Syrian Rebels Release Video of Chemical Weapons Attack by Assad Regime


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Syrian Rebels Release Video of Chemical Weapons Attack by Assad Regime (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
December 9, 2012

Just five days ago Barack Obama warned the Assad regime in Syria that the use of chemical weapons on resistance fighters would be a “game changer.”
But that was five days ago.

The Syrian rebels posted video this weekend of an Assad chemical weapons attack.
Israel Matsav reported:


Read it all:
While it looks like mustard gas, if it was those people would be crying in pain, not sitting around just chillin'.

I won't call BS yet, but that video is very suspect.
While it looks like mustard gas, if it was those people would be crying in pain, not sitting around just chillin'.

I won't call BS yet, but that video is very suspect.

Yeah, and especially since it comes from Gateway Pundit, a blog site which in reality is Jim Hoft, which Media Matters has called "The dumbest man on the internet."

"....Jim Hoft (aka Gateway Pundit) stands out as uniquely incompetent. Hoft runs with (or spawns) almost every inane story that bubbles up in the conservative blogosphere, has proven that he has absolutely no vetting process for the sources he cites, and apparently has a hard time with basic reading comprehension....

....Indeed, in spite of the fact that Hoft embarrasses himself on a near-daily basis and has shown time and again that he is either willfully dishonest or staggeringly inept,..."

Jim Hoft: Dumbest Man on the Internet? | Blog | Media Matters for America
While it looks like mustard gas, if it was those people would be crying in pain, not sitting around just chillin'.

I won't call BS yet, but that video is very suspect.

Morphine does a lot to supress pain.
While it looks like mustard gas, if it was those people would be crying in pain, not sitting around just chillin'.

I won't call BS yet, but that video is very suspect.

Yeah, and especially since it comes from Gateway Pundit, a blog site which in reality is Jim Hoft, which Media Matters has called "The dumbest man on the internet."

"....Jim Hoft (aka Gateway Pundit) stands out as uniquely incompetent. Hoft runs with (or spawns) almost every inane story that bubbles up in the conservative blogosphere, has proven that he has absolutely no vetting process for the sources he cites, and apparently has a hard time with basic reading comprehension....

....Indeed, in spite of the fact that Hoft embarrasses himself on a near-daily basis and has shown time and again that he is either willfully dishonest or staggeringly inept,..."

Jim Hoft: Dumbest Man on the Internet? | Blog | Media Matters for America

Assad is already using chemical weapons, Syrian opposition claims​

Sarin and mustard gas utilized in battle, says defecting officer; last week’s internet blackout was cover for transport of arms to Damascus, according to opposition

By Elhanan Miller
December 7, 2012

Assad may be preparing to take chemical weapons with him in a retreat from Damascus, Israeli expert says Syrian official says chemical weapons chatter means West is looking for fight US, Russia signal possible cooperation as Syrian war mutates

As fears grow that Syrian President Bashar Assad may use chemical weapons in a desperate move to quell a 22-month uprising, members of the opposition claimed Friday that the regime is already using internationally-banned chemical agents in the war.

The Local Coordination Committees, an opposition group active inside Syria, reported that on Thursday the military “threw toxic gases” in Daraya, southwest of Damascus, and attacked the towns of Mohasan and Buomar with phosphorus bombs.

A senior opposition member told told A-Sharq Al-Awsat, a Saudi-owned daily with close ties to the Syrian opposition, that Assad cut internet and mobile communications to Syria last week in order to prepare and transport chemical weapons for use in Damascus, expecting a crucial battle with the Free Syrian Army in the capital.

‘I do not think [Assad] is suicidal or about to pursue a “Samson option,” as some have suggested,’ says Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and an expert on Syria.

He eventually did not use the weapons when the opposition decided to attack Damascus airport rather than the city itself. However, the regime’s use of cluster bombs and exploding barrels has been well-documented by international human rights groups.

Despite reports, Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and an expert on Syria, said Assad was unlikely to fully utilize his chemical weapons capabilities at this time.

“He must know that as soon as he uses them, he will have written his death warrant,” Landis told The Times of Israel. “I do not think he is suicidal or about to pursue a ‘Samson option’ as some have suggested.”

According to Western intelligence agencies, Syria owns one of the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world, intended originally as a strategic deterrent against Israel.

Captain Abdul Salam Abdul Razaq, who defected from Syria’s chemical warfare unit, told A-Sharq Al-Awsat that sarin and mustard gas are the two nerve agents primarily used by the Syrian army in combat.

He said that since the colorless, odorless sarin gas evaporates within half an hour, the Syrian army uses it “before entering any area.” Abdul Razaq also pleaded for international assistance in taking control of chemical weapon sites, which he claimed defectors have accurate intelligence about.

Read it all:
Assad is already using chemical weapons, Syrian opposition claims | The Times of Israel
While it looks like mustard gas, if it was those people would be crying in pain, not sitting around just chillin'.

I won't call BS yet, but that video is very suspect.

Yeah, and especially since it comes from Gateway Pundit, a blog site which in reality is Jim Hoft, which Media Matters has called "The dumbest man on the internet."

