor ISIS. Boo-hoo...

ISIS----blame it all on isis-----Hezbollah and the assads murder in the hundreds of thousands and chant ISIS DID IT, DEATH TO ISIS, DEATH TO SUNNIS----
The majority of the Syrian army are Sunnis. It is the other way round, you don´t need to repeat your lies, it is already known what is really happening.

The majority of the murder machine of SADDAM was also sunni----turned Baathist.
The majority of the murder machine of Adolf
was catholic ---turned Nazi SAME THING
----add goosestepping Hezbollah to the same list
Fallujah is an ancient city in Iraq----modernized over time with a suuni population----it is not an
ISIS town as capt. blei claims. Isis has controlled it-----lately---the population is fleeing---so the Iranians are busy murdering the fleeing refugees-----because they are sunnis
At least, would you mind to put your nonsense into the "proper" thread?

at least would you cease your dancing on the dead bodies of victims of Hezbollah dogs and pigs
Poor ISIS. Boo-hoo...

ISIS----blame it all on isis-----Hezbollah and the assads murder in the hundreds of thousands and chant ISIS DID IT, DEATH TO ISIS, DEATH TO SUNNIS----
The majority of the Syrian army are Sunnis. It is the other way round, you don´t need to repeat your lies, it is already known what is really happening.

nope Not enough people know yet
You are going mad again?

you do not like my INSIGHT-------I can actually smell Islamo Nazi shit all the way back to Greece>> Persia>>Rome>>UP TO THE RHINE VALLEY AND OVER TO ARABIA---
out of Arabia the disease spread as a world
ISIS counter-attacks are stalling both the Syrian army and the SDF offensives, at least for now. The Syrian army always operates careful to minimize casualties while ISIS/FSAl-Qaeda captagon zombies are used as cannon fodder. So while ISIS has suffered many casualties in Raqqa so far, they still are able to replace them despite US claims their recruitments declined by 90 % to 200 zombies monthly. Furthermore, it is their ISIS-"capital" that is targeted and they will not make it easy for the Army and the Kurds.
However, the Syrian High Command knows what it does and the offensive will be continued as long as a success is likely.

Field Report: ISIS captures Sfaiyeh oilfield south of Tabqa Airbase. Map Update
Syrian Army launches new assault to liberate Thawrah Oil Fields in west Raqqa
Another fart from capt. blei>>>>>
*****Syrian army always operates careful to minimize casualties****
It would be funny were it not so tragically
nauseating-----the murderous Baathist pigs
HURTING PEOPLE-----sheeeesh --just like their Russian and Iranian ALLIES
irosie, the annoying fly, always divorces everything from its context but even then it results in utter bullshit.
ISIS launches counter-attacks in Manbij...

Islamic State launches counter-attacks on US-backed forces, Syrian army
21 Jun 2016 - The Islamic State group launched a counter-attack against fighters trying to capture the Syrian city of Manbij on Monday, inflicting heavy casualties on the U.S.-backed forces, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the militants said.
The monitor said the militants won back three villages south of the besieged city in a surprise assault against fighters from the U.S.-backed Syria Democratic Forces. At least 28 SDF fighters were killed. Two years after IS proclaimed its caliphate to rule over all Muslims from swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria, its many foes are advancing on a number of fronts in both countries. Their aim is to close in on its two capitals, Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq. The SDF were poised to enter Manbij nearly three weeks after the launch of a major assault to regain the city backed by U.S. air power and American Special Forces, to seal off the last stretch of the Syrian-Turkish frontier. The alliance, formed last year by recruiting Arabs to join forces with a powerful Kurdish militia, fought to nearly 2 km (1.24 miles) from the city centre from the western side on Saturday before retreating.

U.S-led coalition jets hit militants taking cover near a large wheat silo complex on the southern edge of the city that has been encircled by SDF forces. An SDF spokesman said forces succeeded in repulsing the militant attack and remained positioned on the outskirts of the city, most of whose residents remain trapped inside due to mines planted by the militants, who have dug in to defend it. "The situation is under control. They have many bodies on the ground," Sharfan Darwish, spokesman for the Syria Democratic Forces-allied Manbij Military Council, told Reuters. "We are at the four gates to the city. The whole city is booby-trapped. After 20 days of the campaign, we have yet to storm the city," he added, adding that some 2,000 people had succeeded in fleeing the city.

Islamic State militants were also able to roll back the Syrian army, which had reached as close as 10 km (6.2 miles) south of the strategic town of Tabqa, an Islamic State-held city on the Euphrates River, in Raqqa province. The town, some 50 km (30 miles) west of Raqqa city, the militant's defacto capital, appears to be the first target of a major Syrian army assault in Raqqa province backed by Russian air power that began earlier this month. Tabqa dam and a major air base have been in militant hands since 2014. The monitor said the army reverses on Sunday lost it territorial gains made in over two weeks of advances in Raqqa province which enabled it to cross its provincial boundary for the first time in over two years. Amaq news agency, which is affiliated with the militants, said suicide bombers had attacked Thawra oil field, south of Tabqa, which the Syrian army had captured earlier this week, and regained it.

Eyad al Hosain, a Syrian journalist embedded with Syrian troops, told Reuters the militants had succeeded in regaining areas they lost near the oil field. He did not give figures on army casualties. "A very intense attack has targeted army and allied positions in Thwara field that led to the withdrawal of troops from areas they liberated... and their retreat," al Hosain said. Amaq also said militants seized a Syrian army checkpoint near a strategic junction which leads to Raqqa city that the Syrian government forces and their allies had seized in the early phase of its Raqqa campaign. The monitor, which tracks violence across the country, said the militants had sent reinforcements and cited at least 300 fighters heading to Tabqa from Raqqa. State media also reported clashes with the militants around the main Jazal field near the ancient city of Palmyra in the country's central desert. The army and its allies continue to fight a costly war of attrition against Islamic State militants several months after seizing the city from them.

Islamic State launches counter-attacks on US-backed forces, Syrian army

"About the sitaution on al-Tabaqah axis. True the Syrian Armed Forces and allies withdrew to the nearest secured point after reaching 8km distance from al-Tabaqah airbase.

al-Tabaqah campaign toward al-Raqqah city has been so far with minimal casualties and the goal to keep it that way; the troops advancing got attacked with large number of suicide trucks, and were to be surrounded with their back not protected in they haven't withdrew.

The bulk of the troops on that axis for the records are Syrian Arab Army, with the presence of Russian experts, and Syrian para-military groups. The Syrian Army troops participating were hand selected, very highly trained and very experiences, most of these soldiers have been fighting for 5 years before they had another training course for this operation. They are highly capable and the field command are fully aware of their actions, and the situation.

These kind of tied are common in any military campaign, and nothing to worry about. The Syrian Arab Army and allies will not stop at al-Tabaqah, so don't worry they will not stop before reaching it.

And always remember this: "Worry does not mean fear, but readiness for the confrontation."

Commander in Chief of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces Bashar Hafiz al-Assad"

Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS

All hopes are lost for now. Putin, "the diplomat", encouraged the Syrians for such maneuvers and did not react after the peace talks he bombed into existence failed. Retrospective, it has to be questioned if the planned offensive should have been canceled when the CoH failed but Putin still believed in diplomacy and even continues on his lost path. He believes he can babysit Syria and everything will be fine but he only interferes in Syrian planning and the result is that the Syrian army has to turn the other cheek or otherwise is labeled "violating the ceasefire" where no ceasefire exists. Everyone in his right mind is very grateful for what the Russians have done but know it looks like they look for an exit where is none.

SouthFront: Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS | Al-Masdar News
Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS

All hopes are lost for now. Putin, "the diplomat", encouraged the Syrians for such maneuvers and did not react after the peace talks he bombed into existence failed. Retrospective, it has to be questioned if the planned offensive should have been canceled when the CoH failed but Putin still believed in diplomacy and even continues on his lost path. He believes he can babysit Syria and everything will be fine but he only interferes in Syrian planning and the result is that the Syrian army has to turn the other cheek or otherwise is labeled "violating the ceasefire" where no ceasefire exists. Everyone in his right mind is very grateful for what the Russians have done but know it looks like they look for an exit where is none.