"....Jim Hoft (aka Gateway Pundit) stands out as uniquely incompetent. Hoft runs with (or spawns) almost every inane story that bubbles up in the conservative blogosphere, has proven that he has absolutely no vetting process for the sources he cites, and apparently has a hard time with basic reading comprehension....

....Indeed, in spite of the fact that Hoft embarrasses himself on a near-daily basis and has shown time and again that he is either willfully dishonest or staggeringly inept,..."

Jim Hoft: Dumbest Man on the Internet? | Blog | Media Matters for America

Assad is already using chemical weapons, Syrian opposition claims​

Sarin and mustard gas utilized in battle, says defecting officer; last week’s internet blackout was cover for transport of arms to Damascus, according to opposition

By Elhanan Miller
December 7, 2012

Assad may be preparing to take chemical weapons with him in a retreat from Damascus, Israeli expert says Syrian official says chemical weapons chatter means West is looking for fight US, Russia signal possible cooperation as Syrian war mutates

As fears grow that Syrian President Bashar Assad may use chemical weapons in a desperate move to quell a 22-month uprising, members of the opposition claimed Friday that the regime is already using internationally-banned chemical agents in the war.

The Local Coordination Committees, an opposition group active inside Syria, reported that on Thursday the military “threw toxic gases” in Daraya, southwest of Damascus, and attacked the towns of Mohasan and Buomar with phosphorus bombs.

A senior opposition member told told A-Sharq Al-Awsat, a Saudi-owned daily with close ties to the Syrian opposition, that Assad cut internet and mobile communications to Syria last week in order to prepare and transport chemical weapons for use in Damascus, expecting a crucial battle with the Free Syrian Army in the capital.

‘I do not think [Assad] is suicidal or about to pursue a “Samson option,” as some have suggested,’ says Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and an expert on Syria.

He eventually did not use the weapons when the opposition decided to attack Damascus airport rather than the city itself. However, the regime’s use of cluster bombs and exploding barrels has been well-documented by international human rights groups.

Despite reports, Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and an expert on Syria, said Assad was unlikely to fully utilize his chemical weapons capabilities at this time.

“He must know that as soon as he uses them, he will have written his death warrant,” Landis told The Times of Israel. “I do not think he is suicidal or about to pursue a ‘Samson option’ as some have suggested.”

According to Western intelligence agencies, Syria owns one of the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world, intended originally as a strategic deterrent against Israel.

Captain Abdul Salam Abdul Razaq, who defected from Syria’s chemical warfare unit, told A-Sharq Al-Awsat that sarin and mustard gas are the two nerve agents primarily used by the Syrian army in combat.

He said that since the colorless, odorless sarin gas evaporates within half an hour, the Syrian army uses it “before entering any area.” Abdul Razaq also pleaded for international assistance in taking control of chemical weapon sites, which he claimed defectors have accurate intelligence about.

Read it all:
Assad is already using chemical weapons, Syrian opposition claims | The Times of Israel

More worthless Israeli terorist propaganda. When are you internet heroes going to get past the lip service combat and join the real fight.
While it looks like mustard gas, if it was those people would be crying in pain, not sitting around just chillin'.

I won't call BS yet, but that video is very suspect.

When is anything ever posted by Werewolf not suspect?

He's the new Robodoon.
Two articles on the same subject and you claim it's suspect. Hmm... I suspect that the only time you accept anything is when your propagandist Marxist mouth pieces tell you it's the truth. Maddcow defecates and you eat it with a spoon.
Two articles on the same subject and you claim it's suspect. Hmm... I suspect that the only time you accept anything is when your propagandist Marxist mouth pieces tell you it's the truth. Maddcow defecates and you eat it with a spoon.

I'd come a whole lot closer to believing David Horowitz's "Times of Israel" than I would "The Gateway Pundit." Horowitz at least has a track record of reliability when he was Editor of the Jerusalem Post.

However, I would point out that both stories rely upon unsubstantiated "reports" from the opposition in Syria.

Never, ever forget that both the opposition and the Israeli's have a vested interest in drawing the West into the Syrian civil war. I'm not saying this isn't true, but the "reporting" is suspect at this time because of those vested interests and the lack of validation.

In other words, keep your shirt on for now.
While it looks like mustard gas, if it was those people would be crying in pain, not sitting around just chillin'.

I won't call BS yet, but that video is very suspect.

Yeah, and especially since it comes from Gateway Pundit, a blog site which in reality is Jim Hoft, which Media Matters has called "The dumbest man on the internet."

"....Jim Hoft (aka Gateway Pundit) stands out as uniquely incompetent. Hoft runs with (or spawns) almost every inane story that bubbles up in the conservative blogosphere, has proven that he has absolutely no vetting process for the sources he cites, and apparently has a hard time with basic reading comprehension....

....Indeed, in spite of the fact that Hoft embarrasses himself on a near-daily basis and has shown time and again that he is either willfully dishonest or staggeringly inept,..."

Jim Hoft: Dumbest Man on the Internet? | Blog | Media Matters for America

Because Media Matters is the epitome of journalistic integrity.:rolleyes:

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