SouthFront: Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS | Al-Masdar News

ya finally figured out that putin was getting tired of you?
Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS

All hopes are lost for now. Putin, "the diplomat", encouraged the Syrians for such maneuvers and did not react after the peace talks he bombed into existence failed. Retrospective, it has to be questioned if the planned offensive should have been canceled when the CoH failed but Putin still believed in diplomacy and even continues on his lost path. He believes he can babysit Syria and everything will be fine but he only interferes in Syrian planning and the result is that the Syrian army has to turn the other cheek or otherwise is labeled "violating the ceasefire" where no ceasefire exists. Everyone in his right mind is very grateful for what the Russians have done but know it looks like they look for an exit where is none.

SouthFront: Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS | Al-Masdar News

ya finally figured out that putin was getting tired of you?
Well, my additional signature, there you are again. What do you mean with "tired of you"?
Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS

All hopes are lost for now. Putin, "the diplomat", encouraged the Syrians for such maneuvers and did not react after the peace talks he bombed into existence failed. Retrospective, it has to be questioned if the planned offensive should have been canceled when the CoH failed but Putin still believed in diplomacy and even continues on his lost path. He believes he can babysit Syria and everything will be fine but he only interferes in Syrian planning and the result is that the Syrian army has to turn the other cheek or otherwise is labeled "violating the ceasefire" where no ceasefire exists. Everyone in his right mind is very grateful for what the Russians have done but know it looks like they look for an exit where is none.

SouthFront: Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS | Al-Masdar News

ya finally figured out that putin was getting tired of you?
Well, my additional signature, there you are again. What do you mean with "tired of you"?

you did not notice? -----he was getting war weary and tired of baby sitting the Syrian army
Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS

All hopes are lost for now. Putin, "the diplomat", encouraged the Syrians for such maneuvers and did not react after the peace talks he bombed into existence failed. Retrospective, it has to be questioned if the planned offensive should have been canceled when the CoH failed but Putin still believed in diplomacy and even continues on his lost path. He believes he can babysit Syria and everything will be fine but he only interferes in Syrian planning and the result is that the Syrian army has to turn the other cheek or otherwise is labeled "violating the ceasefire" where no ceasefire exists. Everyone in his right mind is very grateful for what the Russians have done but know it looks like they look for an exit where is none.

SouthFront: Syrian Army abandons campaign to capture Tabqa Airbase from ISIS | Al-Masdar News

ya finally figured out that putin was getting tired of you?
Well, my additional signature, there you are again. What do you mean with "tired of you"?

you did not notice? -----he was getting war weary and tired of baby sitting the Syrian army
He should simply waste no more time for US "diplomacy" and draw the conclusions:

1. Bomb the terrorists like before
2. Equip the Syrian army


To 1:
The Russian campaign has destroyed thousands of terrorist installations and nearly 30.000 terrorists. IED factories, ammunition depots, defenses, HQs, all that stuff. But terrorist entities are rebuilding them during the "ceasefire".

To 2:
The Syrian army is exhausted but nevertheless battlehardened and experienced. They have managed to destroy hundreds of thousands of terrorists and suffered low casualties doing so. They do not need advice but arms. Terrorists give their newbies one or two weeks to learn how to be a fighter and then waste them. Nevertheless, they have support from some countries that are busy to reinforce and equip them. That means that the Syrian army is in an dilemma: On one hand, the President and the army consider the lives of the soldiers more valuable than soil, and that is good, on the other hand, it doesn´t really matter how many cockroaches they smash as there will always be more as long as the borders aren´t secured and the terrorist entities don´t give up. This sounds very hopeless but the steadfastness of the Syrian army has prompted the terrorist entities to lay more and more stress on the conflict. This is why the war has become a tower defense like "event" for the Syrian army and it needs superior equipment to offset the terrorists´ superiority in numbers and eventually gain momentum.
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the Syrian army has killed tens OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE?
probably more like hundreds of thousands
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"According to a military source, 23 soldiers have been confirmed “killed-in-action” (KIA); 49 soldiers were wounded; and dozens of others are currently “missing-in-action” (MIA).
The soldiers that considered MIA are believed to be either dead, captured, or trapped behind enemy lines.
On Tuesday, the Syrian Armed Forces remained idle at the Zakiyah Crossroad in west Raqqa.
Currently, all of the Syrian Armed Forces involved in this offensive have been ordered to remain on standby – no plans to continue this assault have been communicated to Al-Masdar News."

Disastrous turn of events force the Syrian Army to withdraw from west Raqqa | Al-Masdar News

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